
rú jiā sī xiǎnɡ
  • Confucianism
  1. 2009年,美国学者杜维明离开哈佛燕京学社(Harvard-YenchingInstitute),前往北京大学任教,致力于宣扬儒家思想,视之为一种与西方哲学并驾齐驱的严肃伦理体系。

    The American scholar Tu Weiming left the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2009 for a post at Beijing University , promoting Confucianism as a serious ethical system on a par with western philosophy .

  2. 在从Hofstede和Hall的文化理论以及儒家思想的角度对两国文化进行比较之后,作者假设了中美文化影响着消费者对服务性机构信任建立的过程,以及最能让消费者产生信任感的因素。

    And ( 3 ) to explore cultural explanations behind these differences . Based on comparison of the two cultures in terms of cultural theories proposed by Hofstede and Hall , as well as Confucianism , hypothesis is generated about cultural influence on consumer trust-building processes and influential factors .

  3. 儒家思想已成为我们文化遗产的一部分。

    Confucian ideas have become part of our cultural inheritance .

  4. 中国传统意义上的礼貌指的是为了维持中国面子而采取的交际行为;礼貌具有维持儒家思想中规定的具有等级性的关系网,并且被社会所接受的交际功能(Gu,1990)。

    Chinese politeness is the behavior to maintain Chinese face with the functions of keeping the Confucian hierarchy and social acceptance ( Gu , 1990 ) .

  5. 本研究发现,对话、契约、慈善和市场是儒家思想中能与中国自身知识体系下的企业传播和CSR相契合的准则,并具有社会和谐和制度化的潜力。

    Dialogue , contract , philanthropy , and market are the principles of Confucius that better correspond in Chinese knowledge system and have potential of societal and system harmony .

  6. 儒家思想的反省与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Development of the Thought of Confucianism

  7. 儒家思想是东方文明的主要内容。

    Confucian thought plays a key role in the oriental civilization .

  8. 儒家思想对武术道德的影响

    The Influence of Confucianism on the Ethics of Martial Arts

  9. 关于宽容与诚实的儒家思想资源及其局限性

    The Confucianist Resource of Tolerance and Sincerity and Its Limitations

  10. 诸子百家中,儒家思想对中国古代伦理思想的发展影响较大。

    Philosophers of Confucianism in ancient China influenced the development of ethics .

  11. 贺麟的儒家思想现代性话语

    The Discourse of Confucian Modernity in HE Lin 's Philosophy

  12. 改变以儒家思想为核心内容的传统教育,大力推行新式文化教育;

    Education reform , changing the confucian education into the modern education .

  13. 大学生思想政治教育与儒家思想教育

    Confucianism Education and College Students ' Ideological and Political Education

  14. 在儒家思想中求解李约瑟难题

    Trying to solve the Needham Problem in the Thought of Confucian School

  15. 儒家思想在新的历史条件下的社会价值

    The social value of confucian thought under new historical conditions

  16. 试论儒家思想的历史地位和现实价值

    On the Historical Status and Realistic Value of the Confucianists

  17. 现代文化塑造与儒家思想萃取

    On the Moulding Modern Culture and the Selection of Confucianism

  18. 儒家思想与社会主义和谐社会的道德建设论略

    Research on Relationship Between Confucianism and Morality Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society

  19. 不少企业家把儒家思想引进到企业管理中;

    Some companies are using Confucianism as a management tool .

  20. 儒家思想根深蒂固占据他的头脑,非儒思想从没能真正成为他行动的指南。

    Confucian thoughts were deeply rooted in his mind .

  21. 儒家思想是中国的正统思想。

    Confucian thought is the orthodox thought in China .

  22. 试论儒家思想对白族本主文化的影响

    Influences of Confucian ideas on the folk religious culture of the Bai people

  23. 《儒家思想的遥远回声》辨析

    Discrimination and analysis of a distant echo of Confucianism

  24. 先秦儒家思想政治教育的当代启示

    Contemporary Enlightenment on the Thought and Political Education of Confucianism of Pre-Qin Dynasty

  25. 庞德《诗章》对儒家思想之阐释

    Pound 's Interpretation of Confucian Ideas in the Cantos

  26. 儒家思想中宽容精神的现实意义

    The Practical Values of the Spirit of Confucian Tolerance

  27. 儒家思想体系在先秦已经形成。

    Confucian ideology has already formed in pre-qin period .

  28. 和谐是儒家思想最高的价值标准。

    " Harmony " is " the superior value criterion of Confucian ideology " .

  29. 儒家思想的生命情怀

    The Focus on Life of the Confucian Thoughts

  30. 文人·儒家思想·游侠精神

    Humanism , Confucian Thought and Chivalric Spirit