
shì ɡù
  • therefore
是故 [shì gù]
  • [consequently;therefore] 因此;所以

  • 是故燕虽小国而后忙,斯用兵之效也。-- 宋. 苏洵《六国论》

  1. 是故,深入研究自由的实现是非常必要的,而且具有重要的现代价值。

    Therefore , it is essential to study the reality of freedom in depth , and it has important value .

  2. 是故,从《反垄断法》角度探寻行业协会限制竞争行为的法律规制,其理论意义和实践价值皆十分明显。

    Therefore , to explore The Trade Associations restriction of competition law regulation from the perspective of the " anti-monopoly law " which theoretical and practical value are very obvious .

  3. 她生病了,是故未能来。

    She was ill , and therefore could not come .

  4. 是故关注经济增长的人们则转移视线至亚洲。

    And people interested in growth are turning their eyes towards Asia .

  5. 是故我们将著重于可操作或可控制的战争成因。

    Hence we focus on manipulable or controllable war-causes .

  6. 是故需从立法的角度重新建构遗弃罪。

    Therefore , it is necessary to construct the abandonment crime on legislation .

  7. 是故原来的虎、龙图腾也随之演变为狼、鹿图腾。

    The former totems of tiger and dragon became totems of wolf and deer .

  8. ①是故,当一个专栏作家企图触摸嘻哈文化(包括说唱)这个主题时,他尤须谨慎行事。

    So a columnist approaches the subject of hip-hop ( which includes rap ) with caution .

  9. 是故,对“以德治国”的德之标准进行必要的梳理显得极为重要。

    So it is very important to adjust the moral principle in governing the country morally .

  10. 是故君子有大道,必忠信以得之,骄泰以失之。

    Be loyalty to faith , thee will get the whole world , or thee will lose everything .

  11. 是故,对于石林词,更注重风格的讨论,包括其词风本身的多元化,以及与他人比较得出的特色。

    So I pay more attention to his Ci 's variety of artistic styles , which are quite special compared with other writers .

  12. 是故正、嘉二朝不但是廷杖的第二高峰期,其规模及伤害更远非成化朝所能及。

    Therefore , Cheng-Te Reign and Chia-Ching Reign is not only second peak , the affection and harm caused by is also beyond Cheng-hua reign .

  13. 是故我们将著重于可操作或可控制的战争成因。我们已无法控制局势,战争机器缓缓走向灭亡。

    Hence we focus on manipulable or controllable war-causes . The situation was out of our hands and the war machine ground on towards disaster .

  14. 是故汝等心想佛时。是心即是三十二相八十随形好。

    For this reason , when you contemplate a Buddha , that mind itself takes the form of his thirty-two physical characteristics and eighty secondary marks .

  15. 是故军无辎重则亡,无粮食则亡,无委积则亡。

    We may take it then that an army without its Baggage-train is lost ; without provisions it is lost ; without Bases of supply it is lost .

  16. 是故舍利弗,诸善男子、女人,若有信者,应当发愿,生彼国土。

    Is a past Buddhist relics Fu , various kind man , woman , if the one who have letter should deliver a wish and living that national territory .

  17. 是故,本文将对爱默生的自由这一思想加以讨论,认为自由是爱默生思想体系之中的最终统一的论点,超灵和自立只是爱默生论证其自由这一思想的基础和前提而已。

    The second chapter mainly focuses on Emerson 's idea of freedom , which , according to this thesis , is the final and unifying argument in the system of Emerson 's thinking .

  18. 实体性教育思维就是现代教育问题之根。是故,实现现代教育变革的前提是转换教育的思维方式。

    The objective thinking mode of education is the root cause of education modernization , therefore , to transform the way of thought on education reform is the precondition of realizing the modernization on education .

  19. 台湾昆虫资源丰富,是故自日治时代以迄1970年代初期,昆虫商业性利用,尤其是蝴蝶手工艺品外销极为兴盛;

    Relying on the rich insect resources , the commercial use of insects in Taiwan used to be a thriving business in international trades during the 1920s to 1970s , especially the handicrafts of butterflies .

  20. 是故,本文以道德系统中的德性价值为论题,对德性的含义、本质、价值特征以及德性与规范的关系作一理论上的探究。

    According to above , this paper take " study of virtue value in the moral system " as topic and study in theory the virtue meanings , essences , merit characteristics also the relation of virtue and rule .

  21. 是故,在提出概念找出问题改进对策的思路下,力求找到推动文化产业发展的科学方法,最终为构建公共文化服务体系和现代文化市场体系打下坚实基础。

    Therefore , in the ideas of " defining , finding out problems , solving problems ", it should try to find a scientific method to promote cultural industries , and build a solid foundation for public cultural services system and modern cultural market system .

  22. 你是想故意气我吧?

    Are you deliberately winding me up ( ie annoying me )?

  23. 由是之故,我得此马,及以珍宝,来投王国。

    That 's how1 got these horses and precious things .

  24. 四摄之行,而为其首,犹如大地,一切万物依之生长。以是义故,先说布施波罗蜜多。

    As the gate to the Six Paramitas and the lead of the Four Means of Arraction , the giving paramita , like the earth where all living beings grow , is introduced foremost .

  25. 职是之故,人民因其租税生存权受到侵害而屡屡提出租税救济,甚至发起和平反抗权&抗税,是可理解的。

    Therefore , it is understandable that people for the fact that their right to life in taxation is often jeopardized often file for taxation remedies and even invoke their right to peaceful resistance - refusing to pay taxes .

  26. 运动中不因r变化的是ω,故以此公式为准,向心加速度,与r成正比。

    Since omega is the same for the entire motion you really have to look at this equation and you see that the centripetal acceleration is proportional with r.

  27. 这影片是如此古老故其版权均已过期。

    The film is so old that any claim to copyright has expired .

  28. 他们是初犯,故应处缓刑。那囚犯在临刑前获得了缓刑。

    They should be probated for first offences . The prisoner won a last-minute reprieve .

  29. 结论茴拉西坦、石杉碱甲均可改善AD病人记忆功能,但其治疗进步是有限的,故必须进行脑功能的康复治疗及良好的护理。

    Conclusion Aniracetam and huperzine all could both improve was the memory function of AD patients . But the improvement after treatment was limited So brain function rehabilitation and nursing care are required .

  30. 在常规靶场CW测速雷达中,由于收-发天线是共用的,故不可避免地会在接收信号中混入发射机的泄漏信号,从而影响接收机的正常工作。

    In CW radars for speed measurements at a general range , since the antenna is common in its receiver and transmitter , therefore the transmitter 's leakage signal exists in the received signal certainly , it ef-fects normal operation of the receiver .