
  • 网络Orange County;orange country
  1. 这正是美国各地的小社区里正在发生的事情:加利福尼亚州奥兰治县本月报告了22例麻疹病例、去年一名17岁的少年引发了纽约布鲁克林的疫情。

    That 's exactly what is happening in small neighborhoods around the country from Orange County , California , where 22 measles cases were reported this month , to Brooklyn , N . Y . , where a 17-year-old caused an outbreak last year .

  2. 南奥兰治县就是典型的高新技术区,有大量新建、且非常高档的办公园区,通过收费公路网连接起来,还将建设高速公路。封闭社区中居住的几乎都是受过大学教育的专业人士和技术人员。

    South Orange County is a classic nerdistan -- largely newly built , almost entirely2 upscale office parks , connected by a network of toll3 roads and superhighways to planned , often gated communities inhabited almost entirely by college educated professionals and technicians .

  3. 这在热门旅游目的地奥兰治县(OrangeCounty)是常见景象。奥兰治县正在竭尽所能地让满载着中国游客的大巴不断到来。

    It 's a common scene at the popular destination in Orange County , which is doing what it can to keep buses filled with Chinese tourists coming .

  4. 奥兰治县旅游观光协会(OrangeCountyVisitorsAssociation)主席埃德·富勒(EdFuller)表示,明年加州预计会迎来一个规模是其两倍多的团体。

    A group more than twice that size is expected in California next year , said Ed Fuller , president of the Orange County Visitors Association .

  5. 他们不是在洛杉矶或奥兰治县买入芭比梦幻屋(BarbieDreamHouse),就是在搜寻最好的美国私立学校,为的是给自己十几岁的孩子将来进入常青藤学习做准备。

    If they 're not buying up LA and Orange County Barbie Dream Houses , they 're out scouring the best American private schools to prepare their teens for the Ivy Leagues .

  6. 1991年,奥兰治县紧急医疗服务队和医院一起开发了一套适合医院实际情况的ICS系统,这套系统最终被命名为医院事故指挥系统(HICS)。

    In 1991 , the orange county emergency medical services and hospital worked together to develop a hospital adaptation of ICs ultimately named hics ( hospital incident command system ) .

  7. 这些新房坐落在洛杉矶以南的奥兰治县,看起来跟当地的其他房屋没有太大差别,但它们都有一个附加特性:莱纳公司(LennarCorporation)给自己盖的每一栋房子都安装了太阳能面板。

    They looked like many others going up in Orange County , south of Los Angeles , but with an extra feature : Lennar Corporation was putting solar panels on every house it built .

  8. 我是奥兰治县人,你单身还是已婚

    I 'm an Orange county native . Single or married ?

  9. 奥兰治县,包括商场,博物馆,迪斯尼乐园和纳氏草莓农场。

    Orange County , including Shopping , Museums , Disneyland and Knott 's Berry Farm .

  10. 大概若干年后我才在一家奥兰治县的餐馆里遇上她。

    It is several years until I see her at a restaurant down in Orange County .

  11. 该州民主党认为增加佛罗里达州奥兰治县的选民早期投票的额外时间是合理的。

    The State Democratic Party sued to allow Orange county Florida voters additional early voting time .

  12. 奥兰治县大公园全面掌握计划“21世纪的大公园的设想”,加利福尼亚州欧文。

    Orange County Great Park Comprehensive Master Plan " A Vision for the Great Park of the21st Century ", Irvine , California .

  13. 上周,我花了一些时间待在奥兰治县与一些家庭成员谈论梦想和生活方式的改变。

    Last weekend , I spent some time in Orange County and talked with a few family members about dreams and lifestyle changes .

  14. 芦苇河火灾救援队、奥兰治县以及佛罗里达鱼类野生动物管理局共同展开了对该名儿童和鳄鱼的搜索工作。

    Reedy Creek Fire Rescue , Orange County and the Florida Fish and Wildlife authorities were searching for both the child and the alligator .

  15. 奥兰治县治安官杰瑞·德明斯在新闻发布会上声称,警方一直在搜寻这名两岁儿童,但至今仍未找到。

    Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said in a news conference that police have been searching for the 2-year-old boy , but had not found him .

  16. 他有3栋价值1880万美元的房子,分布在奥兰治县,离斯台普斯中心很远。

    He owns three houses worth $ 18.8 million . All of them are in Orange County , CA , a lengthy drive from the Staples Center .

  17. 奥兰治县的地方官员表示,在被送到附近的庆典医院时,安东尼还有脉搏和呼吸,但几天后去世。

    Orange County Sheriff 's officials said Anthony had a pulse and was breathing when he was taken to nearby Celebration Hospital , but he died several days later .

  18. 经过了两年半的努力,来自加州奥兰治县的电脑程序设计师麦克-森纳终于造出了一个真实版的机器人瓦力。

    Mike Senna , a computer programmer from Orange County , California , has spent the last two and a half years building a real-life Wall-E robot , from scratch .

  19. 据报道,奥兰治县采用了非常“高效的污水处理”技术,经过层层过滤和净化过程,最后的水质超过了多数饮用水的标准。

    Orange County takes " highly treated " sewer water and sends it through various filtration and purification processes , until the final product exceeds the standards for most drinking water .

  20. 伯格唱片公司是一个独立唱片制作团体,位于洛杉矶郊区奥兰治县。它的联合创始人,32岁的李·里卡德说:“磁带播放的音乐听起来有不同的感觉,有时候甚至可以还原音乐的韵味。”

    Lee Rickard , 32 , co-founder of independent record label Burger Records , which is based in Orange County , a suburb of Los Angeles , explained the appeal , saying : ' Music just sounds different on tape , sometimes as it was originally intended to sound .

  21. 一位来自美国哥伦比亚奥兰治堡县的爷爷最近登上了新闻,因为他去学校接小孙子,却领了个全然不一样的小孩回家。

    A grandfather from Orangeburg County , Columbia , recently made the news after going to school to pick up his young grandson and coming home with a totally different child .