
shàng hū xī dào
  • the upper respiratory tract
上呼吸道[shàng hū xī dào]
  1. 感冒是上呼吸道的感染。

    A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract .

  2. 他的咳嗽是由上呼吸道感染导发的。

    His cough was caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract .

  3. 同时,为改善呼吸的上呼吸道功能训练也正在研究中。

    Exercises for the upper airway2 to improve breathing are also being studied .

  4. 慢性阻塞性肺气肿上呼吸道病变的CT观察

    CT findings of the upper airways in patients with chronic obstructive emphysema

  5. 正常成人上呼吸道CT测量及其意义

    The CT assessment of normal adult upper airway

  6. 柯萨奇B组病毒上呼吸道感染患儿尿白三烯的检测及意义

    The Clinical Research of Urinary Leukotrienes Concentration in Children During Upper Respiratory Infection with Coxsackievirus B

  7. 阿司匹林维生素C分散片治疗急性上呼吸道感染的随机对照临床研究

    A Randomly Controlled Clinical Trial of Aspirin-vitamin C Dispersible Tablets in Patients with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

  8. 正常人和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者上呼吸道的CT测量及比较

    CT measurement and comparison on upper airway between normal adults and patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

  9. 目的在于探讨Mg与儿童上呼吸道感染的关系。

    The purpose is to discuss the relation between Mg and upper respiratory tract infection in children .

  10. 中药组6个月的上呼吸道感染次数显著低于西药组,经t检验,有统计学差异,p<0.05。

    The frequency of upper respiratory tract infection for 6 months TCM group was significantly lower than western medicine group , showing significantly difference by t test , p0.05 .

  11. 结论:清瘟解毒方治疗流感B病毒上呼吸道感染效果显著,副作用少。

    Conclusion : The treatment outcome is obvious to treat influenza B virus induced upper respiratory tract inflection with heat-clearing and detoxifying drug and the side effect is less .

  12. 结果:急性上呼吸道感染各组首选药物为青霉素或大环内酯类,A组占82.93%,B组49.36%,C组占35%。

    Result : Acute upper respiratory infections : the percentage of penicillin and macrocyclic was 82.93 % in Group A , 49.36 % in Group B and 35.00 % in Group C.

  13. 尿pH值上呼吸道感染病儿(6.3±1.2)较健康儿(5.6±1)有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),但在正常范围内。

    There was significant difference in urine pH between the two groups ( 6.3 ± 1.2 and 5.6 ± 1 , P < 0.01 ), but it was within normal limits .

  14. 流感病毒是一种有高度传染性的正链RNA病毒,能对人的上呼吸道和下呼吸道上皮细胞进行感染。

    Influenza A virus ( IAV ) is a highly infectious RNA virus , which can infect the upper and lower airway epidermic cells .

  15. 结论常规CF测量对OSAS病人上呼吸道阻塞部位的定位诊断具有较好的价值。

    Conclusion CT scan is helpful in measuring the upper airway obstructive sites in OSAS patients .

  16. 结论MP和CPn感染也是儿科急性上呼吸道感染中的重要病原之一。

    Conclusions MP and CPn infection are the important pathogens of pediatric acute respiratory infection .

  17. 结果PP发病男女之比10.79,女性发病的平均年龄比男性早,初发的PP患者平均发病年龄较小,PP的诱发因素最主要是上呼吸道感染(33.61%);

    The average age of the incipient PP patient was a bit younger . PP mainly resulted from upper respiratory infection ( 33.61 % ) .

  18. 结论大部分OSAS患者上呼吸道存在多部位的解剖性狭窄。

    【 Conclusions 】 Most patients of OSAS have several anatomic stricture of upper airway .

  19. 运用CFD数值仿真和试验研究相结合的方法对人体上呼吸道内的气流运动特性和气溶胶运动沉积规律进行了全面、系统的研究。

    The methods of integrating numerical simulation of CFD with experimental research were used to study airflow movement characteristics and deposition rule of aerosols .

  20. 小儿急性上呼吸道感染抗菌药物合理使用MTP干预研究

    MTP Intervention of Antibiotics Usage in Pediatric Acute Upper Respiratory Infection

  21. 结果表明,甲状腺肿大引起的上呼吸道阻塞和COPD的小气道阻塞造成混合性通气障碍。

    It is suggested that obstruction of upper respiratory tract by goiter and obstruction of small airways of COPD lead to combined disturbance of ventilation .

  22. 结论B型流感病毒是此次儿童上呼吸道感染的首要病原,Mp感染是第二位病原。

    Conclusion The outbreak of acute respiratory infection in children during the period of investigation was caused by both influenza B virus and Mp .

  23. 目的:儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructiVesleepapneahypopneasyndrome,OSAHS)是睡眠时发生的完全性或部分性上呼吸道阻塞性疾病。

    Objective : Paediatric obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) is a common disorder characterized by complete or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep .

  24. FMDV抗原表位多肽及分子佐剂对小鼠上呼吸道免疫的影响

    The Immune Response of Mouse upper Respiratory Tract Vaccinated by FMDV Epitopes Peptide with Molecular Adjuvants

  25. 结果孕妇孕期上呼吸道感染、高龄、先兆流产、早孕期接触X线等是胎儿CHD发病的高危因素。

    Results The upper respiratory tract inflection , older age , threatened abortion , touching X-ray in the early pregnancy were high - risk factors of CHD .

  26. 目的:A族链球菌(GAS,又称为化脓性链球菌)可以引起多种人类疾病,最常见的GAS感染是上呼吸道感染,引发咽炎。

    Objective : The bacterial pathogen group A Streptococcus ( GAS ; Streptococcus pyogenes ) causes many distinct human diseases . The most common GAS infections are those of the upper respiratory tract , leading to development of pharyngitis ( strep throat ) .

  27. 丙卡特罗治疗急性上呼吸道感染144例,口服50μg,bid,共6d,总有效率95.8%。

    Procaterol was given orally to 144 patients with upper respiratory tract infections and allergic symptoms at the dosage of 50 , u g , bid , for 6 d.

  28. 急性上呼吸道感染病人单核细胞ADCC效应的研究

    Study on ADCC effect of monocyte in the patients with acute upper respiratory tract infection

  29. 该5例IgG亚类缺乏症的临床表现除反复上呼吸道感染外,尚有复发性口腔溃疡、反复脓皮病、急性中耳炎、慢性上颌窦炎、反复支气管炎。

    The clinical presentations of our patients are recurrent aphthous ulcers , impetigo contagious , bronchitis , chronic sinusitis , acute otitis media as well as recurrent upper respiratory tract infections .

  30. 目的:探讨C-反应蛋白(CRP)在小儿急性上呼吸道感染诊断和治疗中的临床价值。

    Objective To explore the clinical value of C-reactive protein ( CRP ) test in the diagnosis and treatment of children with acute upper respiratory infection ( AURI ) .