
shàng dì màn
  • upper mantle;asthenosphere;outer mantle;peridotite shell
上地幔[shàng dì màn]
  1. 青藏高原地区的P、S波与上地幔性质

    Characteristics of the P-and S-waves and the upper mantle beneath the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  2. 上地幔顶部p波速度平均为8.17KM/sec。

    P wave velocity of the top of the upper mantle averages to 8.17 km / s.

  3. 中国东部地区上地幔的三维P波速度结构

    Three Dimensional P-wave Velocity Structure of the Upper Mantle under the Eastern China

  4. 1920年发生海原大地震的地区,上地幔顶部是P波速度偏低的地区。

    The region where the 1920 Haiyuan great earthquake occurred show a slightly low Pn velocity .

  5. 本文利用近震体波资料,研究了华北地区地壳和上地幔P波速度结构。

    In this paper , the crust and the upper mantle velocity structure beneath northern China has been studied by the use of near-by earthquake P wave information .

  6. Pn波是通过莫霍面下方的上地幔顶部的地震波。

    Seismic P_n waves sample the top of the upper mantle right beneath the Moho .

  7. 结果显示Love波的传播呈现明显的有规律的偏离大圆路径的异常,地壳-上地幔速度结构显著的横向不均匀性可能是造成这些偏振异常的主要原因。

    The result shows that there are obvious polarization anomalies , which could be due to the lateral heterogeneity of the lower crust and uppermost mantle velocity structure in the wave propagation path .

  8. 使用Pn和Sn波走时可以更高的射线密度,对上地幔顶部的速度及各向异性分布获得高精度和高分辨率。

    The Pn and Sn phases can provide higher ray coverage density and high-resolution imaging of velocity and anisotropy .

  9. 通过拟合15°&30°内的长周期P波走时及波形资料,得到了华南地区上地幔P波速度结构模型SC。

    The waveforms and travel times of long period P phase in the upper mantle range 15 ° - 30 ° have been used to derive upper mantle P velocity structure SC of the Southern China .

  10. 应用N层变密度模型数学模拟法在苏浙皖地区得到了地壳&上地幔的七个界面,与已知资料颇为相符。

    Interfaces in the part consisting of crust and upper mantle in Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui area , which accord with interfaces of known data , were found using mathematical simulation method of N-layered variable density model .

  11. 由渤海周边地区地震台网记录的P波到时进行层析成像研究,得到了该地区地壳、上地幔速度图像的新信息。

    New information of velocity image of the crust and upper mantle in Bohai Sea and its adjacent area has been obtained from seismic tomographic inversion using P arrival time collected from seismic networks surrounding Boh I Sea .

  12. 利用远震PS转换波波形提取出的接收函数来研究地震台站下方地壳、上地幔速度间断面结构是有效的方法之一[1]。

    Using teleseismic PS converted waveform to get Receiver Function is one of efficient methods which can study velocity discontinuity of the crust and mantle structure under seismic station .

  13. 当远震P波通过地壳、上地幔速度界面时,除了产生PP型折射波,还产生一系列PS型折射转换波。

    When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth 's crust and upper mantle , they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves .

  14. Moho面和上地幔间断面大尺度地形起伏的低阶球谐分析

    The Low Degree Spherical Harmonic Analysis on the Large Scale Topographies of the Moho and the Upper Mantle Discontinuities

  15. 腾冲火山地热区地壳具有低P波和S波速度、低电阻率、高热流值和低Q值,以及上地幔也具有低P波速度的特点。

    The crust of Tengchong volcano-geothermal area is characterized by low P-wave and S-wave velocity , low resistivity , high heat-flow value and low Q value . There is also a feature of low P-wave velocity in the upper mantle .

  16. 本文利用Rayleigh波层析成像研究欧亚大陆及其边缘海地区地壳上地幔群速度结构及方位各向异性。

    In the study , Rayleigh wave tomography was used to produce group velocity and azimuthal anisotropy of crust and upper mantle in the Eurasia and its marginal seas .

  17. 二辉橄榄岩可能代表来自MOR环境下,弱亏损的上地幔残余岩片。

    And lherzolites might represent remnants after partial melting of the weakly depleted upper mantle in a mid-ocean-ridge ( MOR ) environment .

