
huáng jīn
  • gold;aurum
黄金 [huáng jīn]
  • (1) [gold]

  • (2) 铜

  • 黄金折。--《战国策.齐策四》

  • 太傅赍黄金。

  • (3) 金

  • 天作黄金色。--《广东军务记》

  • (4) 金黄色

  • 黄金络马头。--《乐府诗集.陌上桑》

  • (5) 见金

黄金[huáng jīn]
  1. 有人曾经认为铅可以变成黄金。

    It was once thought that lead could be transmuted into gold .

  2. 桌子装饰着黄金镶嵌的图案。

    The table was decorated with gold inlay .

  3. 他们在开采黄金。

    They were mining for gold .

  4. 黄金保持其原有光泽的时间较其他金属要长得多。

    Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals

  5. 第一集占据了傍晚的一个黄金收视时段。

    The first episode occupies a peak evening viewing slot .

  6. 这档新闻节目每周在黄金时段播出4次。

    The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time .

  7. 你成长于美国儿童文学的黄金时期。

    You grew up in the golden age of American children 's books .

  8. 他在托特黄金大奖赛中获得季军。

    He finished third in the Tote Gold Trophy .

  9. 这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。

    This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets

  10. 在法纳姆的两年是我足球生涯的黄金时期。

    My two years at Farnham were the best of my footballing life .

  11. 黄金的价格在上涨。

    The price of gold was going up .

  12. 他把我们所有的收益都投资在黄金股上了。

    He invested all our profits in gold shares

  13. 1990年经济繁荣的国家并不多,尤其是像澳大利亚这样的黄金出口国。

    Not many economies bloomed in 1990 , least of all gold exporters like Australia

  14. 强节奏摇滚乐的黄金时期或许已经终结。

    Beat music may finally have had its day

  15. 购买黄金是防范通货膨胀的一种传统手段。

    Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation .

  16. 我们有些早已过了黄金期的运动员仍然想东山再起。

    We 've had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime .

  17. 在香港昨天早些时候的交易中,黄金的牌价为每盎司368.20美元。

    In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday , gold was quoted at $ 368.20 an ounce

  18. 最近20年来投资黄金的收益很差,今后仍会如此。

    Gold has been a poor investment over the past 20 years , and will continue to be so

  19. 丝凯作为黄金海岸大红大紫的模特儿,自结婚以后从来就没有错失过任何机会。

    Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast 's spectacular models since her marriage .

  20. 据说走私者暗地销售黄金,偷逃增值税达500万英镑。

    The smugglers allegedly sold the gold under the counter , cheating the VAT man out of £ 5 million .

  21. 找到一种治愈方法的希望——就如同永远够不到的一桶黄金——往往让理智的人们做出不理智的事情。

    The promise of a cure — the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow — often makes sensible people do irrational things .

  22. 目前黄金市场的形势使许多经济学家迷惑不解。

    The present situation of the gold market has puzzled many economists .

  23. 开拓者在黄金欲的诱惑下,继续奋力向前。

    Lured by the lust of gold , the pioneers pushed forward .

  24. 这些黄金在武装警卫的护运下安全运达银行保险库。

    The gold was reached the bank 's vault under convoy of armed guards .

  25. 白金的价值高于黄金。

    Platinum exceeds gold in value .

  26. 今天,黄金作为一种原材料在工业上具有多种用途。

    Today gold has many uses in industry as a raw material .

  27. 采访将在黄金时段播出。

    The interview will be broadcast during prime time .

  28. 时间不饶人,分秒赛黄金。

    Time waits for no man ; every minute ISAS precious as gold .

  29. 人群正在向东移去,他们认为在那里可以找到黄金。

    The crowd is heading eastward , believing that they can find gold there .

  30. 而结果却截然不同:科技类股一落千丈,而黄金则一飞冲天。

    The results weren 't even close : tech collapsed , and gold soared .