
  • 网络gold futures trading;Gold bullion futures;gold future markets
  1. 中国的黄金期货交易品种在2008年初开始上市交易。

    The trading type of Chinese gold futures was listed in the beginning of 2008 .

  2. 在中国,黄金期货交易的出现是对黄金交易市场的一个很好的完善和补充作用。

    In China , the trading of gold futures plays a very important role in improving the overall gold market .

  3. 昨日,上海黄金期货市场在首日交易中强劲上扬,推动现货黄金价格创下历史新高,原因是投资者预计中国在黄金方面将出现投资热潮。

    The strong debut yesterday for the Shanghai gold futures market boosted the price of spot bullion to a fresh record high as investors anticipate a wave of Chinese investment in the precious metal .