
jì suàn lǐ lùn
  • theory of computation
  1. 这门课程的网站包括作业集,一份期中考试的样卷和有关Sipser教授的课本《计算理论入门》的相关资讯。

    This course web site features problem sets , a sample mid-term exam , and information about Professor Sipser 's textbook : Introduction to the Theory of Computation .

  2. 热带钢连轧机精轧轧辊磨损计算理论

    The theory of computation of roll wear of hot strip finishing mill

  3. 网格密码破解技术(GCD)是网格计算理论和密码暴力破解需求的结合

    Technology of GCD is the combination of grid computing and declassification .

  4. MobileAgent计算理论及其应用

    Computer Theory and Application of Mobile Agent

  5. 预防列车脱轨措施及抗脱轨安全系数N的计算理论

    Measures to Prevent Train Derailment and Calculating Theory of Safety Coefficient N for Resisting Derailment

  6. 基于四能级N型模型,通过解析和数值计算理论分析和解释了实验观察到的现象。

    Analytical and numerical calculations based on a four-level N type model were presented to explain the experimental results .

  7. 针对低层钢结构住宅采用C型钢结构体系的抗侧能力进行分析,用蒙皮效应计算理论证明该体系的抗侧性能,为工程设计提供计算方法。

    This text mainly analyses the anti-side ability of low story dwelling that has adopted C steel structural system . It uses the calculate theories of the diaphragm effect proving the anti-side ability , from which it offers the designing calculation method for the engineering .

  8. 随后依据KMV模型建立了基于期权的资金信托违约风险模型,提出了计算理论违约概率的方法;

    In the paper , founded on the methodology of KMV model , the author constructs the option-based default risk model for money trusts .

  9. 根据传统的钢筋混凝土裂缝宽度计算理论,对CFRP布加固混凝土梁的裂缝宽度计算方法进行了分析研究。

    Based on the traditional crack theory of reinforced concrete ( RC ) beams , the crack width prediction for RC beams strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) sheets is studied .

  10. 本文提出一种新的话音激活检测方法,该方法基于软计算理论,应用于3GPP标准化的自适应多速率语音编码算法。

    A novel voice activity detection algorithm is put forward , which is based on soft computing theory , and is applied in adaptive multi-rate speech codec standardized by 3GPP .

  11. 该模型不同于D.Marr的视觉计算理论所描述的自下而上的处理过程,而是一种充分利用高层信息的自上而下的处理过程。

    It is a top-down processing with prior knowledge , which is different from the classical computational vision proposed by D. Marr .

  12. 概述了海堤发展历史和研究现状、桩受水平荷载的计算理论和方法以及存在的一些问题,论述了开发PCC桩结构直立式新形海堤和研究其抗弯的重要意义。

    This paper carries out the following tasks : 1 . Summarizing the history and present state of dike , and the computational theories and methods of the laterally loaded pile . Some problems are raised . And the importance of development of erect dike of PCC is discussed .

  13. 前推回代法计算理论线损研究

    Study on calculating theoretically line loss using forward and backward substitution method

  14. 吴震东公式简化计算理论的研究

    Studies of Theory of Simplifying Calculation of Wu Zhendong Formula

  15. 正多边形幕结构计算理论研究

    Research on the Calculating Theory of Regular Polygon Folded-plated Shell

  16. 多关节机器人空间运动轨迹的计算理论与处理算法

    Computer theory and processing algorithm for space moving trace of articulated robot

  17. 端板连接中端板反力计算理论的探讨

    Study on Calculation Theory of Reacting Force in End-plate Connections

  18. 但抗滑桩设计计算理论还不成熟。

    But the designing and computing theory of anti-slide pile is not perfect .

  19. 非线性路面温度场的计算理论

    The Calculation Theory of The Nonlinear Pavement Temperature Field

  20. 中小流域设计洪水计算理论研究及其软件开发

    Computing Theory and Software Development for Design Flood of Middle or Small Catchment

  21. 从数学上对现有的两种随机应力模糊强度的模糊可靠性计算理论的等价性予以证明,即加权平均法和模糊事件概率法是等价的。

    The equivalence between weighted average method and fuzzy event method is proved .

  22. 掺化学防冻剂混凝土蓄热冷却计算理论的研究

    A theoretical study of cooling calculation for heat-saving concrete mixed with chemical freeze-proof agent

  23. 探讨了计算理论燃烧温度的方法及推导过程。

    The paper discusses the computing method and computing process of theoretical burning temperature .

  24. 该理论研究为工程设计提供了齿坎抗滑作用的计算理论。

    It provides a calculation theory of sliding resistance of tenon for engineering design .

  25. 竹构架计算理论与方法

    Theory and Method for Calculation of Bamboo Frames

  26. 炉渣脱硫的定量计算理论

    On the Quantitative Theory of Desulphurization by Slag

  27. 铁路无缝道岔计算理论的优化探讨

    Approach to Optimizing Seamless Railway Turnout Computing Theory

  28. 模拟进化计算理论及其应用

    Simulated evolutionary computation theory and its application

  29. 关于复杂系统研究的计算理论与方法

    Computational Theory and Method on Complex System

  30. 环&梁分载计算理论及圆形工作井结构性状分析

    Theory of Ring-Beam 's Load-Distribution Calculations and Analysis of Circular Working Shaft 's Structural Behavior