
dé hēi lán huì yì
  • Tehran Conference
  1. 这就是我在德黑兰会议前夕所持的立场的一个忠实的纪录。

    This is a faithful record of my position on the eve of Teheran .

  2. 德黑兰会议前后,苏联承诺参加对日作战是为争取美英早日开辟第二战场。

    In order to urge America and Britain to open the second battlefield earlier , the Soviet Union promised to declare war on Japan just before and after the Teheran Conference .

  3. 在德黑兰会议和雅尔塔会议上,苏联领导人从基于历史的教训出发,为了防止历史的悲剧重演,主张严厉惩治第二次世界大战的挑起国&德国。

    At the meeting Teheran and Yalta meetings , the Soviet Union leaders proceeding from lessons based on history , in order to prevent the tragedy of history from having recurred , advocated punishments should be taken sternly on the country provoked World War Two & Germany .