
  • 网络jen-hsun huang;NVIDIA CEO;Jensen Huang
  1. Nvidia首席执行官黄仁勋(Jen-hsunHuang)表示他们的目标是建立无人驾驶出租车队。

    Jen-hsun Huang , Nvidia 's chief , said the goal is a fleet of driverless taxis .

  2. 上周日,英伟达CEO黄仁勋展示了新型的TegraX1处理器,它也可以用在平板电脑和汽车上。

    On Sunday , Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang showed off the new Tegra X1 processor , which can be used in both tablets and cars .

  3. 黄仁勋此前计划用其基于arm的tegra处理器,作为智能本的驱动器。

    Mr Huang had intended for his ARM-based Tegra processors to power smart books .

  4. 目前的首席执行官中,动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)的罗伯特•科蒂克、微芯科技(MicrochipTechnology)的史蒂夫•桑吉和Nvidia的黄仁勋,任期都超过了钱伯斯。

    Of those chief executives active in the role today , Activision Blizzard 's Robert Kotick , Microchip Technology 's Steve Sanghi , and Nvidia 's Jen-Hsun Huang exceed Chambers " tenure .

  5. 考虑到苹果公司的意图,黄仁勋没有透露更多的细节,但是一个Mac开发者会以也许是一个比较合适讨论苹果计划采用CUDA技术的地方。

    Huang declined to share specifics regarding Apple 's intentions , but a conference of Mac developers would be a likely place to discuss any plans Apple might have for CUDA .

  6. “苹果也许不会把它叫做CUDA”周三黄仁勋在Nvidia总部的一次采访中这样说到。

    Apple 's implementation " won 't be called CUDA , but it will be called something else ," Huang said in an interview here at Nvidia 's headquarters on Wednesday .

  7. 黄仁勋:局面肯定会改观。

    Huang : it will surely get better .

  8. 这家芯片和显卡制造商的首席执行官兼联合创始人黄仁勋表示,目前的电视游戏基本上都是通过游戏机操作的。

    Jen-Hsun Huang , CEO and co-founder of the chipset and graphic card maker , says gaming on TV right now is focused on the console .