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  • 网络pei county;Peixian County
  1. 利用GPS定位技术建立沛县地籍测量控制网

    Application of GPS Technique in Land Surveying Control Net of Pei County

  2. 第三章,沛县方言词汇研究。

    The third chapter , the glossary research of Pei County dialect .

  3. 土地利用规划对土地生态安全的影响评价&以江苏省沛县为例

    Influence Evaluation of Land Use Plan on Land Ecological Security

  4. 第四章,沛县方言语法专题研究。

    The fourth chapter , special study of grammar in Pei County dialect .

  5. 沛县9所医院消毒灭菌质量调查

    Investigation of Disinfection Quality in 9 Hospitals in Peixian

  6. 江苏沛县滨河公园(二期)规划设计

    Designing of Waterfront Park ( 2 ) in Peixian

  7. 徐州地区丰县、沛县本地电话网改造方案简介

    Discussion on the Networking and Construction Solution of Local Telephone Network in Xuzhou Region

  8. 徐州沛县煤矿地质环境治理规划信息系统设计

    The Study on the Programming to Treat the Geological Environment of the Mine Areas in Pei County of Xuzhou

  9. 介绍了沛县的地理位置、历史沿革、行政区划以及语言概况。

    To the evolution of Pei County , its geographical position and the administrative regionalization as well as the language survey .

  10. 特色农产品经济与丰、沛县交界区6镇农村社会变迁(1991-2006年)

    A Relationship between Characteristic Agricultural Product Economy and the Countryside Vicissitude in Six Town Border Areas of Feng County and Pei County ( in 1991-2006 );

  11. 秦朝末年,刘邦是沛县一名亭长(管理十里以内的小官)。

    Liu Bang , the founder of the Han Dynasty , was originally a minor official in Peixian County in the later part of the Qin Dynasty .

  12. 沛县地处江苏北部,气候温暖,雨水充沛,具备生产蔬菜良好的自然条件。

    Pei County is located in north of Jiangsu Province which enjoys warm climate and abundant rainfall . The county possess good natural conditions for vegetable production .

  13. 沛县话的声调改读问题除了言语交流,我们的话语音调,眼神的交流,姿态,手势,触摸以及面部表情等都在交际中起着极其重要的作用。

    Besides the spoken language , tone of voice , eye movement , posture , hand gestures , touches , facial expressions and so on are also of vital importance in our communication .

  14. 沛县衙里的文书萧何和监狱官曹参知道刘邦是个好汉,便经常暗地与他来往,商量准备起兵反秦。

    Xiao He and Cao Can , respectively secretary and prison governor of Peixian County , admired Liu Bang and had secret contacts with him , urging him to help overthrow the corrupt and tyrannous Qin Dynasty .

  15. 沛县计生局以自身现有资源为依托,对县级计生技术服务工作在服务范围、内容、要求等方面向优质服务转化,进行了有益的探索和实践。

    Peixian Family Planning Bureau , depending on its existing resources , has carried out important exploration and practice in the quality transitions of its technical services for family planning in terms of scope , contents and requirements .

  16. 他出生于沛县(今江苏省沛县)的一个农民家庭,在秦朝(公元前221年至公元前206年)晚期曾担任农民起义的领袖。

    He was born into a peasant family in Pei ( present Pei County in Jiangsu Province ) , and was once one of the leaders of the peasant insurrections in the late Qin Dynasty ( 221 - 206 B.C. ) .