
  • 网络Organizational career management;organization career management
  1. 组织职业生涯管理与员工自我职业生涯管理相关显著。

    Organizational career management has positive correlation with individual career management .

  2. 初创期企业的组织职业生涯管理

    Organizational career management in the initial stage of an enterprise

  3. 此研究证明了组织职业生涯管理的必要性。

    The result shows that organization career management is very important .

  4. 企业性质、规模对组织职业生涯管理具有显著影响。

    Organizational characteristics magnitude have great affect on organizational career management .

  5. 组织职业生涯管理对工作投入影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Effects of Organizational Career Management on Work Engagement

  6. 企业组织职业生涯管理对青年员工离职意愿的影响研究

    Research on Effect of Organizational Career Management on Turnover Intention of Young Employees in Enterprises

  7. 广东地区企业员工自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理初探

    The Study of Individual Career Management and Organizational Career Management in the Region of Guangdong

  8. 基于组织职业生涯管理的员工感知与行为研究&以饭店业为例

    A Study of Hospitality Employees ' Perception and Behavior Based on The Organizational Career Management

  9. 本研究以问卷调查为主要研究方法,对广州、东莞、深圳等广东地区企业员工的自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理进行了实证性的探索研究。

    The research employed questionnaire to investigate Individual career management and organizational career management in region of Guangdong .

  10. 组织职业生涯管理、组织支持感对知识型员工离职倾向的影响研究

    A Study on Effect of Organizational Career Management , Perceived Organizational Support on Turnover Intension of Knowledge Employee

  11. 根据组织职业生涯管理理论,很多学者提出组织的晋升和薪酬等与员工职业发展有关的因素影响员工的离职倾向,建议利用组织职业成长资源进行员工保持。

    According to Organizational Career Management Theory , many scholars suggest manager using promotion or high payment to maintain excellent staff .

  12. 不同职业发展需要的员工采取的自我职业生涯管理行为侧重不同,不同职业发展需要的员工对组织职业生涯管理不同措施的重要性评价也不同;

    Employees with different career needs adopt different individual career management programmes , and value various organizational career management of distinguishing importance .

  13. 通过对大样本进行调查,进一步验证了组织职业生涯管理、工作满意度与组织承诺的题项结构。

    Through the large sample surveys , the article verifies the item structure of the organization career management , job satisfaction and organizations commitment questionnaires .

  14. 当前我国企业员工的职业发展的需要与自我职业生涯管理、员工对组织职业生涯管理重要性评价之间存在因果关系;

    The career needs of Chinese enterprise employees are the causes of indidual career management and influence their appraisal of the value of organizational career management .

  15. 本文的实证研究以青岛市餐饮企业员工为研究样本,就他们的组织职业生涯管理、组织支持感及组织承诺进行问卷调查,然后对数据进行分析并对研究假设进行验证。

    This paper taking Qingdao catering enterprises ' workers as research samples , investigate their organization career management , perceived organizational support and organizational commitment with questionnaires .

  16. 第二章文献综述,阐明组织职业生涯管理相关理论基础以及职业生涯管理中的新理念、新工具。

    Chapter ⅱ Literature Review , to clarify the theory of organizational career management and career based on new thinking , new tools , and new ideas .

  17. 其次,通过开放式问卷调查和访谈研究等方法提取出组织职业生涯管理的关键性要素,并提出本文的研究模型和相关假设。

    Secondly , through open-ended questionnaire survey and interviews , we extract the key elements of organizational career management , and propose the research model and related assumptions .

  18. 另外,从人口统计变量角度分析,性别、学历、工龄对组织职业生涯管理和员工工作满意度的影响效果。

    In addition , the demographic variables from Angle analysis , gender , education , length of service of the organization career management and employee ' sjob satisfaction effect .

  19. 组织职业生涯管理的内在结构包括:注重发展、明确制度、组织公平和科研激励。

    The organizational career management inherent structure including : pay Attention to the development , ensure the system , the justice of the organization and inspirit the scientific research .

