
  • 网络Yellow Pages Ads;Yellow page advertising
  1. 首先,在被称为“搜索”的黄页广告模式下,广告商摆脱了向那些对购买其产品不感兴趣的顾客兜售的负担。

    First , under the Yellow Pages model of advertising known as " search " , advertisers are relieved of the burden of addressing those who are not interested in buying their product .

  2. 你可以在电话簿的黄页分类广告上,找到寄宿旅社的名单。

    You can find listings of guest houses in the yellow pages of the telephone book .

  3. 保罗:我们叫披萨吧!黄页分类广告上可以找到很棒的披萨店呢!

    Paul : let 's order pizza ! We can find a good pizza place in the Yellow pages !

  4. 他没有想过去问一下那些咨询顾问的同事为什么他们没有在黄页上打广告。

    He had neglected to ask his consulting colleagues WHY none of them had ads in the Yellow Pages .