
yǒu hài qì tǐ
  • harmful gas;noxious gas;NOx;Noxious Fumes;foul gas
  1. 介绍了在低温常压条件下,应用等离子体分解有害气体SO2的实验结果。

    The results were reported for the decomposition of the noxious gas SOZ by using a plasma technique nuder the conditions of ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure .

  2. 以某型坦克为试验样车,测定坦克火炮射击时舱室有害气体如:无机污染物、总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)及挥发性有机物(VOCs)浓度并观察其动态变化。

    On a sample tank , thes test the noxious gas of the cabin during shooting : such as the inorganic pollutants , total suspended particulate substance ( TSP ) and the density of volatile organic matter ( VOCs ), and conduct dynamic analysis about them .

  3. 因吸入有害气体而中毒的员工昨天被送进了医院。

    Employees were taken to hospital yesterday after being poisoned by fumes

  4. 很多家用产品散发有害气体。

    Many household products give off noxious fumes .

  5. 在大城市人们呼吸时吸入汽车和烟囱排出的有害气体。

    In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys .

  6. 空气受到了有害气体的污染。

    The air is infected with noisome gases .

  7. 燃料炉生成的NOx有害气体宜在燃烧过程中加以控制。

    Harmful NOx produced in fuel-fired furnace are better controlled during combustion process .

  8. 冬季窑洞鸡舍有害气体CO2和NH3的含量比夏季高。

    In winter the consistency of CO2 and NH3 is higher than in summer .

  9. 采用灰色预测方法对营房室内有害气体污染水平进行预测,在GM(1,1)模型的基础上进行改进,从而建立起营房室内有害气体污染水平预测模型。

    This paper sets up a forecast modal of the indoor gas pollution of barracks based on the modal of GM ( 1,1 ) .

  10. 该文对一种利用液化天然气(LNG)冷能实现有害气体零排放的能量系统进行了分析。

    A CO2 zero emission energy system with air separation by using LNG cold energy was analyzed in this paper .

  11. NET平台和C语言的有害气体监测与报警系统是一套用于特定场合下的气体监测系统和信息管理系统。

    NET platform and the language of C # , the hazard gas detection and alarm system combining the harmful gas monitor and alarm system is designed as an available system used in particular situation .

  12. 采用人工模拟熏气的方法,研究了13种云南乡土绿化树种对城市SO2、NO2有害气体的反应。

    Adopting the artificial simulation method , the reactions of 13 tree species for greening indigenous to Yunnan were studied .

  13. 研究认为,COPD的发病与肺部对香烟、烟雾、废气等有害气体或颗粒吸入所产生的异常炎症有关。

    Research suggests the pathogenesis of COPD is related to cigarettes , smoke , waste gas and other harmful gases or particles of abnormal inflammation .

  14. 但是随之也带来了NOx(NO+NO2)有害气体的产生,为此催生了NOx传感器的需求。

    However , more NOx ( NO + NO2 ) of harmful gases will be brought along , for which gave birth to NOx sensor needs .

  15. 本文研究了Pr(III)接受带孤对电子的有害气体SO2、HCHO、H2S和NH3作为配体的能力及其选择性。

    It was studied on the adsorptive properties for such toxic gases as SO2 , HCHO , H2S and NH3 in this paper .

  16. 结果表明,该四种空气净化器对SO2、NOx、HCHO等有害气体均有一定的吸附效果。

    The result shows that these air cleaners can absorb toxic gas such as SO2 , NOx , HCHO to certain extent .

  17. 针对目前养殖场多传感器检测有害气体浓度时某传感器参数失效的问题,本文基于FPGA技术实现了一个神经网络的数据恢复器。

    Aimed at the problem of distorted parameter value in the sensor of gas measuring , this thesis carried out a data-recovery machine with neural network , based on the technology of FPGA .

  18. 三效催化转化器在汽车尾气污染控制方面起到了重要作用,汽油发动机尾气中的有害气体通过安装三效催化转化器将有害气体转化为无害的CO2、N2和H2O,而得到有效控制。

    Three-way catalytic converter plays a very important role in automobile emission control . After going through the three-way catalytic converter , toxic emission gas can become nontoxic gas , such as CO2 , N_2 and H_2O .

