
dé yì zhì dì ɡuó
  • the German Empire
  1. 工业化与德意志帝国内外政策的调整

    Industrialization and Adjustments of Domestic and Foreign Policies of the German Empire

  2. 德意志帝国时期,工业逐步确立起在德国经济中的主导地位。

    In the German Empire industry became the leading factor in German national economy .

  3. 德意志帝国统一了除奥地利―Kleindeutschland之外的分裂部分。

    The Empire was a unification of the scattered parts of Germany but without Austria ― Kleindeutschland .

  4. 您写下来:卢森堡属于大德意志帝国。

    You write this down : luxemburg belongs to the reich .

  5. 德意志帝国时期妇女群体的崛起

    The Rise of Women Social Group in the Period of German Empire

  6. 到1918年旧德意志帝国不复存在。

    The old German Empire ceased to exist in1918 .

  7. 晚安,各位。你们真的是德意志帝国的光荣。

    Good evening , gentlemen . You are truly a credit to the Reich .

  8. 德国的无线电广播每天晚上大声疾呼,宣称德意志帝国与法国并无争执。

    The German radio blared each night that the Reich had no quarrel with France .

  9. 实际上,希特勒的远景是建立一个将持续1000年的德意志帝国。

    Indeed , Hitler had a vision of a Reich that would last 1,000 years .

  10. 从再保险条约看德意志帝国时代的德俄关系

    Reinsurance Treaty : A Mirror Reflected the German-Russian Relations in the Age of the German Empire

  11. 如果今天的中国是德意志帝国,那么全球稳定的前景就不太乐观。

    If China today is imperial Germany , then the prospects for global stability are unpromising .

  12. 20世纪30年代,当犹太人面临灭种危机,拼命地要逃出德意志帝国时,美国对他们关紧国门,使他们被逼入绝境。

    During the 1930s they slammed tight against Jews desperate to exit the Reich dooming them to destruction .

  13. 世界大战解除了德意志帝国主义对欧洲的威胁,粉碎了俄国的帝国主义。

    The Great War lifted the threat of German imperialism from Europe , and shattered the imperialism of Russia .

  14. 摘要德意志帝国时期工业的高速发展与科学技术的巨大进步有密切关系。

    The rapid industrial development in the German Empire had close connection with the great progress of science and technology .

  15. 你们之中的几个正在滥用德意志帝国对你们大方的招待。

    It appears that a few of you have seen fit to abuse the reich 's more than generous hospitality .

  16. 19世纪末20世纪初,由于第二次工业革命,德意志帝国已成为一个现代意义上的工业化国家。

    The German Empire had become an industrial country through the Second Industrial Revolution by the end of19th C.and the beginning of20th C.

  17. 1923年底,德国政府破产,德意志帝国蹒跚于经济总崩溃的边缘。

    The German government was bankrupt by the end of 1923 , and the Reich tottered on the brink of total economic ruin .

  18. 德意志帝国时期城市化是工业化与城市化良性互动发展的典型案例。

    Urbanization during the German Empire is regarded as a typical case of the virtuous and interactive development of high-speed industrialization and urbanization .

  19. 使统治者和被统治者都显得同样滑稽可笑的这方面的最新成就,就是俾斯麦国家的新的德意志帝国。

    The latest achievement in this line , in which ruler and ruled look equally comic , is the new German Empire of the Bismarckian nation .

  20. 1871年,德国作为一个现代化民族国家被统一,在被普鲁士王国统治后,建立了德意志帝国。

    The state of Germany was unified as a modern nation-state in1871 , when the German Empire , dominated by the Kingdom of Prussia , was forged .

  21. 由于工业化的冲击,德意志帝国时期的对外贸易量和外贸结构都发生了巨大变化,德国逐渐成为外向型经济国家。

    The quantity and structure of German foreign trade took great changes because of the influence of industrialization , and Germany became a country of export oriented economy .

  22. 自1938年奥地利被并入德意志帝国之后,富特文格勒一直试图保护乐团与音乐家们免遭来自帝国的重重压力,因而大师与乐团的关系也更加牢固。

    Following Austria 's absorption into German Reich in1938 , Furtwangler 's relationship with the Orchestra deepened as he sought to protect it and its musicians from pressures now emanating from Berlin .

  23. 防御性策略是德意志帝国时期掌权的容克资产阶级为了继续维护自身利益而采取的一种以退为进的统治策略。

    Defence Policy is a kind of rule policy that make concessions in order to gain advantages adopted by Junker capital that wield power for going on maintaining themselves interest in German empire .

  24. 19世纪末,德意志帝国率先以国家立法的形式,建立了较完备的工人社会保障制度,奠定了现代社会保障制度的雏形,这是德国当时的政治经济形势和历史传统影响的结果。

    The German Empire took the lead in setting up a complete set of workers social security system by state legislation , and settled modern social security systems embryo in the end of19th century .

  25. 著名的“费舍尔”争论迄今,德意志帝国及其木代君主始终成为集中探究和沟通所谓“德国历史连续性”的理想题材。

    From the famous " Fischer controversy " till today , the German Empire and its last monarch have become the ideal theme of the enquiries and researches of the so-called " continuity in German history " .

  26. 如法国制定了1810年刑法典与1994年刑法典,德国1871年颁布了《德意志帝国刑法典》,这些法典对欧洲大陆乃至世界其他国家和地区产生了重大影响。

    For example France issued criminal code in 1810 and criminal code in 1994 , Germany issued " Empire of German Criminal Code " in 1871 . These codes infect greatly to the European continent and other countries and areas in the world .

  27. 此外,由于美国不太可能在此期间原地踏步,中国将很难像上世纪初德意志帝国对英国构成挑战那样,对美国构成同样的挑战。

    And since the US is unlikely to be standing still during that period , China is a long way from posing the kind of challenge to America that the Kaiser 's Germany posed when it passed Britain at the start of the last century .

  28. 这与德意志的帝国联邦结构并不相同。

    It is not like the arrangements of imperial federation in Germany .

  29. 德意志第一帝国并不是工业革命的先行者,但却是社会保障制度的首创者。

    The Deutsch Empire I was not the pioneer of the Industrial Revolution , but it was the origin of the social insurance system .

  30. 纳粹党和德意志第三帝国的正式徽章。

    The official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich .