
pǔ biàn xìng
  • universality;universalism
普遍性 [pǔ biàn xìng]
  • (1) [universality]∶普遍的性质或状态(例如指范围、发生或应用)

  • (2) [universalism]∶作为宇宙性的状况

普遍性[pǔ biàn xìng]
  1. 有人会怀疑这个方法的普遍性。

    One might question the universality of this method .

  2. 现在研究者们正在运用科学的方法来研究艺术的普遍性。

    Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art .

  3. 他凭直觉认为它具有普遍性,也许他是正确的。

    He was probably right to intuit that it was universal .

  4. 矛盾的普遍性即寓于矛盾的特殊性之中。

    It is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides .

  5. 普遍性或许不至于毒害原真性,但确实会削弱它。

    Ubiquity might not be toxic to authenticity , but it certainly dilutes it .

  6. 这种普遍性的主要因素是应用逻辑和安全逻辑之间的结构差

    A major cause of this pervasiveness is the structural difference between application logic and security logic .

  7. 该研究进一步印证了“溜溜球节食效应”的普遍性,它是指减肥者陷入反复减肥的恶性循环。共有2.5万人参与了此项调查。

    The study of 25000 people provides further evidence of the prevalence1 of ‘ yo-yo dieting ’ where slimmers get into a cycle of losing weight and regaining2 it .

  8. 他们报告说,当涉及到心理健康,不再只是普遍性“健康”或“不健康”饮食的问题。

    They 've reported that , when it comes to mental health , it 's not just about having a generally " healthy " or " unhealthy " diet .

  9. 由于评价现象(evaluation)在语言交际中的普遍性和重要性,学者们从各种视角、采用各种方法对其进行了描写和解释工作。

    Because of the universality and importance of evaluation , scholars have tried to describe and explain it from different perspectives and with different methods .

  10. 这结果提示,启东鸭肝癌中人HBVdna的存在并非属偶然,而是带有普遍性和特征性。

    It implies that the presence of human HBV DNA is not incidental , but quite unique for duck hepatoma of Qi-Dong .

  11. X学院作为一所典型高等专科学校,其在教学评价上存在的问题既具有普遍性又具有特殊性。

    The existing problems in teaching evaluation of X college , as a typical higher vocational colleges , are both universal and unique .

  12. 简单JMS客户机方法有许多优点,最明显的优点就是它的简单性和普遍性。

    The simple JMS client approach has many advantages , the most obvious being its simplicity and ubiquity .

  13. 这些问题具有一定的普遍性,不仅是SH公司面临的问题,其他民营企业都有类似的现象。

    These problems have universality to some degree , not in SH but also in other companies .

  14. 针对R公司人才培养的现状和特点,结合软件企业人才培养方面出现的普遍性问题,依据相关理论,本文对R公司人才培养体系的构建和运行过程进行研究。

    With the status and characteristics of talent training in R company , this paper aims to do research on the training system building and operation based on the relevant theories .

  15. 本文结果证明了HCMV感染的普遍性和严重性,垂直传播是新生儿先天性HCMV感染的重要途径。

    They suggested that HCMV vertical transmission might play an important role in congenital infection of neonates .

  16. 一个严重缺陷在于,g20滥用了由一战后成立的国际联盟(leagueofnations)固定下来的普遍性原则。

    A serious flaw is that the G20 abuses the principle of universality that took hold with the League of nations after the first World War .

  17. 优化后的方程具有一定的普遍性,有助于被动调Q激光器的优化设计。

    In order to fit the emulational application exactly , the original rate equations are improved and applied in the optimal design of such a passive Q-switch laser .

  18. 通过在J2ME模拟平台上测试,可以看出在移动终端端来实现图片的自适应显示是可行的,且具有普遍性。

    Through simulate on J2ME platform , the method what to realize picture adaptive display on mobile terminal is workable and general .

  19. 由于此引力场的普遍性,对Hawking热效应的研究以及对黑洞热力学性质的研究有着重要的物理意义。

    Because the common of this grating field , the study of the Hawking therm effect and the Black Hole thermodynamics has a significant meaning .

  20. 一方面,需要解决弹载SAR中的普遍性关键技术;另一方面,需要研究新体制SAR的特殊性关键问题。

    On the one hand , universality of the key technologies on missile-borne SAR need to be resolved , on the other hand , particularity of the key issues on new SAR system need to be studied .

  21. 关于阅读的普遍性理论假设和语言阈值假设都提出,一语(L1)阅读技能会迁移到二语(L2)阅读,一系列实证研究也证实了这两大假设。

    Both the Reading Universal Hypothesis and the Linguistic Threshold Hypothesis maintain the transferability of reading skills from L1 to L2 while they haven 't further addressed the nature of transfer .

  22. 同时,加里哈默尔(garyhamel,此人未来必将成为战略学的荣誉高级会员)告诉我,许多大学的管理学研究已经开始涉足一些不带有普遍性的金融现象,或商业中一些深奥的学问。

    At the same time , as Gary Hamel surely a shoo-in for a future honorary fellowship in strategy pointed out to me , many universities have allowed their own management research to drift off into financial exotica or business esoterica .

  23. 现代语言学的一个重要课题就是对语言普遍性的研究。

    Language universals is now a major concern in modern linguistics .

  24. 普通螺纹量规标准使用中的几个普遍性问题

    Some Universal Problems in Operating the Standard for Common Screw Gauge

  25. 由此可见复用基于构件的系统模型更具有普遍性。

    So reusing the system model based in component is universality .

  26. 若干非线性发展方程普遍性差分格式的构造与分析

    Constructing and Analysis of Universal Difference Schemes of Several Non-linear Evolution Equations

  27. 质量文化氛围的普遍性应该扩展至客户。

    The ubiquity of the quality culture should extend to the customer .

  28. 人类文化既有普遍性又有其特殊性。

    Human culture displays the feature of universality as well as particularity .

  29. 人力资源开发既有普遍性,又有特殊性。

    The human resources has universality as well as particularity .

  30. 基督教是具有普遍性与合理性的宗教。

    Christianity is the universal and rational religion of mankind .