
  • 网络Gold Fund;ETFs;gld
  1. 让他们胃口大开的是诺安基金(lionfundmanagement)最近推出的一只黄金基金。

    They have been fuelled by the recent launch of a gold fund by lion fund management .

  2. 为了对目前情况加以解读,《财富》杂志(Fortune)有幸对资金规模达31亿美元的第一雄鹰黄金基金(FirstEagleGoldFund)联合投资组合经理雷切尔•贝内普进行了一次采访。

    To get a read on things , fortune caught up with Rachel Benepe , co-manager of the $ 3.1 billion first Eagle Gold Fund ( sggdx ) .

  3. 不过,正如Ticonderoga分析师指出的那样,道富的交易所交易黄金基金是全球最大的黄金持有机构之一。

    But , as Ticonderoga analysts point out , State Street 's gold ETF is among the biggest holders of gold in the world .

  4. 5年前,黄金基金也掀起了一股热潮。

    Five years ago , gold funds were also causing ripples of excitement .

  5. 富人向来青睐奢侈品,而他们对于黄金基金的趋之若鹜,或许还将进一步推高金价。

    Wealthy individuals have long supported luxury goods . Their thirst for gold funds might just give a further boost to this precious metal too .

  6. 中国准备设立黄金投资基金,希望充分利用当前火爆的黄金价格。

    China is planning to set up a gold investment fund , hoping to capitalize on the surging price of the metal .

  7. 现行的一整套黄金标准基金会的各项使用规定的原件。

    The Gold Standard Foundation is a non-profit organization under Swiss law that operates a certification scheme for premium quality carbon credits .

  8. 该公司有多种投资黄金领域的基金,其中包括OffshoreFundLimited。这只基金押注的对象之一是矿业公司的股票。

    The firm has various funds that offer exposure to gold , including its Offshore Fund Limited , which bets on shares of miners , among other things .

  9. 全球最大黄金交易所交易基金(ETF)SPDRGoldShares本月出现了自2012年12月以来的首次资金流入。

    This month , investors were net buyers of SPDR Gold Shares , the biggest exchange-traded fund that buys gold , for the first time since December 2012 .

  10. 据监管备案文件显示,截至6月30日,Paulson&Co.持有2180万份黄金交易所买卖基金(ETF)SPDRGoldShares,较3月31日增加了450万份。

    Paulson & Co. owned 21.8 million shares of SPDR Gold Shares , an exchange-traded fund backed by bullion , at June 30 , an increase of 4.5 million shares from March 31 , according to filings .

  11. 相关监管文件显示,除了保尔森持有的31亿美元黄金交易所交易基金(ETF)股票以外,他旗下对冲基金去年底还持有起码9家金矿企业的股票,按现价计算价值近11亿美元。

    In addition to Mr Paulson 's $ 3.1bn holding of shares in a gold exchange traded fund , at the end of last year Mr Paulson 's hedge funds controlled shares in at least nine gold miners worth almost $ 1.1bn at current prices , according to regulatory filings .

  12. 黄金的外汇基金,史坦普中国指数基金,最近成为了价值最大的外汇基金。

    A gold Exchange-Traded Fund ( ETF ) known as SPDR recently became the largest ETF by value in the world .

  13. 如果他们准备承受大于金价本身波动的波动性,那么他们可以向黄金股票型基金配置资金。

    If they are prepared to put up with even more volatility than the gold price itself , they can allocate money to gold equity funds .

  14. 现金交易商称,需求有限,国内流动性差,中西部现货基差依然很弱。我国创建发展黄金交易所交易基金的思考

    Spot basis bids for soybeans in the Midwest held weak amid limited demand and country movement was slow , cash dealers said . Some suggestions on developing gold ETF in China

  15. 继亿万富翁乔治•索罗斯等大投资者在去年底抛售持有的黄金交易所交易基金之后,黄金交易所交易基金的持有量1月份以来已经下降了140吨。

    Since January , gold ETF holdings have declined 140 tonnes , after big investors such as billionaire George Soros sold off their gold ETF holdings at the end of last year .

  16. (2009年中国的储备资产增加了163亿美元的非外汇类资产,主要是黄金及国际货币基金组织(IMF)设立的特别提款权(SpecialDrawingRights)。

    In2009 China also saw an increase of $ 16.3 billion in reserve assets that are not foreign exchange , primarily gold and IMF Special Drawings Rights .

  17. 我以前在本栏目谈到过BlackRockGoldGeneralFund和黄金的交易所交易基金(ETF),但另一只可能值得持有的基金是JuniorMining该基金专注于较小的矿业公司。

    I 've written here before about the Blackrock Gold & General Fund and gold ETFs but another fund that might be worth holding is Junior Mining , which specialises in smaller mining companies .

  18. 其来源于欧洲央行连续出售其黄金及国际货币基金组织讨论销售其金砖储备。

    The move comes as European central banks continue to sell their gold and the International Monetary Fund has discussed selling some of its bullion reserves .

  19. 我们认为,个人投资者购买黄金的最佳途径是通过主动管理型黄金基金。

    In our view , the best way for an individual investor to buy gold is through an actively managed Gold Fund .

  20. 其它以黄金为主题的礼物,可能还有金币或黄金基金的份额,后者的人气正急剧蹿升。

    Other gold-themed gifts might include gold coins or stakes in gold funds , which are surging in popularity .

  21. 亿万富翁投资人乔治•索罗斯曾经将黄金称为“终极泡沫”,他早在5月份就减持了黄金上市交易基金SPDRGoldTrust(GLD)。

    Billionaire investor George Soros , who called gold " the ultimate bubble , " cut his holdings in the SPDR gold trust ( GLD ) as early as may .

  22. 近年来,投资者已经买进了大量黄金,他们大量购买金币和金条,将数以十亿美元计的资金投入了持有实物黄金的基金。

    In recent years , investors have delivered , buying coins and bars and pumping billions of dollars into funds that hold physical gold .