
  • 网络the potsdam conference
  1. 1945年的今天,二战中盟国商讨如何处理战败的德国的未来的波茨坦会议结束。

    1945-world war ii : potsdam conference , in which the Allied Powers discuss the future of defeated germany , concludes .

  2. 雅尔塔到波茨坦会议对德国赔偿问题做出了决议,三大国代表为此进行了激烈争论。

    Allies made resolution about Germany reparation in Yalta and Potsdam Conference , and the three powers representatives had a heated debate to this end .

  3. 波茨坦会议要求无条件投降。

    The Potsdam Declaration called upon unconditional surrender .

  4. 雅尔塔会议确定了德国以实物支付赔偿的原则,波茨坦会议确定了分区赔偿原则。

    In Yalta Conference established the principle of payment of reparations in kind , and then in Potsdam Conference determined the " zonal reparations " principle .

  5. 1945年,二战将近结束时,波茨坦会议划分了三八线,这条线差不多把朝鲜分为两半。

    The38th parallel , which divides Korea roughly in half , was drawn up in1945 , at the Potsdam conference near the end of World War II .

  6. 〔2〕指一九四五年七月二十六日中、美、英三国在波茨坦会议过程中发表的促令日本投降的公告。

    This refers to the declaration made by China , Britain and the United States at the Potsdam conference on July 26 , 1945 , requiring Japan to surrender .