
  1. 该系统可以广泛地应用在装饰图案设计、电子贺卡、广告以及游戏、动画等领域。

    Potential applications of the system include design of decorative pattern , electronic card , advertisement , game and animation .

  2. 本课题实现了基于模板的B/S结构的内容发布技术,实现了非专业、业余性质的用户能够方便的实现页面展示、贺卡和广告等内容的发布展示。

    The issue mainly describe the system achieved a basic template-based content distribution technology , to achieve a non-professional , amateur nature of the users to facilitate the realization of the page display ads , greeting cards and display other types of contents .

  3. 我九岁的时候住在北卡罗来纳州的一个小镇上,一次在一本儿童杂志的封底发现了一则招聘贺卡推销员的广告。

    When I was nine years old living in a small town in North Carolina I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children 's magazine .