
  • 网络mike he;Mike Ho
  1. 贺军翔更是拿起木瓜深情演戏,让全场笑翻天!

    Mike He also took up the papaya to act emotionally , making everyone laugh !

  2. 前日在华娱卫视“亚洲十大红人颁奖典礼”上,记者独家采访到了贺军翔。

    The day before on Asian Top10 Most popular stars ceremony , our reporter exclusively reported Mike He .

  3. 贺军翔对于自己的感情毫不避讳,“我觉得爱情就是随缘”。

    Mike He openly talked about his love ," I think love is just go with the fate " .

  4. 要是说到现在有哪些正红的偶像男星,大家一定会想到贺军翔。

    If we were to say which male stars are popular now , we would all think of Mike He .

  5. 每周至少打一次篮球,让贺军翔在现场展现过人的弹跳力,毫不费力跳出轻盈感。

    Playing basketball weekly , Mike He shows his jumping ability at the set , jumping with the lightness without much effort .

  6. 在剧中,贺军翔扮演一位富家公子,曾经离过一次婚,在不知情的状况下,还有了一个8岁的孩子。

    In the drama , Mike Ho acted as a rich man who divorced once , and unknowingly had an eight year old son .

  7. 网友说,看贺军翔演戏,每次看到他与女主角深情一吻,都会很心动。

    Fans said , when watching He Jun xiang ; s series they re always deeply touched when he s kissing the main actress .

  8. 在现实生活中,贺军翔对于“未婚生子”并不接受,“要小孩应该是一个深思熟虑后的决定。

    In reality , Mike Ho does not accept " having kids unwed ," having kids should be a decision after deep considerations and thoughts .

  9. 贺军翔(小美)下午出席隐形眼镜代言活动,他已经为该产品连续代言五年,可说是厂商心目中的最佳代言人!

    Mike He attended contact lense endorsement event this afternoon , he endorsed this brand for five consecutive years , being the best endorser to the manufacturer .

  10. 上月,贺军翔首次来大陆拍戏,与王心凌携手合作电视剧《爱上査美乐》。

    The previous month , Mike Ho came to mainland to film with Cyndi Wang for a TV Drama " Falling in Love with Mei Le " .

  11. 张钧甯与贺军翔在剧中除了床戏外,还有不少吻戏,问两人是否有吻出来电的感觉?

    Other than having bed scenes , Mike He and Ning Chang had quite a number of kissing scenes , asking if they had the electrified feeling ?

  12. 贺军翔勤于健身,看得出对外型颇重视,他坦言自己满爱漂亮的。

    Mike He is diligent at gyming , it seems that he bothers his looks quite a far bit , he admits that he likes to look good .

  13. 加油」是贺军翔和「甜心教主」王心凌首次搭档,王心凌说,对贺军翔的第一印象是他在「爱情合约」里的演出,觉得他很真诚,当时很期待他未来的发展。

    Cyndi says that her first impression of Mike He is his performance in Love Contract , thinking that he is very sincere and she anticipates his developments then .

  14. 杨丞琳和不少一线男艺人有合作情谊,她自曝「为他们分类」,如张孝全、贺军翔是哥们;

    Rainie have worked with many different actors , she says that she would " categorise " them , for example her relationship with Joseph Chang and Mike He are brothers-like ;

  15. 贺军翔,昵称贺小美,凭借《爱情合约》、《恶魔在身边》、《我们结婚吧》等偶像剧的男一号,成为大受欢迎的美型男。

    Mike Ho , nickname as Xiao Mei , become a popular and well-received handsome man with " Love Contract "," Devil Beside You "," Marry Me " and other idol dramas .

  16. 贺军翔在演出时不断请教已为父母的“过来人”,尤其是扮演自己儿子的亲生父母,坦言对自己帮助很大。

    In the midst of acting , Mike Ho consulted people who were experienced parents for guidance , specially the parents of the child who acted as his son , admitting that it helped him greatly .

  17. 贺军翔说自己不是排斥婚姻,只是要遇到愿意让他放弃一切的人,但这个人目前迟迟还未出现。

    Mike He says that he doesn 't not reject marriage , as long as he meets someone that he will be willing to give up everything for , but this person has yet to appear .

  18. 也因为懒,贺军翔喜欢宅在家,他甚至希望以后新家就有健身房,可以少了一个出门的理由。

    Also because of his laziness , Mike He likes to stay at home , he even wish that his new house would have a gym room so he has one lesser reason of going out .

  19. 贺军翔形容今次这脱是“莫名其妙”,拍摄时有点紧张,现场要清场只剩下3个男生,要一丝不挂在别人面前有点害羞。

    Mike He described this nudity as absurd he was a little nervous when shooting , there was only three guys left at the site , having to be nude in front of others was shy .

  20. 日前在厦门杀青的偶像剧《幸福最晴天》举办杀青宴,刚回台北的贺军翔、张钧甯等主要演员一起出席,举杯畅饮。

    The Idol drama " Sunny Happiness " which wrapped up in Xia Men held its wrap-up party the day before , Mike Ho , Ning Chang and others who just returned to Taipei attended together , toasting happily .