
  • 网络scientific computing;Scientific Computation;MATLAB;computational science
  1. 这充分展现了Matlab的科学计算可视化技术在机器人领域的应用及发展前景。

    This exhibits the broad prospect of applying and developing of scientific computing visualization based on Matlab on Robot .

  2. 科学计算可视化(VisualizationinScientificComputing)是发达国家20世纪80年代后期提出并发展起来的一个新研究领域。

    Visualization in Scientific Computing is a new research that the developed countries put forward to the late 80s ' in the 20 century .

  3. 在C语言中用指针实现科学计算的动态数组

    Using indicator to caculate scientifically dynamic arrays in C language

  4. 分布科学计算实例研究中的Agent模型

    Agent Models of Distributing Science Calculation

  5. 基于科学计算与数据服务的Linux安全

    The Linux Security Based on Science Computing and Data Service

  6. Java在科学计算方面的并行处理

    Parallel processing using java for scientific computation

  7. 本文采用科学计算语言MATLAB计算分析了理论结果。

    The all calculations are testified with MATLAB .

  8. 基于脚本语言Python的科学计算CAD软件设计框架

    CAD Software Framework Design in Science Computation Field Based on Script Language Python

  9. 这类借鉴模拟了生命系统的行为、功能和特性的科学计算方法可以称之为人工生命计算(ArtificialLifeComputation)。

    We call this kind of algorithms that mimic the behavior , function and characteristic of life system for scientific computation as " Artificial-Life Computation " .

  10. Linux是一个开放源代码的操作系统,它被广泛的用于科学计算,数据服务等领域。

    Linux is an open source operating system , widely used in scientific computation , database services , and personal workstations .

  11. 同其它语言相比较,MATLAB具有简单易用的程序语言、强大的科学计算及数据处理能力。

    Compared with other programming languages , MATLAB is a language used easily and has the powerful ability of scientific computing and data processing .

  12. 本文介绍了如何利用MATLAB提供的C++接口,调用MATLAB的科学计算与三维图形显示功能,将抽象复杂的用谷峰法求解函数总体极值的计算过程可视化。

    The paper mainly introduces how to use MATLAB to visualize the complicated procedure of finding global extremum of a function with Valley-peak method .

  13. 交互式科学计算网站的CGI程序设计方法

    A CGI Program Designing Methed for an Interactive Science Calculation Web Site

  14. 随着计算机进一步发展,科学计算可视化越来越受到重视;而适用于低频区RCS(雷达散射截面)计算的传统方法MOM(矩量法),也越来越显示其价值;

    With the development of visualization in scientific computing , traditional MOM for low frequency RCS has been re evaluated .

  15. 随着Linux的蓬勃发展,其应用范围逐渐从科学计算和工程计算等传统领域拓展到商务应用和网络服务等新应用领域。

    With the flourishing progress of Linux , cluster application domain has expanded from the traditional science and engineering computing to e-business and network services .

  16. MATLAB是一个面向工程的大型科学计算工具软件,它包含许多工具箱,优化工具箱是其中之一。

    Matlab is a huge scientific tool software for facing project , which contains many tool boxes and the optimization tool box is just the one .

  17. 由于集群节点通常只有局部IP地址,集群只通过首节点对外通讯,因而通用的网格信息服务组件只能提供集群首节点信息,无法满足工程应用和科学计算的要求。

    As all slave nodes in a cluster have only local IP addresses , default information service can only gathers information about the master node of a cluster .

  18. 但Visualc++在数据处理方面较MATLAB弱,MATLAB有强大的科学计算能力,在工程应用领域大量应用。

    But Visual C + + is weaker than MATLAB in handling data . MATLAB has strong ability of science calculation and is applied in engineering field widely .

  19. OpenGL图形库具有良好的3D图形生成功能,而科学计算可视化对于有限元分析软件是必不可少的部分。

    OpenGL graphic database has an ideal function of generating 3D graphics , and scientific computation visualization is absolutely necessary for finite element analysis software .

  20. 基于GPU的通用科学计算迅速成为了研究热点。

    General scientific calculation for GPU has become one of hot spots rapidly in computer science field .

  21. 超声波CT成像技术及其在大型桥梁基桩无损检测中的应用本文首先对混凝土结构的超声波CT重建中的可视化理论、科学计算方法进行了探讨和比较。

    Ultrasonic tomography technology and its applications in undamage test of bridge foundation piles At the beginning of this paper , the theory of scientific visualization tech and CT has been introduced .

  22. 应用FORTRAN静态库可以方便的解决科学计算中数据处理的程序编制问题。

    FORTRAN programs of data processing in scientific computation can be solved easily by using FORTRAN static library .

  23. 介绍了在《数字信号处理》课程中使用了科学计算软件MATLAB语言,对传统教学手段的改革与实践,获得了良好的教学效果。

    MATLAB , software of advanced scientific calculation has been in use in the course " Digital Signal Processing " . It has turned to be conducive to teaching .

  24. 采用OPC技术设计了MATLAB和组态王的通信程序,发挥MATLAB科学计算特长和组态王人机交互优点。

    By the design of OPC based communication between MATLAB and KingView , the scientific calculating function of MATLAB and human-machine interactive function of KingView are combined .

  25. 本书提供了读者精通MATLAB所需的工具。作为编程语言和可视化工具,MATLAB具有丰富的一系列功能,可解决工程、科学计算和数学学科中许多问题。

    As a programming language and visualization tools , MATLAB has a rich range of functions , solve engineering , scientific computing and mathematical disciplines , many of the problems .

  26. 由于主频的限制,单DSP系统不能满足某些大运算量的科学计算和高速的实时信号处理的要求。

    Due to the frequency limitation , an image fusion system with single DSP core cannot meet the requirements of large amount scientific computing and high speed real-time signal processing .

  27. 分析了科学计算可视化软件工具、曲面绘制算法和彩色图像分割算法的技术类型和发展趋势。(2)对基于采样点的3D曲面绘制与编辑技术进行了深入的研究。

    The techniques styles and trends of scientific visualization tools , surface rendering and color image segmentation . ( 2 ) A deep research on point-sampled 3D surface rendering and editing is made .

  28. 结合超限货物运输特点,选用BP神经网络模型,对超限货运输安全进行评价,对各因素的权重进行科学计算,以使评价结果更科学、合理。

    Combined with the characteristics of out-of-gauge goods transportation , in order to evaluate the results of more scientific and rational , BP neural network model is chosen to scientific compute .

  29. Linux集群计算在高性能科学计算、商业应用和海量信息服务等领域得到了广泛应用,逐渐发展成为高性能计算中的流行方法。

    Linux cluster computing has become popular approach to high performance computing with widespread adoption in high performance scientific computing applications , commercial applications and of high capacity information services .

  30. 为了能结合Java和Matlab两者的优点,构造功能更加强大的科学计算环境,对使用Java语言扩展Matlab主开发环境自身功能的关键技术进行了研究。

    For the purpose of constructing a strong science-computing environment that combines the merits of Java and Matlab , a key technology of extending Matlab main development environment using Java was investigated .