
  1. 譬如在无机的自然界,酸本身同时即是盐基,这就是说,酸的存在仅完全在于和它的对方相联系。

    Thus , in inorganic nature , the acid is implicitly at the same time the base : in other words , its only being consists in its relation to its other .

  2. 他主张包括无机物在内自然界存在的所有事物是具有生命。

    He advocates that everything has life in the nature including inorganic .

  3. 这些有机质的相对含量,性质和结构对全球碳循环,全球气候变化,有机和无机污染物在自然界的迁移、转化和归宿,土壤的肥力等有非常重要的影响。

    The relative abundance , characteristics and structure of these SOM play a important role on the global carbon cycles , global change , transformation and fate of the organic and inorganic pollutants , the soil fertility .

  4. 禅是宇宙中的真理、生命和智慧,包括有机体、无机体以及宇宙自然界中的一切,如生命变化、智慧、能力和生态等。

    ' Zen'is the truth , life and wisdom in the universe , which includes organism , non-organism and everything from nature in the universe , such as the life changing , wisdom , ability and ecology .