
wú lǐ shù
  • irrational number
无理数 [wú lǐ shù]
  • (1) [irrational number]

  • (2) 不能表示成两个整数之商的数

  • (3) 不循环的无限小数,例如,用正方形的一边来度量它的对角线时,所得到的比值2是一个无理数,因为写成小数1.414时,它是不循环的

无理数[wú lǐ shù]
  1. 证明了在该逻辑系统中对每个无理数α而言,不存在可达α重言式,且对每个实数α而言,不存在可达α+重言式;

    It is proved that in this system , for any irrational number α , there does not exist accessible α - tautology ; and for any real number α , there does not exist accessible α + - tautology ;

  2. 关于无理数e概念教学之拓展性研究

    Research and Exploration on Concept Teaching of the Irrational Number e

  3. 无理数e的统计估计法

    Statistical Estimation Method of Irrational Number e

  4. 假设z是一个无理数。

    Suppose that z is an irrational number .

  5. 本文通过著名的匹配试验构造出了无理数e的统计估计公式,并讨论了该估计的性质。

    Statistical estimation formula of irrational number e is constructed by famous Matching Experiment and the estimation ′ s properties are discussed in this paper .

  6. n.无理数adj.无理性的;不合理的但谁都不会想到称他们的方法是无计划无理性的。

    irrational But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational .

  7. 当尺度系数为分数甚或无理数时,必须采用频域Z变换法进行计算,并给出了该算法。

    And when scale coefficient a is fraction or irrational number , it should be calculated according to Z transform method , whose algorithm has also been given .

  8. 老的数学老师永远不会死,他们只是失去理智了(变成无理数)。

    Old math teachers never die , they just become irrational .

  9. 是一个无理数,也是一个超越数。

    Is an irrational number , also is a transcendental number .

  10. 无理数的逻辑主义是颇有些不自然的。

    The logical definition of the irrational number is rather sophisticated .

  11. 一个除单位元外其余诸元均为无理数的群

    A Group with All Elements Except the Identity Being the Irrational Numbers

  12. 无理数的无理数的或与无理数有关的数字处理,数字加工

    Of or relating to an irrational number . digital processing

  13. 无理数序列的似混沌特性及其在加密中的应用

    Chaos-like characteristics of irrational number series and its application to image encryption

  14. 一种基于无理数加密算法的数字签名方案

    An Scheme of Digital Signature Based on Encrypt Algorithm of Irrational Number

  15. 二的平方根是一个无理数。

    The square root of two is an irrational number .

  16. 一种基于无理数的序列密码方案

    A Scheme of Stream Cipher Based on Irrational Number

  17. 它们必须用分数进行近似,因为无法用齿轮来表示无理数。

    To represent these irrational quantities by gear wheels they had to be approximated by fractions .

  18. 理论核心是利用无理数所具有的特性完成文件压缩工作。

    Its academic core is to use the characters of the irrational number to finish condensing work .

  19. 当转速比为无理数时,研磨轨迹的分布较致密。

    When this rotating speed ratio is an irrational number , the distribution of grinding track becomes finer .

  20. 然而,当概率为无理数时,对于抽奖就难以给出直观的解释,J。

    But when the probability p is irrational , it is hard to interpret the lottery intuitively . J.

  21. 一个无理数的无理数次方是否有可能是有理数?人们采用某常数作为指数函数中的底,这个常数是无理数。

    A certain constant has been adopted as a standard to use in exponential functions . It is an irrational number .

  22. 在指数α为无理数时,无穷多值稠密地分布在圆周上。

    Time and fate ; If the exponent α is an irrational number , the the values are densely distributed on a circle .

  23. 对艾伦来说,这个问题的意义是,它展示了怎样由有理数推出无理数。

    However , the point relevant to Alan Turing 's problem was that it showed how the rational could give rise to the irrational .

  24. 接着,康托继续展示一种技巧,叫作康托对角线证明,来证明存在无理数。

    Cantor went on to invent a certain trick , called the Cantor diagonal argument , which could be used as a proof that there existed irrational numbers .

  25. 由于其变换矩阵中的元素为无理数,可能导致在编码器和解码器中解码的数据不一致。

    A disadvantage of DCT is that the elements in the transform matrix are irrational numbers , so the decoded data in the encoder maybe mismatch with that in the decoder .

  26. 在此基础上分析系统的转动数,发现转动数一般为无理数,只在某些特定条件下存在有理旋转数,从而系统作准周期运动或者周期运动。

    The rotating number is generally an irrational number and only in some special conditions is a rational one , from which it can be known that the motion of the system is quasi-periodic or periodic .

  27. 为了解决非连续物体三维面形测量中所存在的非连续相位解包问题,采用计算机生成的两频率之比为一无理数的电子光栅作为空间载频光栅条纹投影到待测物体表面。

    In order to overcome the discontinous phase unwrapping problems existing in the shape measurement of the discontinuous objects , the spatial carrier grating fringe pattern produced by the computer of which the ratio of two frequencies is an irrational number , is introduced .

  28. 无理压缩&利用无理数特性压缩大型文件的设想

    Irrational Compression : A Conception of Compressing Mass Files Utilizing the Characteristics of Irrational Numbers