
  • 网络King Of Prussia;King in Prussia
  1. 普鲁士国王派他的妻子向这个伟人阿谀谄媚;

    The King of Prussia sends his wife to sue for the good graces of the great man ;

  2. 您知道,这个大名鼎鼎的博尔孔斯基公爵早在已故的皇帝在位时就退休了,他的绰号是‘普鲁士国王’。

    He is the well-known Prince Bolkonski who had to retire from the army under the late Emperor , and was nicknamed'the King of Prussia .

  3. 普鲁士国王和俾斯麦颁布一道命令,于是一支军队进入了波西米亚②。

    The Prussian King and Bismarck give certain orders , and troops go to Bohemia .

  4. 第六幅则将矛头指向约克公爵弗雷德里克,1791年,这位爵爷娶了弗雷德克卡,普鲁士国王的长女为妻。

    The sixth print targets Frederick , the Duke of York , who was married in1791 to Frederica , eldest daughter to the King of Prussia .

  5. 他更是后来被称作“腓特烈大帝”的普鲁士国王的道德启蒙者和这位国王眼中的大诗人。

    He was mainly the moral inspiration and master poet of the principal among them the king of Prussia , later known as Frederick the great .

  6. 自1763年柏林皇家瓷厂被普鲁士国王弗里德里希买下就没有发生太大的变化。

    NOT much about Die K ö nigliche Porzellan-Manufaktur , a royal porcelain factory , has changed since it was taken over in1763 by Frederick the Great .

  7. 普鲁士国王(1740-1786年)。在奥地利王位继承战争(1740-1748年)和七年战争(1756-1763年)中获胜,使普鲁士在欧洲享有极高的军事威望。

    King of Prussia ( 1740-1786 ) . Successful in the War of the Austrian Succession ( 1740-1748 ) and the Seven Years'War ( 1756-1763 ), he brought Prussia great military prestige in Europe .