
zhōng guó gōng nóng hóng jūn
  • the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army;the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army (1928-1937)
中国工农红军 [zhōng guó gōng nóng hóng jūn]
  • [the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army (1928-1937)] 简称红军。第二次国内革命战争时期,中国共产党领导的人民军队。中国人民解放军的前身

中国工农红军[zhōng guó gōng nóng hóng jūn]
  1. 中国工农红军西路军产生与当时的形势息息相关。

    The rising of the west-route army of the Chinese workers and peasants red army was closely linked to the current situation .

  2. 人类军事史上的伟大奇迹&三位美国记者笔下的中国工农红军长征

    Great miracles of the Chinese Red Army in the Long March by three American reporters

  3. 中国工农红军的名称究竟是怎样来的?

    How the title of Chinese Red Army of worker and farmer coming into being ?

  4. 为有河西行路难&中国工农红军西路军徘徊河西走廊原因分析

    Only Then Hexi Travels Difficultly-The Causal Analysis of the West-Red Army Linger in the Hexi Corridor

  5. 中国工农红军初创时期和井冈山斗争时期的卫生工作

    On the military medical work of Chinese Red Army during her founding and the Jinggang Mountains struggle

  6. 以张学良为首的东北军和以杨虎城为首的十七路军被蒋调到陕甘一带进攻中国工农红军。

    The North East army led by Zhang Xueliang and the17th Route Army led by Yang Hucheng was deployed to Shaanxi-Gansu district to attack the Red Army .

  7. 从中国工农红军面对现实、不畏艰险、心系他人、顾全大局四个方面,进一步探讨了长征精神的主要内涵,它们是:实事求是的精神、艰苦奋斗的精神、无私奉献的精神、团结协作的精神。

    The spirit of long march of chinas red army appeared in the1930s turns out to be extraordinary one for a group in arduous condition rather than that for someone in normal life .

  8. 其次,中国工农红军在闽赣苏区草创的苏维埃文学宣传传统,对延安制订文学政策提供了直接的经验;

    Second , the publicity tradition of the Soviet literature set up originally by the Chinese Red Army in the Soviet Area in Fujian and Jiangxi provided the direct experience for Yan'an to establish the literature policy .

  9. 1935年5月中国工农红军渡过金沙江,进入由大小互不统辖的若干黑彝家支分割统治着的四川凉山彝族地区。

    In May of 1935 , the Red Army of China crossed Jinsha River and entered Liangshan Yi ethnic group area in Sichuan , where there was not a unified administrative hierarchy government but was ruled by several independent branches of the aborigines Black Yi .