
yǒu guǐ diàn chē
  • tramcar;streetcar;trolley car;stree
有轨电车 [yǒu guǐ diàn chē]
  • [trolley car] 一种载客的公共车辆,在轨道上行驶,通过触轮取得电力

有轨电车[yǒu guǐ diàn chē]
  1. 现代有轨电车应用模式及地区适用性研究

    On the Application and Adaptability of Modern Tramcar

  2. 汽车传感器(连载二)光敏传感器(一)有轨电车和轻轨车辆的防碰撞性

    The Crashworthiness of Tramcar and LRV

  3. 有轨电车哐啷哐啷沿街驶过。

    The trams clanged their way along the streets .

  4. 1882年,伦敦第一辆有轨电车投入使用。

    In 1882 , London 's first electric tram cars went into service

  5. 他在州街登上了一辆北行的有轨电车。

    He took a northbound trolley on State Street .

  6. 你从市中心乘有轨电车到海滩会很方便。

    You can get to the beach easily from the centre of town by tram .

  7. 有轨电车除夕通宵行驶。

    Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year 's Eve .

  8. 小汽车和有轨电车挤满了街道

    Cars and trolleys filled the street .

  9. TTC主席:“我只是想要我们的有轨电车”

    TTC chair : " I just want our damn streetcars "

  10. 浅议汽车零配件电子目录EPC集成软件机架(及零件),铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用

    Discussion for auto parts EPC integration software frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

  11. TTC总裁安迪拜福德表示,迄今为止,仅有六辆有轨电车投入运行,而庞巴迪公司此时本来应交付50辆电车。

    To date , there are only six streetcars in service when Bombardier should have delivered 50 cars by now , said TTC CEO Andy Byford .

  12. 多元化经营的印度塔塔集团(TataGroup)在非洲进行了多项投资,从赞比亚的TajPamodzi酒店到莫桑比克的有轨电车和钢筋厂等等。

    India 's sprawling Tata Group has African investments ranging from the Taj Pamodzi hotel in Zambia , to a railroad-car and steel-fabrication plant in Mozambique .

  13. 这些有轨电车是古老的W-class有轨电车,颜色是褐红色。

    These trams are heritage W class and are painted maroon .

  14. 厂商庞巴迪公司再次承诺,在2019年年底交付所有204辆新型有轨电车,然而TTC与市政官员表示,他们已经厌倦了各种借口。

    Manufacturer Bombardier is committing to delivering all 204 new streetcars by the end of 2019 , but TTC and city officials say they are sick of excuses .

  15. 在每年1月的澳大利亚网球公开赛、每年三月的F1澳大利亚站以及每年11月的墨尔本杯赛马节期间,墨尔本同样会增加有轨电车的数量,满足体育爱好者往返于各大体育馆的需求。有轨电车系统运行良好。

    During events such as the Australian Tennis Open in January , the Australian Formula One race in March and the Melbourne Cup in November , extra trams will also be running in order to move the large numbers of people to and from the venues .

  16. '有轨电车'和'电车'是英国的术语。

    ` tram ' and ` tramcar ' are British terms .

  17. DL6W型现代有轨电车车体钢结构减重优化

    Slimming of DL 6 W modern tram car body steel structure

  18. 环城有轨电车在墨尔本很受欢迎。

    A popular tram in Melbourne is the City Circle tram .

  19. 城市有轨电车用微机控制直通电空制动系统研制

    Development of Micro-Computer Controlled Direct-Acting Electro-Pneumatic Brake System For Urban Trams

  20. 试论有轨电车与轻轨系统的相互关系

    Discussion of the Correlation Between the Tramway and Light Rail System

  21. 2010年1月1日,上海首条现代化有轨电车线路开始运营。

    Shanghai 's first modern streetcar line began operation on Jan1,2010 .

  22. 有轨电车最棒的地方在于它们的颜色。

    One of the great things about trams is their colour .

  23. 城市现代有轨电车制动控制系统的研制

    Development of the Braking Control System on Modern Urban Tramcars

  24. 有轨电车的脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。

    The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo .

  25. 有轨电车已投入使用,意在引导人们减少使用私家车。

    Trams have been supplied to entice them out of their cars .

  26. 如果你要去墨尔本,你可以做有轨电车。

    If you go to Melbourne , you can travel by tram .

  27. 现代有轨电车CAN总线微机网络系统的研究

    The Research of CAN Bus Microcomputer Network System in Modern Railroad Car

  28. 来自有轨电车的流浪者用洗发水淹没火腿汉堡。

    The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo .

  29. 乘坐公共汽车或有轨电车的费用。

    The fare charged for riding a bus or streetcar .

  30. 用拖车拖运在有轨电车上装载的日用品。

    Haul truck trailers loaded with commodities on railroad cars .