
  • 网络state transition diagram;STD;State Diagram
  1. 具体给出了按键扫描任务的程序流程图、主任务的状态转移图和各个功能函数的程序流程图。

    The program flowcharts key scanning , state transition diagram of the main task and program flowcharts of each functional are specifically given .

  2. 手绘有限状态转移图的文法表示实现过程验证了图文分离算法的可靠性和图形语义理解框架的可行性与正确性。

    The realization process from freehand state transition diagram to regular grammar shows that the graphics / character separation algorithm is reliable and the framework of semantic understanding is feasible and accurate .

  3. 基于UML建立软件系统的用例图、类结构图、序列图和状态转移图,从静态和动态两个角度描述调度系统的软件模型。

    Based on UML , the use case diagram , the class diagram , the sequence diagram and the state chart diagram are built . These diagrams describe the software model from both static and dynamic viewpoint separately .

  4. 针对可能存在的噪声环境,利用状态转移图辅助进行平滑和去噪。

    Bring forward the state transition method to reduce the affection of noise .

  5. 绘制用于分析系统工作条件下的状态转移图;

    The drawing of the status moving diagnosis system ;

  6. 编制自动控制程序、状态转移图,并实现了故障检测诊断。

    The examination and diagnosis of breakdown are realized .

  7. 因此,画出系统的状态转移图和列出系统的转移概率矩阵是求解可修混联系统可靠性的关键。

    State-transferring diagram and transfer-probability matrix are the cruxes of solving the repairable compound system reliability .

  8. 状态转移图是可选地用于构建对需要特殊处理的复杂事件的关键的实时响应。

    State Transition Diagrams are optionally used to model critical real-time responses to complex events requiring special treatment .

  9. 将本文提出的手绘图形识别算法应用于手绘有限状态转移图的语义理解,分析状态转移图的特点,提出了状态转移图语义理解框架。

    By analyzing the character of freehand state transition diagram , semantic understanding framework is proposed in this dissertation .

  10. 给出仿真模型的状态转移图以及各状态处理过程,并给出了实际测试结果与仿真结果的比较,验证了仿真模型的准确性。

    Finally , the comparison of test result and simulation result is given to validate the precision of the simulation model .

  11. 提出了基于模拟退火算法和信息状态转移图的度分布对设计方法。

    The design method of degree distribution is proposed based on the simulated annealing algorithm and EXIT ( Extrinsic Information Transfer Chart ) .

  12. 序列图和状态转移图从不同的角度描述系统的动态行为,建立系统的动态模型。

    The sequence diagram and the state chart diagram describe the system dynamic behavior from different viewpoint , which illustrates the software dynamic model .

  13. 根据对四喷嘴对置式气化炉流场的测试,将气化炉划分为若干区域,并且对各个区域体积进行了估算,组成马尔可夫链状态转移图。

    According to the measurement of flow field for the opposed tetra-burner gasifier , the gasifier was divided into several regions and the Markov chain states transfer diagram was formed .

  14. 序列图着重描述控制流在对象之间的流动过程,状态转移图描述对象的转移过程以及状态变化的条件。

    The sequence diagram gives emphases on describing the flow process of the control flow and the state chart diagram gives emphases on describing the changing process of the class and the changing condition .

  15. 本文讨论网格调制编码的上、下限渐近特性,重点研究了用错误状态转移图和生成函数求误比特率上限的解析方法。

    In this paper , we discuss the upper bound and lower bound on the asymptotic error performance of TCM , and with emphasis investigate an analytical method for BER upper bounds by using error state diagram and generating function .

  16. 介绍了运用状态转移图进行移动应用部分的测试技术,详细地分析了测试中用到的信令过程源文件和目标文件的结构,提出了运用信令过程目标文件进行测试的方法和过程。

    Test technology of MAP signaling with state transfer was discussed . The structures of signaling source file and object file were analyzed in detail , and that the way and process of test using signaling process object files were presented .

