
  • 网络Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit
  1. 上海合作组织峰会将于今天和明天在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别举行。

    The SCO summit runs today and tomorrow in Dushanbe , Tajikistan .

  2. 第14届上海合作组织峰会于周四及周五在塔吉克斯坦首都举行。

    The 14th SCO summit is slated for Thursday and Friday in the Tajik capital .

  3. 双方领导人在杜尚别市是参加将于今天开幕的上海合作组织峰会。

    The two leaders are in Dushanbe to attend the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization , which opens today .

  4. 今天,上海合作组织峰会开幕,与会国家除了讨论经济问题外,地区安全问题也是主要议题之一。

    Regional security issues are also of major concern as the leaders will discuss ways to clamp down on terrorism , separatism , extremism , transborder organized crime and drugs .

  5. 紧紧抓住中国-东盟自贸区全面建成、上海合作组织召开峰会等契机,积极推进区域合作。

    We will take advantage of the opportunities offered by the completion of the ASEAN-China free trade zone and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit to actively promote regional cooperation .

  6. 在2009年6月上海合作组织叶卡捷琳堡峰会上,各成员国元首再次显示了在应对本地区安全与稳定所面临挑战方面的团结一致。

    The heads of the member states of SCO unite as one when they respond the challenge of safety and stability at SCO Member States Summit , in June , 2009 .

  7. 我们举办了博鳌亚洲论坛年会、上海合作组织青岛峰会、中非合作论坛北京峰会等主场外交活动,提出了中国主张,发出了中国声音。

    We hosted the annual Bo'ao Forum for Asia , the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Qingdao , as well as the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation . We put China 's proposals on the table and made our voice heard at these and other diplomatic events .

  8. 为创建多极世界而结成新同盟的努力肯定还会继续,但在叶卡捷琳堡召开、对俄罗斯最重要的会议是上海合作组织(sco)峰会,而非金砖四国峰会。

    Building new alliances for a multipolar world will certainly continue , but the meeting in Yekaterinburg that matters most to Moscow is the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , rather than the BRIC summit .

  9. 上海合作组织第二次峰会6月7日于圣彼得堡结束。

    The second summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( SCO ) concluded on June 7 in St. Petersburg .

  10. 周四,两位领导人将参加出席上海合作组织成员国六国峰会,此次会议重点在于中亚贸易。

    On Thursday the two leaders will attend a six-nation summit in Moscow of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization , which focuses on trade in Central Asia .