
  • 网络Boundaryless Career;boundless career
  1. 越来越多的人开始或者正经历着无边界职业生涯。

    More and more people start or are experiencing their boundaryless career .

  2. 随着无边界职业生涯时代的到来,越来越多的个体倾向于持有无边界职业生涯态度。

    As boundaryless career time comes , more and more people tend to have a boundaryless career attitude .

  3. 无边界职业生涯时代的就业能力:一种新的心理契约

    Employability in the Era of Boundaryless Career : A New Psychological Contract

  4. 无边界职业生涯时代研发人员就业能力

    Employment Abilities of R & D Workers in Period of Boundaryless Career

  5. 基于无边界职业生涯视角的自由职业者管理研究

    Research on the Management of Temporary Workers from the Perspective of Boundaryless Career Theory

  6. 物理和心理流动双维度的无边界职业生涯管理

    Study on Mode of Boundaryless Career Management Based on Two Dimensions of Physical and Psychological Mobility

  7. 研究中,首先回顾了职业抱负、无边界职业生涯态度以及职业生涯自我管理领域的研究进展,推出职业抱负对无边界职业生涯态度的影响过程,提出了研究假设。

    Firstly , this paper reviews research progress about career aspiration , boundaryless career attitude and career self-management .

  8. 易变性和无边界职业生涯时代,个人职业生涯管理观念盛行,职业生涯管理被认为是以个人职业发展为出发点的自我管理行为。

    During the protean and boundaryless career era , the personal career management is popular . Career management is deemed to individual behaviour .

  9. 本文以企业在职员工为调查对象,引入个体的职业胜任力探讨了无边界职业生涯对职业生涯不安全感以及个体职业未决的影响。

    Selecting Enterprise employees as surveyed object , the study discussed the influence of boundaryless on the career insecurity and career indecision with the introduction of career competencies .

  10. 在对结果变量的预测中,传统职业生涯对情感承诺和离职倾向都不显著;无边界职业生涯负向影响情感承诺、正向影响离职倾向。

    In the prediction of the variables , the traditional career of emotional commitment and turnover intention is not significant ; Boundaryless career negative influence emotional commitment , positive influence on turnover intentions .

  11. 在无边界职业生涯时代,以雇员忠诚换取就业保障为特征的心理契约,正逐步被以绩效换取就业能力为特征的新的心理契约所取代。

    In the era of boundaryless career , the psychological contract characterized by employees ' loyalty to job security is increasingly replaced by the new psychological contract characterized by the performance of employability .

  12. 个体在单一层级中向上流动的传统职业正在被相对不可预测和没有规则并且频繁跨越组织边界进行水平流动的无边界职业生涯所代替。

    Traditional careers associated with rapid , upward mobility in a single hierarchy have increasingly been replaced by boundaryless careers that are relatively unpredictable and disorderly , and frequently involve horizontal mobility across organizational boundaries .

  13. 面对这些新问题,要完善企业职业生涯管理,必须采取一些相应的对策:进行更准确的职业定位,引入无边界职业生涯管理,加强后职业生涯管理,注重自我职业生涯管理等。

    Facing these new problems , enterprise career management has to be perfected by adopting countermeasures : performing more accurate career orientation , introducing the boundaryless career management , strengthening post-career management and emphasizing individual career management etc.

  14. 本文的研究有利于进一步丰富无边界职业生涯下大学生就业能力和就业绩效之间的相关研究,同时为有效提高大学生就业能力、提高就业绩效提供科学的依据。

    This study help to further enrich borderless relevant employability and employment of college students between the lower performance career , as well as improve the employability of students , improve performance and provide scientific basis for employment .

  15. 无边界职业生涯的概念产生于20世纪90年代早期。其基本涵义是指雇员在不同的雇用单位就业的职业生涯,或者是指超越单个组织边界的一系列工作机会。

    Boundaryless career stems from the concept of the early 1990s . The basic meaning refers to the employment of employees in different units of career employment , or refers to a single organization beyond the borders of a series of jobs .

  16. 近二十年以来,职业生涯的性质发生了巨大变化,逐渐呈现出动态性、难预测性和多向性发展的特征,无边界的职业生涯趋势不断加强。

    Nearly two decades , the nature of career has undergone tremendous changes , gradually showing dynamic , unpredictability and multi-directional development , borderless career trends continue to strengthen .