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hé tào
  • Hetao;the bend of a river;the Great Bend of the Huanghe River
河套 [hé tào]
  • (1) [the bend of a river]∶围成大半个圈的河道,也指这样的河道围着的地方

  • (2) [the Great Bend of the Huanghe River]∶指黄河从宁夏横城到陕西府谷的一段。过去也指黄河的这一段围着的地区;现在则指黄河的这一段和贺兰山、狼山、大青山之间的地区

河套[hé tào]
  1. 用内蒙古河套灌区春小麦非充分灌溉试验资料,建立了BP神经网络的春小麦作物水模型。

    Based on irrigation experiment data in spring wheat in Hetao Irrigation District , a model of simulating spring wheat response to water with BP neural network method is developed .

  2. 河套灌区总补给量大于灌区所需水量,但剩余水量为1.556亿m3,量较小,进一步节水的潜力不大。

    The total supply is larger than the water required for irrigation district , but the remaining water is 155.6 million m3 , the volume is small , it has less potential for further water conservation .

  3. 河套地区无症状性颈动脉狭窄危险因素调查

    He Tao Area Symptomless Carotid Artery Arteries Narrow Hazard Factor Investigation

  4. 为什么广大的客户会选择河套哈密瓜呢?

    Why do the majority of customers choose to do Hetao Melon ?

  5. 河套灌区向日葵适宜播种农业气象指标研究

    The Agriculture Weather Index Sign on Sunflower Feat Sow Seeds

  6. 灌区土地利用变化驱动因素分析&以内蒙古河套灌区为例

    Driving Forces of Land Use Changes in Irrigated Agriculture

  7. 宁夏河套灌区节水目标与发展潜力

    Water saving objective and development potential of Yellow River irrigated districts in Ningxia

  8. 河套蜜瓜是典型的呼吸跃变型果实。

    Cucumis melo is a typical fruit with a leap change in respiration .

  9. 河套灌区蒸散发分析及耗水机制研究

    Research on Regional Evapotranspiration and Water Consumption Mechanism

  10. “河套东南角理想剖面”的新近研究

    Recent study on the " ideal section in the southeast corner of ordos "

  11. 河套地区古代农业发展述略

    A Brief Introduction of Ancient Agriculture in the Great Bend Area of the Yellow Rive

  12. 对不同生长调节物质对河套蜜瓜器官培养的影响进行了研究。

    Effect of growth regulators on rooting of regenerated shoots from Dendrobium huoshanense protocorm-like bodies ;

  13. 历史时期河套地区农业开发与土壤沙漠化的关系

    The Relationship Between Agricultural Exploitation and Desertification in the Great Bend of Huanghe River in History

  14. 河套地区春季扬沙天气影响因子的初步研究

    Preliminary research on effect factors of BLOWING-SAND weather in spring in Mid-Reaches of the Huanghe River

  15. 黄河内蒙古河段封河预报数学模型研究内蒙古河套灌区引用黄河水量分析

    A Study of Freeze-up Forecasting Mathematical Model in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River

  16. 河套是一个查勒克,采用一回路,使更多的方便和灵活。

    The Loop is a chalker that uses a loop to make it convenient and more versatile .

  17. 河套人牙齿化石在内蒙古发现。

    The fossil ( tooth ) of " Hetao Man "( UPP ) discovered in Inner Mongolia .

  18. 内蒙河套灌区排水沟边坡坍塌的防治措施

    Protective Measure for the Side Collapse of Drainage Ditches in the Great Bead Irrigation Area , Inner Mongolia

  19. 鄂尔多斯地区是著名的“河套文化”发源地,这里生长着许多珍稀植物,特别是古老残遗植物。

    Erdos is well known for the river civilization and many endangered plants growing specially the old relic plants .

  20. 针对风积沙加固河套地区的特殊不良路基地基的应用技术研究,阐述了将风积沙用于路基不良地基的加固处理技术。

    This article describes the application technology for consolidating the special poor subgrade in the Hetao Area with wind-blown sand .

  21. 河套平原咸水分布特征及其成因分析

    An analysis of the distribution of saline water and its origin in the great rend plain of the Huanghe River

  22. 大西洋多暴风雨的海域.2007年夏季河套地区两次区域性大暴雨过程的模拟分析

    The Simulation and Analysis of Two Regional Summer Heavy Storm of 2007 in the Great Bend of the Yellow River

  23. 由于河套高压是一个水平尺度较小的移动性系统,所以高温持续天数较短。

    The Hetao High is a relatively small and locomotive system , so hot weather usually sustains only several days .

  24. 农业最集中的地方在黄河南部河套地区,主要的农作物是粟。

    The largest concentration of agriculture stood below the southern bend of the Yellow River and the main crop was millet .

  25. 利用1985年和2000年的土地利用数据,对内蒙古河套灌区的土地利用变化及景观格局变化进行了研究。

    Based on land use data of1985 and2000 in Hetao Irrigation District , land use change and landscape pattern change were analyzed .

  26. 文章最后提出了河套高压的形成还可能和高空急流的动力加压有关。

    At last , the paper pointed out that the formation of the Hetao High might be associated with dynamically pressure increase .

  27. 接着,秦又徙民几万家于河套。这对于边地的开垦和边防的加强起到了积极作用。

    Tens of thousands of families were migrated to Hetao subsequently , which played a positive role in land reclamation and frontier defence .

  28. 本文讨论了河套盆地断裂活动的基本特征及其与油气的关系。研究表明,河套盆地主要为一新生代的断陷盆地。

    The characteristics of the fault activity in Hetao Basin and ist relation with oil and gas have been studied in this paper .

  29. 渠井联合运用的优化决策,可广泛应用于河套引黄灌区灌排工程配套及管理之中。

    The optimum policy of conjunctive operation of canal and well can be widely used in irrigation engineering management of the Hetao irrigation district .

  30. 研究结果表明,在以浅地下水位为主要特征的河套灌区,农田间“五水”转化频繁而复杂。

    The results indicate that five related water commute complex and frequent in Hetao irrigation area which have unique characteristics of its shallow groundwater .