  19. 由其代替钢材用于汽车车体结构和其它零件的成形,可使汽车减重30%,进而减少燃油消耗和温室气体CO2及其它有害气体的排放。

    The car which body and main parts is made of aluminium alloy can reduce 30 precent of the weight , and then has lesser wastage of fuel and discharge amount of greenhouse gases and other deleterious gases .

  20. 采用计数管与电离室作为传感器,以基于ARM内核的微处理器为中心控制器,在同一仪器上实现了对核辐射和化学有害气体的监测。

    Counters and ionization chambers are applied to sensors , and microprocessor based on ARM IP is applied to center controller in the instrument . It is achieved to monitor nuclear radiation and baneful gas in an instrument .

  21. 经净化处理除去惰性组分和有害气体后,其主要成分CH4又是一种清洁能源。

    However , its cleaning treatment may remove inert and hazardous gases and refine the main constituent , methane , as one kind of clean energy .

  22. 然而人畜粪尿等农家肥不经处理直接施用,往往会因H2S等有害气体发生以及田块中地下害虫增多而损害作物,肥效也不高,而且发出恶臭,污染环境。

    However , the plants would be harmed due to H2S and other harmful odor produced from the man-animal fertilizer , the would pollute the environment .

  23. 结论:HBO治疗不仅使急性有害气体中毒者血清FN水平明显升高,也能使健康者血清FN提高。

    Conclusion : The above findings suggest that HBO treatment can elevate serum FN not only in acute harmful gases poisoning patients but also in healthy persons .

  24. 焚烧垃圾产生的二次污染包括焚烧过程产生的飞灰、以Dioxins为代表的有毒有机物、重金属、HCl、SOx、NOx、HF、CO等有害气体和固体灰渣污染物。

    The secondary pollution including fly ash , heavy metals , HC1 , SOx , NOx , HF , CO , bottom ash , dioxins and others poisonous organic pollutant .

  25. 本文简要叙述光触媒(TiO2)在分解有害气体、杀菌的作用机理,以及复合光催化抗菌泡沫镍金属网在中央空调方面的应用情况。

    This paper presents the working principles of photocatalyst ( TiO2 ) in decomposing deleterious gas and sterilizing bacteria , and the applications of photocatalyst antibacterial foaming nickel metal mesh on the Central Air-conditioning .

  26. 放电过程中产生的少量NO2有害气体,可以通过加热的金属钼丝还原转化为治疗需要的NO。

    A small quantity of NO2 , which is known to be a toxic gas , can be deoxidized to NO using a heated molybdenum wire .

  27. 羰基硫(COS)是广泛存在于天然气、水煤气和工业尾气中的一种有毒有害气体。

    Carbonyl sulfide ( COS ), widely exists in natural gas , water gas and industrial tail gas , is normally regarded as a significant poison for industrial catalysis .

  28. 最后,通过与GUM评定方式相互对照,使不确定度的评定更加合理,也使室内有害气体检测实验室的检测质量控制的应用更加具有可操作性。

    Finally , by the comparison with the GUM assessment to make a more reasonable assessment of uncertainty , but also make the application of quality control testing of harmful indoor air testing laboratories more feasible .

  29. 本文以煤矿井下主要有害气体甲烷(CH4)和一氧化碳(CO)为检测目标气体,进行基于光谱吸收的全光纤传感系统的理论和实验研究。

    Aiming at the most harmful gases , methane and carbon monoxide in the coal mine , the dissertation takes deep research on the theory and experiment of the all fiber sensing system based on spectrum absorption theory .

  30. 尤其是在近几年,离子液体有望被用于环境保护和对生物资源的再利用,例如吸收有害气体CO2,降解作物茎秆中的纤维素等。

    Especially in the recent years , ILs have been promised to be used in environmental protection and the utilization of biotic resources , for example , absorption of harmful gas CO2 , and degradation of cellulose from the crop stalks .