- unbiasedness

The kernel estimation μ n of general probability measure μ is studied . The asymptotic unbiasedness and the strong consistency and rate of convergence under given conditions are obtained .
Using this generalization , we obtain a direct proof of the uniqueness and unbiasedness on the least square estimate c ′β ~ of the estimable function c ′β in the generalized linear models .
The Unbiasedness of L_1 Estimation of Monistic Laplace Distribution
Asymptotic design-unbiasedness of jackknife variance estimators in the presence of missing data
Consider a kind of linear mixed effects model which was proposed by Tao et al ( 1999 ), the nonparametric estimator of the density of the random effects was established . It is shown that the estimator is an asymptotic unbiased estimator .
In our algorithm , we build up the mathematic model of image definition evaluation with the gradient of Sobel operator modulo 2 . This evaluation function has features of small deviation , single peak , and high sensitivity , apparent variation trend near focus plane .
Based on the fractional lower order statistics theory , the deterministic averaging method and two lemmas introduced and proved , this thesis gives an analysis of the convergence property of the DLMP algorithm in theory .
The Unbiasedness for the Robust Estimation of the Location Parameters
On Unbiased Property of Estimated Values of Parameters in Rank Defect Free Net Adjustment
The Identification of Proving Unbiased Estimators
The solution of the adjustment with rank-defects has the characteristics of least variance as well as unbiasedness .
Through using generalized array manifold matrix , a fitting function based on norm matrix for DoA estimation is presented and proved .
Restricted by cash market , the conflict exists between the efficiency and the unbiasbility of the wheat futures market price discovery function .
The unbiasedness of the extrapolation estimate for the registration point , an improvement on the location accuracy and the simplicity of computation are discussed .
Experimental results show that it has a small average error rate and good unbiasedness , it can still complete data under severe missing circumstance .
Then by sampling theory , we establish a connection between orthogonal array and Monte Carlo sampling , and obtain the unbiasedness and convergence of the new estimator .
It 's also shown that change point analysis with the POT sampling method can obtain best effect with the least bias and highest efficiency among these models .
Secondly , the global threshold method is used to select focusing window adaptively , and it can eliminate the background interference and ensure the accuracy of focusing curves .
Based on this influence from the rounded data , this paper presented that the moment estimations of the rounded data have the sufficient conditions of the unbiasedness and consistency .
The Monte Carlo simulation shows that the present method is better than the Method of Moment ( MOM ) in unbiasedness , and is generally comparable to MOM in efficiency .
On the base of producing maximum likelihood estimator and estimation by the method of Inverse Gaussian distribution parameters μ and β, I have confirmed the unbiasedness and consistent of parameter μ sample mean .
A large number of the measured drilling fluid examples show that the rheological parameter estimate has fitting residual approximate unbiasedness and variance of the smallest good statistical characteristics , and smaller fitting variance than the traditional linear regression method and excellent the fitting residual statistical properties .
All of them have the characteristics of good unbias ( s ) edness , powerful unimodality and high sensitivity , etc. , and can be applied to evaluation of defocusing and motion blurring . The vector norm sum of gray gradient is the best among them .
Auxiliary variable algorithm is a main method in parameter estimation . Consistency without deviation when using auxiliary variable algorithm to estimate is verified through the analysis under system noise interference condition .
Conclusions There was no preferable hemisphere on the occurrence of PSD .
Stereology is an interdisciplinary method for 3D morphological study developed from mathematics and morphology . Stereology , which is a fast , reliable , unbiased and high repetitive analysis method , analyzes the objects 3D information through the 2D image measurement .
Problem about the existence of the unbiased estimator of regression parameters in the simple linear EV model is thoroughly solved . The non-existent of unbiased estimator under some common restrictions are proved .
Existence of no error estimation for the least variance
Discussion on existence of non - deviation estimation
In this paper , the property of the best linear unbiased prediction is obtained under general linear models with arbitrary rank .