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  • inorganic chemistry
无机化学 [wú jī huà xué]
  • [inorganic chemistry] 研究碳元素以外的各元素和它们的化合物以及碳的简单化合物的构备、性质、变化、制备、用途等的化学分支

  1. 无机化学的基础很重要。

    The fundamentals of inorganic chemistry are very important .

  2. 一种用于气体制备的N形管道反应器&无机化学绿色实验装置的设计

    A N-type Pipe Generator for Gas - A Design for Green Instrument of Inorganic Chemistry

  3. 应用于师专无机化学物质结构教学的CAI软件

    The CAI Software for Teaching on Substantial Structures in Inorganic Chemistry

  4. Flash软件在无机化学教学中的应用

    Application of Flash Software in Inorganic Chemical Teaching

  5. 《无机化学》课程复习系统的CAI程序设计

    Program Design of Inorganic Chemistry Exercise System CAI

  6. 无机化学CAI课件的制作和应用

    Some Considerations about how to Make CAI Courseware and Apply It in Inorganic Chemistry Teaching

  7. 近年来,对小分子过渡金属多吡啶类配合物与DNA分子的相互作用的研究已经成为生物无机化学领域国际上十分活跃的研究课题。

    In recent years , the interaction between small molecular transition metal complexes and DNA has been an active subject at international bioinorganic chemistry field .

  8. 本文通过新的配合物合成及分析测试结果的介绍,结合医学化学知识,对Ca(2+)的生物无机化学活性与生命现象的关系及其反应机理进行了探讨。

    This discusses the active mechanism of biological inorganic chemistry of Ca2 + by composing new complex compounds analysing and testing .

  9. 无机化学添加剂与Bt混合对小菜蛾杀虫效果的影响

    Effects of the composition of inorganic chemical additives and Bt on controlling function of Plutella xylostella

  10. 维生素B(12)及其衍生物以其独特的结构和重要的生理功能成为当前医学、生物化学和无机化学的重要研究课题。

    Vitamin B_ ( 12 ) and its derivatives are becoming the important research subject in medicine , biochemistry and abiochemistry for their particular structure and important physiological functions .

  11. 为了精确、连续地调节和控制无机化学反应过程中溶液的pH值,研制了溶液pH自动调节控制仪。

    In order to regulate and control the pH value of the solution precisely and continuously in inorganic chemical reaction , a self-regulating and auto-controlling apparatus was developed .

  12. EXAFS谱在生物无机化学中的应用

    The Applications of EXAFS Spectroscopy in Bioinorganic Chemistry

  13. Prion疾病与生物无机化学

    Prion Diseases and Bio-inorganic Chemistry

  14. 拓扑理论在无机化学中的应用&IVA2B3型稀土化合物△fHm的计算

    Application of Topological Index in Inorganic Chemistry & IV calculation of △ _fH _ m of the A_2B_3 rare earth compounds

  15. 以“磷的化合物”教学为例介绍了多媒体课件的制作,并初步探讨了CAI课件在无机化学教学中的应用。

    With the compounds of phosphorus as an example , in this essay the writers have discussed how to make multimedia courseware and some applications of CAI courseware in inorganic chemistry teaching .

  16. 采用Tates微核试验法检测3种无机化学物对雄性小鼠生殖细胞染色体的损伤作用。

    Tates'micronucleus rest was used to examine the germ cell chromosome damage caused by 3 inorganic chemicals .

  17. 本文从生物无机化学的角度,运用分子轨道法(LCAO),对氧分子(O2)的π轨道分裂及其配合物的特征进行了初步的探索和研究。

    On the basis of bioinorganic chemistry , the π orbital break up of O_2 molecule ( LCAO ) and its coordination compound is studied and discussed using molecular orbital .

  18. 采用先进的Asp-Access技术设计和构建无机化学精品课网站,使网站具有很强的交互和可维护性。

    The excellent inorganic chemistry courses website has been designed and built by using advanced Asp-Access technique . It has better interaction and maintainability .

  19. 基础无机化学:主族元素及其化合物。

    General Inorganic Chemistry : main group elements and their compounds .

  20. 对一些无机化学实验的改进无机化学反应中的耦合现象

    Improvements on Some Inorganic Chemical Experiment Coupling in Inorganic Chemical Reaction

  21. 高校扩招后《无机化学》教学方法探讨

    Inquire into the Inorganic Chemistry Teaching Method after the University Extends

  22. 无机化学中引入标准平衡常数的必要性

    Necessity of the Introduction of Standard Equilibrium Constant in Inorganic Chemistry

  23. 全学分制下的无机化学实验课改革

    The Reform of Inorganic Chemistry Experiment Course Under the Credit System

  24. 生物信息专业无机化学教学改革与实践

    Teaching reform and practice of inorganic chemistry course for bioinformatics specialty

  25. 《无机化学》电子教案的制作和使用

    The making and use of electronic teaching plan for Inorganic Chemistry

  26. 无机化学实验废液处理

    The Solution to Waste Liguid of the Experiment of Inorganic Chemistry

  27. 无机化学实验是化学学科的一门重要课程。

    The course of inorganic chemistry experiment is important in chemistry .

  28. 青岛沿海地区大气气溶胶浓度与主要无机化学组成

    Mass Concentration and Major Inorganic Compositions of Coastal Aerosol in Qingdao

  29. 在无机化学实验课上开设了设计性实验。

    Offer several designing experiments in the inorganic chemistry test course .

  30. 高师无机化学实验绿色化

    Introduction of greenness in inorganic chemical experiments in higher teachers ′ college