
rú shēng
  • Confucian scholar
儒生 [rú shēng]
  • [Confucian scholar] 指遵从儒家学说的读书人。后来泛指读书人

  • 云间有儒生 莫后光见之。-- 清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

儒生[rú shēng]
  1. 庄子说:“鲁国是儒家的故乡,但是只有一名儒生。这怎么能说鲁国儒生很多呢?”

    Zhuang Zi said : " The State of Lu is the native place of Confucianism , but there is only one Confucian scholar . How can you say that there are many Confucian scholars in the State of Lu ? "

  2. 天下一统是此时出现的新形势,儒生在此形势下积极参与新王朝的政治建设。

    A world series was the new situation which appeared at the time , the Confucian scholar positively participated in the political construction of the new dynasty in this new situation .

  3. 哀公说:“我们鲁国有很多儒生,但是学习你道家学说的人却很少。”

    Ai Gong said : " There are many Confucian scholars in our country , but very few study your Taoist doctrines1 . "

  4. 庄子反驳说:“情况不是您说的那样,事实上儒生在鲁国很少。”

    Zhuang Zi retorted : " The actual situation is not like what you said . In fact , there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu . "

  5. 哀公听了,反问说:“鲁国上上下下,都穿着儒生的衣服,怎么能说儒生少呢?”

    Hearing this , Ai Gong replied by asking a question : " How can you say there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu , when all the people in the state wear the clothes of Confucian scholars ? "

  6. 身份的重构:儒生天主教徒对十诫的诠释

    Identity Reconstruction : Interpretation of the Confucian Catholics to the Decalogue

  7. 儒生的公众形象和自我定位

    The Public Image and Self-evaluation of the Confucius Scholars

  8. 脚穿方形鞋的儒生,能够通晓地理;

    those who wear square-shaped shoes understand geography ;

  9. 儒生与西汉中后期社会批判思潮

    Confucian Scholars and the Trend of Social Criticism during the Middle and Late West Han Dynasty

  10. 事实上儒生在鲁国很少。”

    In fact , there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu . "

  11. 宋的代的儒生几乎都谈论人性问题,并且各自都有自己的体会。

    The song Confucian scholars are almost human problem , and each has its own experience .

  12. 我本是一个贫困的儒生,并不富裕。那位先生风度儒雅。

    I used to be a poor Confucian scholar . He is a gentleman of scholarly bearing .

  13. 这怎么能说鲁国儒生很多呢?”

    How can you say that there are many Confucian scholars in the State of Lu ? "

  14. 所以他与皇权的关系,是一种半依附的状态,这是另一类儒生的代表。

    Therefore , he was ina semi-state of dependence . He represented another type of confucian scholars .

  15. 不同于儒生式复古,解决现代的问题只能由现代人用现代方式去做。

    Unlike restoring the ancient ways , the modern problems can only be solved with contemporary methods by contemporary people .

  16. 试析明清时期江西金溪部分儒生向刻书业的身份转型

    Identity Change of Part of Confucian Scholars to Publishers in Jinxi , Jiangxi Province in the Ming & Qing Dynasty

  17. 以此为契机,大批儒生走上了政治舞台。

    Taking this as the turning point , a large number of Confucian scholars have stepped onto the political arena .

  18. 距今1600多年前的晋代,有个心地善良的儒生叫毛宝。

    During the Chin dynasty about 1 , 600 years ago , there was a kindhearted Confucian scholar named Mao Bao .

  19. 摘要两汉时期的儒生对“制礼”之事情有独钟,“制礼”风潮终两汉而不断。

    In Han dynasty , Confucian scholars had a special liking on making ritual and continuously stirred up the wave of making ritual .

  20. 无讼是中华民族在法律文化上的最高追求,是历代统治者与儒生们所追求的目标。

    No-lawsuit is the highest pursue of Chinese law , and also is the objective governors of past dynasties and Confucian scholars seeking .

  21. 秦始皇派御史侦察,先后逮捕了460多个儒生,全部在咸阳坑杀。

    The First Emperor sent inspectors to investigate , then arrested over 460 people and finally had all of them buried alive in Xianyang .

  22. 经过三年苦修,他攻得儒生的地位,在政府机构谋得一份官职。

    After hard study of three years , he attained a title of Ju ( Confucian ) scholar and held a position in the government .

  23. 王莽代汉并不是由王莽个人野心所导致的,而是儒生政治的必然产物。

    That Wang Mang took place of the Western Han dynasty was not resulted in by ambition of Wang Mang but the rule of Confucian scholars .

  24. 在中国王权主宰一切的情形下,儒生们很难挺起自由、独立的脊梁。

    Under a situation that Chinese royal power controlled all , the Confucian scholars were very difficult to stand upright the free , democratic , independent backbone .

  25. 而儒生之所以有这一自信,乃是由于在他们看来,礼教最深刻最完整的反映了民情。

    Scholars The reason of scholars ' confidence is due to its view that Confucianism is the most profound and most complete reflection of the people sentiments .

  26. 从实际的儒家生态来看,儒生的角色是多样化的,其中制度化儒家最主要的角色是政治性的,他们对于中国社会的影响主要也体现在政治观念和社会秩序的建设上;

    In the view of factual circumstances , the Confucius scholars mainly played political role , they had strong social influence on constructing political ideas and social orders .

  27. 这既是政治统一的客观条件使然,也是以董仲舒为代表的儒生自我选择的结果。

    The reason of transmutation is not only the objective condition of political unity , but also the result of self choice of Confucian scholars head by Dong Zhongshu .

  28. 由于政治需求,儒生们不得不夸大孔子的形象与强大的帝王权利抗衡,从而达到政治目的。

    Due to the political needs , Confucian scholars people had to exaggerate the image of Confucius and powerful Kings against the rights , so as to achieve political purpose .

  29. 论现代思维结构的转型义不讪上,智不危身发微&董仲舒春秋公羊学与汉代儒生的人格蜕变

    On the Transmutation of Modern Structure of Thinking Dong Zhongshu 's Gong Yang School 's Theory of Spring and Autumn and the Confucian Scholars ' Personal Transmutation of Han Dynasty

  30. 成均馆会议是成均馆儒生的独特权利,是除了校长外,任何政府官员,甚至连皇帝他自己都不能干涉的。

    Sungkyunkwan council meeting is a distinct right of the Sungkyunkwan scholar that except for the school principal , no government official , not even the King himself can interfere with .