
  1. 不过如果你是安卓(Android)用户,情况可能就不一样了。

    But that may not be the case if you use Android .

  2. 最起码就目前而言,Nook将仍然是安卓阵营成员而非windows成员。

    For now at least , the Nook will remain an Android , not Windows , device .

  3. 比如说,我最近听说智能手机的销售中有一半用的是安卓系统,iPhone只占三分之一。

    For instance , I recently heard that over 50 percent of smartphone sales are Androids and only 33 percent are iPhones .

  4. 周四三星还展出了新一代GalaxyNote跨界产品。该产品搭载的是安卓系统,融合了智能手机和平板电脑的各种功能。

    On Thursday , Samsung also showcased a successor to its Galaxy Note device which runs on Android and combines the functions of a smartphone and a tablet into one .

  5. iOS不支持小部件历来是安卓发烧友嘲笑果粉的谈资之一。

    The absence of widgets in iOS is something for which passionate Android users have long mocked about their iPhone-wielding peers .

  6. 去年9月份,有23%的iPhone消费者称他们之前用的都是安卓手机的系统,而今年这个数字接近于12%。

    In September 2013 , 23 per cent of iPhone customers said they had previously owned an Android phone , but this year the figure was closer to 12 per cent .

  7. 我是安缦(Aman)的铁杆粉丝,因此我觉得亚洲最好的酒店是普吉岛的阿曼布里酒店。

    I am an ' Aman-junkie , ' so I would have to say the Amanpuri hotel in Phuket .

  8. IDC的数据显示,今年全球二季度出货的智能手机中,68.1%搭载的是安卓系统,16.9%是苹果iOS系统,windowsphone系统占据的市场份额仅为3.5%。

    According to IDC , 68.1 % of smartphones shipped world-wide in the second quarter used Android , while 16.9 % were Apple products running on iOS . Windows Phone accounted for only 3.5 % .

  9. 由于谷歌是安卓的开发商,因此我么可以预期在安卓的内核当中就有因特网的连接,但是由于苹果把iphone做成了万金油,电话只是一个附加功能。

    Because Google is behind Android , you can expect the platform to have internet access at its core and while Apple pushes the iPhone as a Jack of all trade that does phoning on the side .

  10. 老年学家陈章明(AlfredChan)是安老事务委员会主席。他表示,香港政府“已经做出保证,计划向每一个人提供的同等服务将保持不变。”

    Alfred Chan , a gerontologist who is the commission chairman , says the government " has made the guarantee that the same services planned for everyone should remain the same . "

  11. 该款手机采用了720p高清分辨率LG柔性OLED触摸屏,操作系统是安卓4.4,主板被安装在屏幕的两侧。

    The phone has a high definition 720p LG Display Flexible OLED touchscreen , and uses an Android 4.4 KitKat board mounted on the side .

  12. 如果你是安卓粉丝,并且一直期待一款设计出众的平板电脑,索尼的XperiaZ就是不二之选。

    If you 're an Android fan and you 've been waiting for a tablet with a great design , Sony 's Xperia Tablet Z fits the bill .

  13. 两个大岛分别是安古迦岛(Unguja)通常被叫做桑给巴尔岛和奔巴岛(Pemba)。

    The two large islands are Unguja ( usually called Zanzibar Island ) and Pemba .

  14. 初出茅庐的阿里巴巴集团的手机操作系统面临着与安卓操作系统的艰难竞争,根据研究公司IDC的数据,中国去年销售的智能手机中,有超过80%搭载的是安卓系统。

    The fledgling Alibaba Mobile OS , or AMOS , faces an uphill battle against Android , which , according to research firm IDC , powered more than 80 % of all smartphones shipped in China last year .

  15. 这两家公司都提供的是安卓的变种系统,感觉上和谷歌的“纯净版”安卓很不一样,不过开发者也可以很轻易地把他们的应用简单修改后放到亚马逊Appstore或小米商城里。

    Both technology companies offer versions of Android that look and feel different from Google 's unadulterated version , yet are close enough at their core that developers can easily convert their apps for use in the Amazon Appstore or Xiaomi'sMiMarket .

  16. 你指的是安.史密斯小姐还是玛丽.史密斯小姐?

    Do you mean Miss Anne Smith or Miss Mary Smith ?

  17. 他们被分为3组:一组的环境是安安静静;

    They were divided into three groups : one worked in silence ;

  18. 我是安.霍华德.今天有很多精彩新闻

    And l 'm Anne Howard . Good stuff today .

  19. 我是安,是一个优秀的翻译。

    ALWAYS FRIENDSI 'm Ann , an excellent tourist interpreter .

  20. 理查德现在是安茹帝国的王位继承人。

    Richard was now heir to the throne of the Angevin empire .

  21. 村里有几幢房子的窗户是安了百叶窗的。

    A few houses in the village had shuttered windows .

  22. 但是总电门是安在祖父的屋里的。

    The master switch was fixed in grandpa 's room .

  23. 他的名字是安拉丁,而且我帮助他找真实的爱。

    His name was Aladdin , and I helped him find true love .

  24. 农业是安天下、稳民心的战略产业。

    Agriculture is a strategic industry to stable nation .

  25. 你是安?凯勒!世界太小了!

    Anne Keller ! What a small world ! ?

  26. 你好!是安吗?

    John : Hello ! Is that Ann speaking ?

  27. 我们住在大饭店,这是安向我们推荐的。

    We stayed at the grand hotel , which Ann recommended to us .

  28. 《亚洲名人聊天》安姿丽:大家好,我是安姿丽。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : Hi , I 'm Anjali Rao .

  29. 一个简单的例子是安有电子启动器的内燃机。

    A simple example could be a combustion engine with an electronic ignition .

  30. 我是安赫拉,独角兽的主人。

    I am Anhora , keeper of the unicorns .