
  1. 作为世界上最富裕的经济体之一,瑞士可以说比其他国家更有能力提供无条件基本收入。

    As one of the world 's most affluent economies , Switzerland could arguably have afforded unconditional basic incomes more easily than other countries .

  2. 与此同时,政府还应为所有公民制定一个无条件的基本收入下限。

    At the same time it should institute an unconditional basic income for all citizens .

  3. 瑞士人在全民公投中高票否决由国家提供无条件“基本收入”的建议,这对一个声音越来越响亮的国际游说阵营是一个挫折;这个阵营主张,当今社会需要用这样的激进计划来改革效率低下的福利制度。

    The Swiss have voted decisively against state-provided unconditional " basic incomes " in a setback for a growing international lobby that argues such radical schemes are needed to overhaul inefficient welfare systems .