
Hú Shì
  • Hu Shih ;leading intellectual;exponent of vernacular writing
  1. “Motif”一词,用作研究民间故事之术语时,指故事中最小之完整叙事单元,胡适将之音译为“母题”。

    As a literary term , a " motif " is the smallest element in a tale having a power to persist in tradition .

  2. 胡适对中国现代翻译事业的贡献

    The contribution of HI Shi to modern Chinese translation . undertaking

  3. 胡适文学理论与批评的接受意向

    The Receiving Intention of Literature Theory and Criticism of Hu Shi

  4. 因此,研究胡适的早期诗文很有必要。

    Thus , great importance lies in studying his early works .

  5. 胡适译诗与新诗体的建构

    Hu Shi 's Translated Verses and Construction of New Poetic Forms

  6. 庞德与胡适:诗歌翻译的文化思考

    Pound and Hu Shi : A Cultural Approach to Poetry Translation

  7. 胡适博士学位论文选题的确定

    The Determination of the Theme of Hu Shi 's Doctoral Dissertation

  8. 胡适与20世纪的中国词学

    Hu Shi and the Thought of Ci in the 20th Century

  9. 胡适的文体理论及其文学史意义

    Hu Shi 's Style Theories and Their Significance in Literary History

  10. 胡适白话文理论的现代性维度

    On the Modernity of Hu Shi 's Theory of Vernacular Chinese

  11. 正因如此,胡适一生坚持,始终不渝!

    So Hu Shi insisted it all his life , unswerving !

  12. 鲁迅与胡适的文化心态比较

    Comparison of Minds on Culture Between LU Xun and HU Shi

  13. 新文化运动时期胡适女性主义思想研究综述

    On HU Shi 's Feminist Thought during the New Culture Movement

  14. 从形式革命到整理国故&试论胡适对新文学的系统构建

    Dr. Hu Shi and the Systematic Construction of the New Literature

  15. 新发现的胡适轶文《中国的小说》及其意义

    Hu Shi 's Newly-Discovered Paper " Chinese Fiction " and Its Significance

  16. 其中,胡适是最积极也是最令人瞩目的一位。

    Hu Shih was among the most active and most noticeable ones .

  17. 他们还在学术方面支持胡适的主张。

    They also supported Hu Shi in his academic works .

  18. 胡适有“中国文艺复兴之父”之称。

    Hu Shi has been called " Father of Chinese Renaissance " .

  19. 胡适与科学、玄学之论争

    Hu Shi relation with the contention between science and metaphysics

  20. 译耶?作耶?&胡适译诗与翻译的历史界定

    Hu Shi 's Translated Poems and Translation Defined in the Historical Background

  21. 胡适为什么特别看重“同等学力”

    Why did Hu Shi value especially " the same educational level "

  22. 试论胡适白话诗的散文化倾向

    On the Prose Tendency of Colloquial Poem by Hu Shi

  23. 胡适在九一八事变后的爱国行动也对他的人生道路产生了深刻的影响。

    His patriotic activities also exerted influence on his life .

  24. 胡适研究现在已经成为学术研究热点之一。

    And they have become one of the foci for academic research .

  25. 梁启超与胡适年谱思想之比较

    The Comparison of LIANG Qi-chao and HU Shi Chronicle Thoughts

  26. 和平主义是胡适最先认同的国际政治思想。

    Pacifism was the international political thought first recognized by Hu Shi .

  27. 胡适是我国著名的学者,大教育家。

    Hu Shi is renowned scholars and big educationalist of our country .

  28. 胡适文明观论析

    An Analytic Approach to Hu Shi 's Views on Civilization

  29. 胡适是新文化运动的领军人物。

    Hu Shi was the leader of New Culture Movement .

  30. 试论胡适与中国现代自由主义文学思潮

    Hu Shih and the Liberal Trend in Chinese Modem Literature