
kē xué fānɡ fǎ
  • scientific method;scientism;scientific methods/ways/approaches
  1. 亚里士多德将该科学方法向前推进了一步。

    Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further .

  2. 他们试图将多种科学方法结合起来。

    They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines .

  3. 在1869年出版的《美国妇女家居》中,两姐妹介绍了一种家居管理的科学方法。这个方法的目的是为了提高妇女工作的效率并增强秩序。

    In American Woman 's Home , published in 1869 , the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to household management , designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman 's work and promote order .

  4. 科学方法要求人们超然独立、公正无私,因而它是自由文明的最美之花和最佳试金石

    Because it requires detachment , disinterestedness , it is the finest flower and test of a liberal civilization .

  5. 企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)作为一种新的管理科学方法日益受到管理学界的重视。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), as an update management science , has brought to the field of management more and more serious attention .

  6. 并在深入剖析各种预警方法优缺点的基础上,选择经遗传算法优化后的BP神经网络,作为资源型区域自然资源约束下可持续发展预警的有效科学方法。

    Moreover it chooses the BP neural network optimized by the genetic algorithm as the efficiency method to the resources regional sustainable development early warning after in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various methods .

  7. 利用CAPM模型,引入项目资金结构的净现值模型对特许权期的求值是更能够准确反映项目成本和收益的科学方法。

    Using the CAPM model , the introduction in project 's capital structure model is a scientific method to reflect the cost accurately when it used to evaluate the concession period .

  8. 选择科学方法,提高学习效率。

    Third , choose the scientific method , improve learning efficiency .

  9. 非线性科学方法在地震学中的应用专辑

    Special issue on the application of nonlinear science methods to seismology

  10. 应用现代科学方法提高屋面工程的防水效应

    Boosting waterproof efficiency in roof construction by the modern scientific method

  11. 建议用现代科学方法进行系统研究。

    It suggested do some systematic research with modern research methods .

  12. 确立学习马克思列宁主义的科学方法;

    Secondly , to establish the scientific ways in studying Marxism .

  13. 系统科学方法在信息法学研究中的应用

    The Application of Systematic Scientific Method on Research of Information Law Science

  14. 中学物理科学方法教育研究

    Research on Education of Physics Scientific Method in Middle School

  15. 认识特点:科学方法万能。

    Cognitive characteristics , the scientific methods are omnipotent .

  16. 方法来源于探索知识的过程,掌握物理科学方法既有助于开展科学研究,也有助于学习物理知识。

    Physics scientific method is beneficial to scientific research and learning physics knowledge .

  17. 循证医学&临床医疗决策的科学方法

    Evidence-based Medicine - A Scientific Method for Clinical Decision-making

  18. 建设先行指标体系的科学方法

    Index ; On the Scientific Methodology of the Construction of Leading Indicators System

  19. 观察,推理和实验,这些内容构成了我们所说的科学方法。

    Observation , reason and experiment make up what we call the scientific method .

  20. 广东核电信息资源管理的系统科学方法研究

    Research on Information Resource Management with System Science Methodology in Guangdong Nuclear Power Stations

  21. 用社会科学方法研究中医理论

    Study TCM Theory with Methods of Social Science

  22. 三是侦查思维问题,主要应弄清侦查优化思维优化有哪些具体的科学方法。

    The third aspect tries to find some specific scientific methods to optimizing investigative thinking .

  23. 时尚品牌的传播是将艺术形式与科学方法结合在一起的信息组织工程。

    Fashion Brand Communication is an information organization which combines artistic forms with scientific methods .

  24. 运用科学方法深化理科教改

    Using Scientific Method Reforming Science Teaching

  25. 科学方法能发挥人的主观能动作用,缩短科学认识的进程。

    Scientific method can exert people 's subjective energy and shorten the process of science cognition .

  26. 中国古代科技文化主要包括科学方法、科技思想、科技精神、科技成果等方面的内容。

    Ancient Chinese culture mainly included scientific methods , technological ideas , spirit and achievements etc. .

  27. 理性逻辑与科学方法

    Rational Logic and Scientific Method

  28. 现代科学方法的两个源头&统计学与概率论的产生与结合

    The two sources of modern science ── emergence and combination of statistics and the theory of probablity

  29. 科学方法的分类浅析

    The analysis of scientific methods

  30. 掌握科学方法

    To Mastery Scientific Methods