
  • 网络Ricky Wong;Philip Ng;securities analyst;Chih-Ta Huang
  1. 黄志达饮誉设计界的同时,也引起外界的广泛关注。

    Furthermore , Ricky has also won the attention of Medias .

  2. 重拾第一本作品集,黄志达直言不论个人心态,还是设计皆成熟了不少。

    Reviewing his first work collection , Ricky told us that both his attitude and design have become more mature .

  3. 黄志达设计顾问(香港)有限公司完成了香港多个楼盘、社会名流住宅,以及商业办公空间的设计。

    Up to now , the Company has worked with hundreds Hong Kong mansions , celebrities'residences and commercial offices successfully fulfilling their interior design needs .

  4. 面对营商环境不断改变,黄志达不讳言无时无刻均面对作为设计师与经营者之间的矛盾。

    Facing the ever-changing business environment , Ricky said that he always had to deal with the dilemma between being a designer and a businessman .

  5. 在香港和大陆,及整个东南亚,黄志达的设计得到业界的充分肯定。

    The achievements made by Ricky have gained full recognition in interior design industry in both Hong Kong and the mainland , even in the whole Southeast Asia region .

  6. 黄志达设计团队立志打造华人室内设计顶尖品牌,凭借诚恳的专业精神引领时尚品位潮流,为全球中高端客户提供超值的设计服务。

    The design team is committed to creating a top design brand , leading the fashion trend with sincere professional spirits , and providing premier services for global medium-to-high end clients .