
  • 网络Planck Energy
  1. 当两个粒子在超过一个基本普朗克能量的能量下碰撞,迷你黑洞就产生了。

    And two particles can make a miniscule black hole in just this way if they collide with an energy above a fundamental limit called the Planck energy .

  2. 的确,如果空间没有更多的维,加之普朗克能量仍旧遥不可及的话,也许计算机模拟是了解黑洞现象的唯一方式。

    Indeed , they may be the only way to study the phenomenon if space does not have extra dimensions and the Planck energy remains hopelessly out of reach .

  3. 普朗克和能量子概念&纪念能量子概念诞生100周年

    Planck and Energy Quantum Concept