  20. 目的在于帮助企业的管理者们了解企业目前的组织职业生涯管理所开展的程度以及它对员工的工作满意度存在着的影响,从而意识到在企业内部开展组织职业生涯管理的重要性。

    This paper aims to make the managers know about the situation which the organizational career management in and wake up to develop the organizational career management in the enterprise .

  21. 组织职业生涯管理的生涯辅导、生涯信息、制度保证、上司支持均与组织承诺、工作满意度显著相关,而离职倾向仅与上司支持这个因素相关显著。

    Career tutorship career information management rules and director 's support is related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction , and turnover intention is only related to director 's support .

  22. 国内外已有部分学者对组织职业生涯管理的效果进行了实证研究,认为组织职业生涯管理对员工的心理和行为能够产生积极的影响。

    Domestic and foreign scholars have conducted the empirical study to the effect of organizational career management , and think it has positive influence on employees ' psychology and behavior .

  23. 在人力资源管理体系中,很多行业都证实组织职业生涯管理的有效实施能影响员工的组织承诺,但是对餐饮业员工的研究却很少。

    In human resource management system , implementing organization career management can affect employee organizational commitment , and this conclusion has been confirmed in a lot of industries except catering industry .

  24. 组织职业生涯管理中的公平晋升、提供信息、注重培训既可以直接作用于员工的离职倾向,还可以通过组织支持感的中介作用影响员工的离职倾向。

    Organizational career management , including fair promotion , providing information and training , can not only affect staff turnover directly , but also through the intermediary perceived organizational support to impact staff turnover .

  25. 如何通过良好的组织职业生涯管理激发知识型员工的创造性和积极性以降低他们的离职率、提高留任水平更是现代企业要关注的问题。

    How could we stimulate creativity and enthusiasm of knowledge employees through good organizational career management to reduce the turnover rate and improve retention level ? This is an important problem to a modern enterprise .

  26. 本文立足职业生涯管理理论的发展和应用,以高校应届毕业生的择业作为切入点,分析组织职业生涯管理对毕业生择业产生的重大影响,以及毕业生择业和职业生涯管理的相互作用。

    The thesis bases on the development and implementation of career management theory , analyzes the effect of organization career management on the vocation choice of graduates and the interaction between career management and graduates .

  27. 本文在对民营企业知识型员工访谈的基础上,结合组织职业生涯管理维度,在人口统计变量加上是否晋升一项,以丰富人口统计量表。

    In the paper , based on the interview to the private enterprises ' knowledge workers , combined with organizational career management dimensions , it adds a demographic variable with " whether have promoted or not ", to enrich the demographic scale .

  28. 在企业做好组织职业生涯管理的同时,员工个人也应做好自我职业生涯管理,将自我职业生涯规划与组织职业生涯规划相匹配,形成与组织职业生涯管理体系之间的良性互动。

    While the company do good organizational career management , individual employees should also make individual career management . Matching the individual career planning and organizational career planning well , it makes the formation of the positive interaction between the organizations and individuals .

  29. 组织职业生涯管理是人力资源管理和开发的一项重要内容和主要职能,组织职业生涯管理作为企业对员工职业生涯发展的规划和承诺,对员工在工作中的倦怠问题会产生一定的重要影响。

    Organizational career management is an important part and major function of human resource management and development , as a planning and commitment enterprises to workers ' career development , organizational career management will have certain important influence on staff job burnout issues at work .

  30. 因此,鉴于这种思考,本文以深圳市高新技术企业知识型员工为例,重点探讨了组织职业生涯管理对工作满意度与组织承诺的影响机制。

    Therefore , in view of this kind of thinking , this article setting shenzhen hi-tech enterprise knowledge-based employees for example , discusses the mechanism of organization career management affecting the job satisfaction and organizations commitment . Firstly , this article studies the foreign and domestic documents of relevant content .