
huánɡ jīn chǔ bèi
  • gold reserve;gold stock
黄金储备 [huáng jīn chǔ bèi]
  • (1) [gold reserve;gold stock] 金币或金块的基金

  • (2) 美国国库所存的黄金基金

  • (3) 中央银行所持有的黄金和国家的稳定基金

  1. 大量进口粮食给国家的黄金储备带来了沉重的负担。

    He said they 're moving the gold reserve to Texas .

  2. 我国增加黄金储备的必要性及风险分析

    Discussion on the necessity and risk of increasing Gold Reserve

  3. 中国央行(People’sBankofChina)自2009年以来就未再公布过有关其黄金储备的最新数据,2009年该行持有1054吨黄金。

    The People 's Bank of China has not provided an update on its gold reserves since 2009 , when it reported a holding of 1054 tonnes .

  4. 减少黄金储备将意味着IMF在应对金融危机时,可使用资源的减少。

    Less gold would leave the IMF with fewer resources for use in coping with a financial crisis .

  5. 同时,俄罗斯的债务占GDP比率很低,只有13%;而黄金储备充足且保持稳定增长。

    Moreover , it has a strong debt-to-GDP ratio of just 13 % and a large ( and steadily growing ) stockpile of gold .

  6. 同时他还希望出售IMF的黄金储备用以偿还勾销的贷款。

    And he wants to sell some of the IMF 's stash of gold to pay for the write-off of its loans .

  7. 韩国央行高级投资官eugenekim表示,与其他央行相比,韩国央行的黄金储备规模较小。

    Eugene Kim , senior investment officer at the bank , said its gold reserves were small relative to its peers .

  8. RABCapitalGold基金的高级经理史蒂夫埃利斯(SteveEllis)表示:在历史上,中国曾是一个很大的黄金储备国。大约30年前,黄金约占其外汇储备的10%。

    Steve Ellis , senior manager of the RAB Capital Gold fund said : Historically , China was a large gold holder with about 10 per cent of its FX reserves in gold about 30 years ago .

  9. 欧洲央行(ECB)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)的数据显示,今年到目前为止,欧洲各国央行的黄金储备增加了2.5万盎司,即0.8吨。

    European central banks have added about 25,000 ounces , or 0.8 tonnes , of gold to their reserves in the year to date , according to data from the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund .

  10. 在答复记者通过电子邮件提出的问题时,国际清算银行证实,其年报中披露的黄金储备价值下降,代表着客户将所持黄金提出BIS,转移至其它地方。

    In response to e-mailed questions , the BIS confirmed that the fall in the value of gold deposits disclosed in its annual report represented a shift in customer gold holdings away from the BIS .

  11. 过去几个月,中国公布其官方黄金储备增加了1500万盎司(约450吨),超过英国、西班牙和欧洲央行(ECB)过去6年的出售总量。

    In the past few months , China has reported a rise in its official gold holdings of 15m troy ounces ( about 450 tonnes ), more than the amount sold by the UK , Spain and the European Central Bank combined in the previous six years .

  12. 论金融危机下黄金储备与金融安全的关系

    On relation between gold reserves and financial security amid ongoing financial crisis

  13. 如何评价现代经济中的黄金储备

    How to appraise gold reserve in the modern economic system

  14. 金价变化因素与外汇黄金储备的连接

    Connection of Factors of Changing Gold Prices with Foreign Exchange and Gold Reserves

  15. 增加黄金储备规避外汇风险

    Increasing gold reserve in order to avoid exchange risk

  16. 黄金储备变动与黄金货币地位

    Change of gold reserve and currency angle of gold

  17. 非货币化后黄金储备变化的动因分析

    A Study of Dynamics of Gold Reserve after Demonetization

  18. 为了规避外汇风险,应增加黄金储备。

    In order to avoid exchange risk , gold reserve should be increased .

  19. 这类限制旨在保护一个国家的外汇和黄金储备。

    Such restrictions serve to protect a country 's foreign exchange and gold reserves .

  20. 经过一段时间以后,不断积累的外汇和黄金储备就会成为累赘。

    After a while , constantly accumulating foreign exchange and gold reserves becomes inconvenient .

  21. 谈我国黄金储备的规模问题

    On the Scale of China 's gold reserve

  22. 过去十年,黄金储备的增长率始终略低于商品数量的增加。

    The rate of increase for the last ten years has been fraction less .

  23. 外汇和黄金储备日益枯竭。

    Foreign currency and gold reserves were drained .

  24. 中国的黄金储备问题得到了外界的普遍关注。

    China 's gold holdings are widely watched .

  25. (六)持有、管理、经营国家外汇储备、黄金储备;

    To hold , administer and manage the State foreign exchange reserve and gold reserve ;

  26. 通过华尔街的援助,他保留了财政的黄金储备。

    With the help of Wall Street , he maintained the Treasury 's gold reserve .

  27. 当美国的黄金储备,这可能不下去了。

    When USA 's gold reserves were running down , this could not go on .

  28. 怎样才能使一个国家的全部黄金储备不会流失到别的国家去呢?

    What could keep an individual nation from losing all its gold reserves to other countries ?

  29. 因此,我国应该增加黄金储备以支持人民币国际化。

    Therefore , China should increase gold reserves so as to support the internationalization of RMB .

  30. 本文重点分析并计算了这三个阶段人民币国际化所需要的黄金储备量。

    This paper mainly analyzes and calculates the required RMB gold reserves in these three phases .