  18. 上地幔流体在化学成分上明显富含CO2、硫化物、LILE和REE,它引起地幔交代作用和地幔部分熔融;

    Mantle fluids are apparently abundant in CO 2 , sulfides , LILE and REE , and they cause mantle metasomatism and partial melt .

  19. 尽管Pn波品质因子(PnQ)对上地幔流变性质研究及核试验监测有着深刻含义,迄今它仍然是一个难以准确测定的地震参量。

    In spite of its profound implications on the upper mantle rheology and seismic verification of low-threshold nuclear test ban treaties , PnQ , the quality factor for Pn wave , remains an elusive parameter to quantify .

  20. 辽河裂谷东侧存在壳内高导层,整个断面上地幔高导层发育,在辽河断陷及朝阳、义县地区反映为上地幔隆起区,在西拉木伦河一带出现落差达50km左右的台阶;

    There exists a high & conductivhy layer in the east side of Liao River depression area .

  21. 对上地幔50至200km不同深度的水平切面的速度结构特征进行了详细研究。

    The characteristics of velocity structure in the horizontal sections for several different layers between the 50 and 200 km were investigated in detail .

  22. 根据1975年1月至1993年12月发生的3级以上416次天然地震近震首波Pn走时数据,分析了山东及邻区上地幔波速各向异性的特征。

    Based on Pn travel time from 416 nature earthquakes of their scale Ms > 3 happened from January 1975 to December 1993 , wave velocity anisotropy of the upper mantle is analyzed with residual calculation method .

  23. 跨该带的两期GPS测量结果(19921994)揭示其为NW-SE向拉张性质,地壳与上地幔结构特征支持其属热动力和重力均衡调整边界。

    Measurement of the GPS passing through the zone in two times is undergoing extension in NW-SE . Features of the crustal and mantle structure support that the zone belongs to a boundary of thermodynamics and gravity isostatic adjustment .

  24. 重磁模拟结果揭示了10km深度内的上地壳构造以及地壳与上地幔密度的分布。

    Modelling of geopotential field anomalies reveals the upper crustal structures within the depth of 10km and the distribution of upper mantle density .

  25. 锥状岩席和BS火山岩包含有大量的上地幔岩石包体(橄榄岩类和辉石岩类)和高压矿物巨晶(歪长石、普通辉石和钛闪石)。

    A mass of pyrolite xenolith ( such as peridotite andpyroxenide ) and high-pressure mineral megacrysts ( such as anorthoclase , augite and kaersutite ) are found in cone sheets and BS volcanic rocks .

  26. 对于上地幔顶部,在莫霍界面发生临界折射而沿界面传播的Pn和Sn震相是研究该处体波速度结构的关键资料。

    For the uppermost mantle , the Pn and Sn phases which critically refract at the Moho surface and propagate along the uppermost mantle are the best choice to study the velocity and anisotropy structure of the uppermost mantle .

  27. 利用记录到的远震体波波形资料和接收函数方法获得了剖面下0~100km深度的地壳和上地幔S波速度结构。

    Using the teleseismic waveforms recorded by the passive seismic experiment , receiver function method was used to investigate the S wave velocity structure .

  28. 在本区200km以上的上地幔范围内各向异性的方向性变化主要是上地幔物质运移方向的影响,各地体的岩石圈与地壳在相当长时间内是连贯的运移。

    In these areas , the anisotropic direction of the upper mantle above the depth of 200 km is mainly affected by the movement direction of the upper mantle material .

  29. 本文的研究主要利用接收函数H-Kappa叠加及接收函数3D共转换点叠加的方法来研究地壳和上地幔界面大尺度的起伏。

    In this paper , we mainly use the H-Kappa stacking receiver function method and the 3D common convection point method to study the large scale topography of the crust and upper mantle discontinuities .

  30. 结合Nd、Sr同位素地球化学研究,认为本区岩浆岩是上地幔和下地壳物质部分熔融的产物,岩浆作用发生在由挤压向拉张过渡的地球化学背景。

    Connecting with the study of isotopic geochemistry of Nd and Sr , it is concluded that the magmatic rocks of this region originated from partial melting within upper mantle and lower crust . The magmatism took place in the geological setting from extrusion to spread .