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jiǔ zhōu
  • Kyushu;China;a poetic name for China
九州 [jiǔ zhōu]
  • (1) [China]∶中国的别称

  • (2) [Kyushu]∶日本四主岛中最南的岛

九州[jiǔ zhōu]
  1. 古老的萨摩省位于日本九州岛最南端。

    The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu .

  2. 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)

    Only in wind and thunder can the country show its vitality , | alas , the ten thousand horses all muted !

  3. 九州大学理学部纪要,C部分:化学。

    Kyushu University : Faculty of Science : Memoirs : Series C : Chemistry .

  4. 九州岛配件供应短缺迫使丰田(Toyota)在全日本的汽车工厂启动了临时的停产措施。

    A shortage of parts out of Kyushu forced Toyota to begin temporary shutdowns at car plants across the country .

  5. 据美联社(AssociaedPress)报道,这次的台风预计将于周一在日本九州完全登陆,成为本周以来的第二场强风暴。

    The typhoon was expected by Monday to fully reach the island of Kyushu , Japan , becoming the second severe storm to hit in a week , according to The Associated Press .

  6. 新干线E1系双层电车的空调系统九州新干线800系电动车组

    The Airconditioning System used in Series E1 Electric Double Decker Car on Shinkansen The 800 Series EMUs for Kyushu Shinkansen

  7. 日本九州大学、东京大学和农业生物资源研究所的3个研究小组对RNAi在家蚕中的应用进行了探索,初步发现在家蚕和其培养细胞中存在RNA干涉现象。

    In Bombyx mori , Kyushu University , Tokyo University and Biology Resources and Genetic Graduate School searched and found that RNAi phenomenon existed in culture cell of silkworm .

  8. 位于日本西南部的九州电力(kyushuelectricpower)之前表示,计划于周二晚重启玄海(genkai)核电站第4号核反应堆。

    Kyushu Electric Power , a utility in the southwest of the country , said it planned to restart the No 4 reactor at its Genkai atomic power station late on Tuesday night .

  9. 位于九州岛南部的川内核电厂的两座反应堆,被原子能管制委员会(NuclearRegulationAuthority)首批认证为足够安全、可以重启,该委员会成立于两年前,旨在恢复公众对核监督的信心。

    The two reactors at the Sendai power plant on the southern island of Kyushu are the first to be certified as safe enough to restart by the Nuclear Regulation Authority since the agency was created two years ago to restore public confidence in nuclear oversight .

  10. 认为九州耳蕨P.kiusiuenseTagawa是大叶耳蕨P.grandifronsC.Chr.的一异名,二尖耳蕨P.biaristatum(Bl.)Moore极有可能并不分布于喜马拉雅、中南半岛、缅甸和云南。

    Chr . and it is very possible that P. biaristatum ( Bl. ) Moore is not distributed in the Himalayas , Indo China , Myanmar and Yunnan .

  11. 1998年,中国大学生篮球协会正式推出CUBA,高校篮球运动铺天盖地的席卷九州,成为篮球运动与校园文化的一道亮丽的风景线。

    In 1998 , CUBA basketball league was formally unveiled by China University Basketball Association , university basketball games sweep across China , and become beautiful scenery together with culture of the campus of basketball .

  12. 中国媒体称,船长和两名船员已被带至九州岛上的鹿儿岛市(kagoshima)接受讯问。

    Chinese media said the captain and two crew had been taken to Kagoshima City on Kyushu Island to be questioned .

  13. 方法:回顾1982~1996年日本九州大学医院部皮肤科住院治疗的MM患者72例,分析其一般资料、前驱病变、临床病理分型、TNM分类以及目前状态。

    Methods : Histologic slides of 72 cases of MM from 1982 to 1996 in Department of Dermatology , Kyushu University Faculty of Medicine were retrospectively reviewed . The general data , premonitory lesion , pathological type , TNM classification and present state were analyzed .

  14. 主要的岛屿(有时指的是主岛屿)从北向南依次是北海道(Hokkaido),本州(Honshu)(或称大陆),四国岛(Shikoku),和九州(Kyushu)。

    The main islands ( sometimes referred to as the Home Islands ), running from north to south , are Hokkaido , Honshu ( or the mainland ), Shikoku , and Kyushu .

  15. 圆斑星鲽(Veraspervariegatus),俗称花斑宝、花瓶片,自然分布于我国黄渤海和东海、日本北海道以南至九州沿海。

    Spotted halibut ( Verasper variegatus ) is distributed in China Yellow Sea and East China Sea , south of Hokkaido to kyushu coast .

  16. 将基于子流域的TOPMODEL和TOPMODEL应用在九州流域,并进行模拟比较,发现基于子流域的TOPMODEL更能反映流域的实际情况,模拟的结果更加合理。

    The sub-basins TOPMODEL and TOPMODEL are used in Jiuzhou basin , the simulated result of the sub-basin TOPMODEL is better than TOPMODEL and the simulated results are more reasonable .

  17. AtsuoTakanashi教授是研究负责人,日本南部北九州市机器人生产商Tmsuk公司也参与了研制。

    They were led by Professor Atsuo Takanashi , and worked with robot manufacturer Tmsuk , based in Kitakyushu , southern Japan .

  18. 譬如,普天间的直升飞机可以移往庞大的冲绳嘉手纳(Kadena)空军基地,或者日本四主岛之一的九州岛。

    Futenma 's helicopters could , for example , be moved to the huge Kadena air force base on Okinawa , or to Kyushu , one of Japan 's main islands .

  19. 九州西海岸的长崎则是另外一种模式。

    Nagasaki on Kyushu 's west coast tells a different tale .

  20. 试谈日本九州早期铁器来源问题

    On the Source of the Early Ironware of Kyushu , Japan

  21. 九州清宴是圆明园景区中最大的建筑群。

    Kyushu-ching Yuanmingyuan scenic feast is the largest construction group .

  22. 日本九州老工业基地改造政策分析

    An Analysis of Japan 's Restructuring Policies for Kyushu Old Industrial Base

  23. 年青的九州俯冲带的地震结构和岩浆作用

    Seismic structure and magmatism of the young Kyushu subduction zone

  24. 九州之命名来源与气候有很紧密的联系。

    The origin of " Kyushu " was closely related to climate .

  25. 幽州远古时代的九州之一。

    Youzhou of Kyushu , one of ancient times .

  26. 您指给我去九州饭店的路好吗?

    Can you direct me to the holiday inn ?

  27. 九州学校是今天早晨刚刚成立的。

    Jiuzhou school did not exist until this morning .

  28. 中日城市人口结构的对比分析&以中国大连市与日本北九州市为例

    The comparative study on the structure of the urban population between China and Japan

  29. 日本九州岛北岸港市。香港港岛石油气代理商商会有限公司

    A Japanese city on northern Kyushu . Hong Kong Island LPG Dealers Association Limited

  30. 位于日本的九州和本州之间的一座吊桥。

    A suspension bridge between Kyushu and Honshu .