
wú zhèng fǔ zhuàng tài
  • anarchy;anarchy of production;anarchic state of social production
无政府状态[wú zhèng fǔ zhuàng tài]
  1. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。

    The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy .

  2. 军事统治政权被推翻以后,接着是一段时期的无政府状态。

    The overthrow of the military regime was followed by a period of anarchy .

  3. 在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中,他被抛在了一边,没人理睬。

    He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy .

  4. 1960年的6月,刚果陷入了5年的内战和政治上的无政府状态。

    In June , 1960 , the Congo was plunged into five years of civil war and political anarchy .

  5. 这国家那时一下子陷入无政府状态。

    The country was thrown into a state of anarchy .

  6. n.无政府状态,混乱我们若不加强控制就会出现动乱和无政府状态.

    If we do not have strong government , there will be rioting and anarchy .

  7. MoussaCamara上尉宣布进行叛乱,声称已经夺取政权,停止所谓的无处不在的腐败,无所作为,无政府状态和悲惨的经济形势。

    Announcing the coup attempt , Captain Moussa Camara said the military was taking power to stop what he called widespread corruption , impunity , anarchy , and a catastrophic economic situation .

  8. 实际上,部落特区可以说处于无政府状态。

    In truth the tribal areas are not governed at all .

  9. 目击者和救援人员称,当地的局势几乎陷入无政府状态。

    Witnesses and aid workers describe the situation there has been near-anarchy .

  10. 他们的人会希望看着我死去,然后他们的王国回复到无政府状态,而你助纣为虐。

    His kind would see me dead and his kingdom return to anarchy and you would help them .

  11. 但除去跟行动主义和政治言论有关的部分,中国的网络世界其实充满激烈的竞争,有时甚至处于无政府状态。

    But outside the realm of activism and political speech , the online world in China is fiercely competitive and anarchic at times .

  12. 他说,以色列人在最近几天看到的国内暴力冲突正在使以色列非常接近完全无政府状态。

    He said the internal violence that Israel has seen in the last few days puts Israel very close to " complete anarchy . "

  13. 对国际规范演化性质的研究,对于认识无政府状态下国际社会中秩序的产生有着根本的重要性。

    The study of the evolution of international norms is of vital importance for the understanding of the origin of orders in the anarchical international society .

  14. 废除我们的州政府或者取消它们对地方事务的控制,必然会直接导致革命或无政府状态,

    that the destruction of our State governments or the annihilation of their control over the local concerns of the people would lead directly to revolution and anarchy ,

  15. 大多数社区体育活动处于无组织、无政府的状态。

    Most of the community sports activities are without organization , anarchic state . 7 .