
  • 网络Walt Disney;WaltDis-ney
  1. 在电影《大梦想家》(SavingMr.Banks)中有一个关键情节,那就是电影大亨华特·迪士尼(WaltDisney)是否会把《欢乐满人间》(MaryPoppins)拍摄成一部动画电影。

    In the movie Saving Mr. Banks , a crucial plot point hangs on whether movie mogul Walt Disney will make Mary Poppins an animated film .

  2. 令人意想不到的是,华特·迪士尼早年曾被《堪萨斯城明星报》(KansasCityStarNewspaper)解雇,因为他“不够具有创造力”。1922年,他在堪萨斯创立了Laugh-O-Gram公司,制作动画片和短篇广告。

    Amazingly , Walt Disney was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was " not creative enough . " In 1922 he launched a Kansas-based company called Laugh-O-Gram with a mission to produce cartoons and short advertising films .

  3. 问题25为什么华特·迪士尼被认为是爱国者?

    Question 25 . Why Walt Disney was regarded as a patriot ?

  4. 华特·迪士尼公司互动部门表示将裁员700人。

    The Walt Disney company interact division says it lays off 700 employees .

  5. 他就是创作了这个卡通人物,白手起家,创建这家公司的华特·迪士尼。

    the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing , Walt Disney .

  6. 华特·迪士尼甚至采用了它的设计样式建造了著名的灰姑娘城堡。

    Its design was even adopted by Walt Disney and can be seen replicated in his famous Cinderella Castle .

  7. 他从堪萨斯搬到好莱坞,开始了另一次冒险,华特·迪士尼公司诞生了。

    He moved from Kansas to Hollywood to begin another venture , and The Walt Disney Company was born .

  8. 事实上,华特·迪士尼应该是第一个为动画角色戴上手套的人,其在米奇主演的电影《奥普里之屋》中首次出现。

    In fact , Walt Disney might have been the first to put gloves on his characters in The Opry House , starring Mickey Mouse , per Vox .

  9. 昨天美国华特·迪士尼公司与上海申迪(集团)有限公司签署上海迪士尼主题乐园项目合作协议,标志着期待已久的上海迪士尼乐园项目正式启动。

    The Walt Disney Co yesterday signed an agreement with the Shanghai Shendi Group Co Ltd to build a Disneyland theme park in the city , officially launching the much-awaited project .

  10. 艾格表示,这一斥资55亿美元的乐园对迪士尼公司的变革意义,不亚于70年代在佛罗里达州建成的华特·迪士尼世界。

    Mr. Iger has said the company considers the $ 5.5 billion resort to be as transformative for the company as the establishment of Walt Disney World in Florida was in the 1970s .

  11. 上海——华特·迪士尼公司在周三公布了一座新的迪士尼综合乐园的设计和游乐项目。这片度假区将于明年春天在上海开幕,是中国大陆的第一座迪士尼主题乐园。

    SHANGHAI - The Walt Disney Company unveiled on Wednesday the designs and attractions at the new megaresort that is expected to open here in Shanghai in the spring , its first theme park in mainland China .

  12. 这部惊悚片以2680万美元的成绩排名票房榜首位,排在第二位的是《德古拉元年》,本周入账2350万美元,华特·迪士尼公司出品的家庭喜剧《亚历山大和糟糕的一天》以1910万美元排名第三。

    The thriller took in 26.8 million dollars and the second place Dracula Untold taken in 23.5 million dollars , while the Walt Disney family comedy Alexander and the Terrible , Horrible , No Good , Very Bad Day came to third with 19.1 million dollars .