
wú chǎn jiē jí zhuān zhènɡ
  • dictatorship of the proletariat;proletarian dictatorship
  1. 第二条,我们必须坚持无产阶级专政。

    Second , we must uphold the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  2. 无产阶级专政不能没有很大的强制性。

    The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot but be highly coercive .

  3. 军队是无产阶级专政的主要工具。

    The army is the major instrument of our proletarian dictatorship .

  4. 第三阶段,认为新闻事业是无产阶级专政工具。

    The third stage , considering it the means of proletarian dictatorship ;

  5. (三)无产阶级专政下继续革命。

    On continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  6. 他的理论最实质的一条就是无产阶级专政。

    The heart of his theories was the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  7. 我们的国家机关,是无产阶级专政的国家机关。

    Our state organs are organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  8. 真正的发明是关于无产阶级专政的理论。

    His real discovery was the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  9. 其具体内容为:1.进行无产阶级专政学说的教育;

    Its specific contents : 1 . education in the theory of proletarian dictatorship ;

  10. 无产阶级专政的理论是马克思主义的精髓。

    The theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the quintessence of Marxism .

  11. (乙)无产阶级专政的共和国;

    Republics under the dictatorship of the proletariat ;

  12. 无产阶级专政的三个发展公式透析

    An Analysis of the Three Formulas for the Development of the Theory of Proletarian Dictatorship

  13. 二是马克思主义唯物史观,主要是其阶级斗争的思想和无产阶级专政理论。

    Second , Marxism , mainly the thought of its class struggle and proletarian dictatorship theory .

  14. 什么时候我们说过要取消无产阶级专政?

    When did we ever say that the dictatorship of the proletariat was to be abolished ?

  15. 具体说,就是在无产阶级专政条件下,在社会主义建设中,应当把发展生产力的任务放在何种位置,怎样才能有效地发展生产力的问题。

    Actually this problem involves the position of productive forces in the construction of socialism under proletarian dictatorship .

  16. 已不再主张在中国立即进行社会主义革命和无产阶级专政。

    They had already no longer claimed to carry on socialism revolution and proletariat autocracy immediately in china .

  17. 但无产阶级专政下继续革命并非与现代性无关,而是体现着有组织的现代性。

    Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat is connected with modernity and reflects the organized modernity .

  18. 他们决心仿效俄国布尔什维克,通过社会革命在美国建立无产阶级专政的政权。

    They decided to follow the road of Bolshevik to establish a proletarian government in America through a social revolution .

  19. 无产阶级专政的历史实践把马克思恩格斯国家职能思想由理论转变为现实。

    The historical practice of the dictatorship of the proletariat converted Marx and Engels state functions thought from theory into reality .

  20. 因为无产阶级专政要靠广大的同盟军,单是无产阶级一个阶级不行。

    For the proletariat must rely on its broad allies to exercise dictatorship , it cannot do so all by itself .

  21. 依靠无产阶级专政保卫社会主义制度,这是马克思主义的一个基本观点。

    One of the basic concepts of Marxism is that the socialist system must be defended by the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  22. 这与无产阶级专政毫无共同之点,而且完全相反。

    We have smashed this dictatorship , which had nothing in common with the dictatorship of the proletariat but was its diametric opposite .

  23. 不走资产阶级专政的资本主义的路,是否就可以走无产阶级专政的社会主义的路呢?

    If the capitalist road of bourgeois dictatorship is out of the question , then is it possible to take the socialist road of proletarian dictatorship ?

  24. 经济方面的政治思想是列宁关于无产阶级专政时期无产阶级历史使命及其实现途径方面的理论体系。

    The economical politics is one of Lenin 's theories , which is about the proletarian historical missions and about their fulfilling approaches in proletarian dictatorship stage .

  25. 只有很好地完成这个基本任务,才是为巩固无产阶级专政、建设社会主义真正尽了自己的责任。

    Only when they truly fulfil it can we say that they have done their duty in helping to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and to build socialism .

  26. 他们介绍了无产阶级专政理论及其意义,指出了实行无产阶级专政的必要性、本质与形式以及无产阶级专政的职能;

    They introduced the proletariat dictatorship theory and its meaning ; they point out the necessity , the nature , the form of proletariat dictatorship and the function of it ;

  27. 揭露和批判资产阶级法治,建立和实现无产阶级专政条件下的法制是马克思主义经典作家法治观的基本立场。

    The basic rule of law standing for traditional Marxism writers is to reveal and criticize that of bourgeois , to set up and realize legal system under the proletarian dictatorship .

  28. 中央指出:这是一场根本改变我国经济和技术落后面貌,进一步巩固无产阶级专政的伟大革命。

    The Central Committee points out that this is a great revolution in which China 's economic and technological backwardness will be overcome and the dictatorship of the proletariat further consolidated .

  29. 在无产阶级专政下继续革命的理念指引下,政治伦理统合了大众伦理,政党组织统合了社会组织。

    Under the guidance of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat , the mass ethics was integrated into the political ethics and the social organizations were integrated into political party too .

  30. 开学这些天来,还没正经地上过什么课,全班天天在教室里学习讨论无产阶级专政理论。

    There had not been any serious lesson since the beginning of school term , and what the class had been doing day after day was learning and discussing the theory of proletarian dictatorship .