  17. 给出了驾驶员桩考全过程的状态转移图以及评判方法,经仿真枚举桩考过程中各种状态和事件,证明该系统能够实现机器人考官对桩考过程的监视和评判功能。

    By simulating and enumerating the states and events in the whole process of the Automatic Stake Test , it is proved that the system can achieve the function of monitoring and evaluating the tested car with the AMR examiner imitating the human .

  18. 实验证明,根据本文设计的系统状态转移图方案和上层应用软件程序的编写,系统不仅成功实现了车载蓝牙免提功能,而且具有更好的可靠性、稳定性和实时性。

    Experiments have shown that system will not only achieve a vehicle bluetooth hands-free function , according to the scheme of system state transition diagram and programming of upper application software procedures , but also will have a better reliability , stability and real-time .

  19. 参照运输协议管理子模块的业务流程图构建子模块的用例图,并进一步细化给出了用例的状态转移图、顺序图和静态类图。

    The reference transportation agreement manages the sub - module the service flow chart to construct the sub - module to use the illustration , further thin produced shifted the chart , the smooth chart and the static state class chart with the example condition .

  20. 论文研究了动态逻辑门向马尔可夫链的转化方法,利用马尔可夫链法求解动态子树顶事件概率,以及通过马尔可夫状态转移图直接找出子系统的故障模式和薄弱环节,即得到动态子树的顺序割集。

    This paper presents the conversion from dynamic logic gate to Markov chain , the solution of dynamic subtree top event failure probability and the method of obtaining the failure mode of subsystem using Markov model , that is sequence cutsets of the dynamic subtree .

  21. 根据该协议的状态转移图,本文应用可达性分析技术,验证了该协议的完整性、无死锁、无活锁、终止性、有界性以及不存在任何不可执行的交互作用等重要性质。

    Based on the state transition directed graph of the protocol , this paper verifies the important properties of the protocol , including completeness , deadlock freeness , livelock freeness , termination , boundedness , and absence of non-executable interactions , by applying a reachability analysis .

  22. 给出了总体实现方案、编码方案及编码、解码的实现方法,并给出了详细的状态机转移图。

    Overall realization scheme , encoding and decoding scheme , and state machine design scheme were presented in detail .

  23. 介绍利用它的状态元件和状态转移图对自动压蜡机的控制进行设计和编程,代替了传统的电子线路控制,取得了非常好的效果。

    By means of its state elements and state transferring diagrams , this paper designs and programs the control of automatic wax presser in place of conventional electric circuit control , and satisfactory results have been ob - tained .

  24. 基于有限状态机描述信息系统,利用系统状态转移图来定义生存性分析过程,而系统状态的层次化结构避免了Markov链模型中的列举系统状态问题。

    Information system is presented by finite state machine and its state transition map is used to describe analysis process , where the hierarchical structure of system state avoids the problem of enumerating states in Markov chain model .

  25. 通过分析SIP会话状态,采用有限状态机设计呼叫处理模块,同时结合设计中所采用的呼叫状态转移图对呼叫控制模块具体的实现进行说明。

    Through session states analysis , a finite state machine ( FSM ) is adopted to design of the signaling processing model .

  26. 对于状态数和输入变量数都不太大的同步时序逻辑网络的设计问题,本文提出可在状态转移图上进行图上作业来实现状态合并。

    This article puts forward a new method that is able to operate on the action diagram to achieve the combination of states on the state transitional diagram , for the design of synchronous sequential logic network having not too great number of state and input variables .

  27. 根据电路的稳定状态表或稳定状态图,可以进一步求解电路的稳定状态方程和输出方程,从而求得故障的测试矢量;或者根据电路的稳定状态表或状态转移图对电路进行功能测试。

    On the basis of stable state of asynchronous circuits , stable state functions and output functions are easily gotten , and then test patterns are generated by solving functions , or function test can be carried out .