
  1. 胡雪岩活着的时候,就已经是一个传奇了。

    Hu Xueyan had already been a legend when he was alive .

  2. 在胡雪岩故居的演出显然很成功。

    The performance at Hu 's old residence was apparently a success .

  3. 也正是在这个过程中,胡雪岩的财富惊人地暴增。

    During this processing , he accumulated his wealth with a high speed .

  4. 世事如此,胡雪岩已无力回天。

    Such was the world , Hu Xueyan was unable to retrieve the situation .

  5. 红顶商人胡雪岩的故事尽人皆知。

    The story of the businessman moustache snow rock with red top is common to all .

  6. 可是,最让胡雪岩费思量的却是,官场上微妙的人事格局。

    However , the most difficult matter on which Hu Xueyan reflected most was the delicate pattern of human affairs .

  7. 浅析1883年金融危机中的中国商人&以徐润和胡雪岩为例

    Brief Analysis of Chinese Merchants in the Economic Crisis of 1883 & Taking Xu Run and Hu Xu-yan for Instance

  8. 在理论研究的基础上,设计实现了两套虚拟漫游系统:灵隐寺虚拟景观漫游系统和胡雪岩故居漫游系统。

    Basing on the research of IBR , we finish two system of virtual touring , for Lingyin and Hu Xueyan 's former residence .

  9. 外商认为生丝原料仅操纵在胡雪岩一人之手,将来交易,唯其所命,从何获利?

    Foreign merchants thought that raw materials were totally controlled by Hu Xueyan , their future business was at his beck and call , where came the profits ?

  10. 后人在马尾遗址修建“中国船政博物馆”,开门可见三尊铜像,分别就是左宗棠、沈葆桢和胡雪岩。

    When the descendants built " China dockyard Museum " on Ma Wei site , they saw three bronze statues , Zuo Zongtang , Shen Baozhen , Hu Xueyan , respectively .

  11. 高阳著名长篇历史小说《胡雪岩全传》以文学艺术的形式反映了晚清官、商、之间的复杂关系。

    Biography of Hu Xue-yan , a famous historical novel by Gao Yang , reflects the complicated relationship among officials , domestic merchants and foreign merchants in the artistic form of literature .

  12. 胡雪岩对洋务并不陌生,1868年左宗棠创办福建船政局的时候,所有购买外商机器、军火事务便都是由胡雪岩一手操办的。

    Hu Xueyan was not strange to Westernization since he had purchased machines from foreign merchants and handled ammunition affairs all by himself when Zuo Zongtang established Fujian ship-biulding Bureau in 1868 .

  13. 报告文学的艺术丰碑&试析《西行漫记》的主体、客体辩证统一艺术在高阳创作的几大系列历史小说中,《胡雪岩全传》可谓一座艺术丰碑,集中体现了高阳历史小说创作的艺术个性。

    An Artistic Monument in the History of Reportage : Object-subject and Subject-object Art in Red Star Over China It embodies a concentrated reflection on the artistic features of Gao Yang 's historical novels .

  14. 他头脑活络,善于经营,很得于姓主人的信赖,竟在临终前将钱肆都赠给了胡雪岩。

    Thanks to his quick mind and business talent , he was trusted by his master surnamed Yu so much that his master even gave the money exchange as a present to him on the deathbed .

  15. 胡雪岩则邀请丝业同行合议,共同收尽各地生丝,不要给外商,迫外商出高价收购,这样我们必获厚利。

    Hu Xueyan invited silk collegiate counterparts , the common land to do all over the silk , not to foreign investors , and forcing foreign investors to buy at high-priced , so that we will reap great profits .