
shì wèir
  • It's a taste;taste good; (of food) have the right flavour; (of a person) feel good
是味儿 [shì wèi ér]
  • (1) [口]

  • (2) [tasty]∶食品等味道正;合胃口

  • (3) [comfortable]∶心里感到舒服;好受

  1. 妈妈,你想不想尝尝我的冰激淋三明治?是花生味儿的。

    Do you want to try my ice cream sandwich , mom ? It 's peanut-flavored .

  2. 他原谅摩斯先生,一边心想,不知道这么含垢忍辱究竟是什么味儿。

    He tolerated Mr Morse , wondering the while how it felt to eat such humble pie .

  3. 马里布海滩闻起来都是鳀鱼味儿。

    Malibu Beach 's smell is the flavor of anchovy .

  4. 女人觉得所有品牌的啤酒都是一个味儿。

    12.Women think all beer is the same .

  5. 我尝了9种蛋糕它们都是一个味儿

    I 've sampled nine different slices of cake , which all tasted identical .

  6. 你嘴里都是花生片味儿。

    You have butt chip breath .

  7. 不过,真正让露茜相信她不是在做梦的倒是那股味儿,那股强烈的咸涩的海水味。

    But it was the smell , the wild , briny smell , which really convinced Lucy that she was not dreaming .

  8. 她一边摘下游客必须佩带的洞窟探险头盔一边说,她享受这次旅行的部分原因是它的旅游味儿不是那么浓。

    She enjoyed it partly because'it 's not very touristy , 'she said while removing the spelunker 's helmet that visitors must don .