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  • computer graphics
  1. 模型简化(ModelSimplification)技术是目前计算机图形学的研究热点之一。

    The technique of model simplification is one of the hot topics of computer graphics .

  2. B样条曲线曲面是在计算机图形学中应用最广泛的参数曲线曲面类型。

    B-Spline curves and curve surfaces are the most commonly used parametric curves and surfaces in Computer Graphics .

  3. 基于计算机图形学的干涉SAR成像几何仿真

    Imaging Geometry Simulation of InSAR Based on Computer Graphics

  4. 基于FLASHMX实现计算机图形学经典算法仿真演示

    Presentation on Classic Algorithm of Computer Graphics Based on Flash MX

  5. 3D数码扫描设备在计算机图形学中的广泛应用使得基于点的图形绘制技术研究越来越引起人们的广泛注意。

    With the wide application of 3D digital scanning devices , point-based rendering research has become a hot area in recent years .

  6. 基于计算机图形学、物理光学法的RCS算法

    RCS computation Based on computer graphics and physical optics

  7. 钢结构设计CAD是一项复杂、大型的系统工程,涉及到数学、工程力学、建筑学、计算机图形学等多种学科。

    The steel structure design CAD is a complicated and huge system project dealing with Mathematics , Engineering Mechanics , Architecture and Computer Graphics .

  8. 论文共分七章,内容涉及CAD/CAM、飞行器设计、计算几何、计算机图形学等。既有理论研究、方法探讨、又有实际应用。

    The dissertation consists of seven chapters which are dealt with many fields , such as CAD / CAM , Aircraft Design , Computational Geometry , Computer Graphics etc.

  9. 作者采用计算机图形学技术和系统仿真技术,建立了终端仿真根据控制系统(PLC),对采样机进行可视化模拟,从而可以控制高炉气采样过程。

    Using the computer graphics technique and system simulation technique , the paper builds a terminal to visually simulate the sampling machine according to the command of PLC control system .

  10. Bézier曲线是一种最重要且最简便的构造控制参数曲线方法,是计算机图形学的重要内容。

    B é zier curves is a very important and simple method to construct control parameter curves , and it is the main content of computer graphics .

  11. 随着计算机图形学和计算机CAD技术的发展,人们开发了汽车灯具道路照明仿真程序来模拟汽车前照灯在真实场景中的照明效果。

    With the development of Computer Graphics and Computer CAD technology , people develop an automobile lighting simulation software , which can simulate the light impact of vehicle front lighting in real scene .

  12. LED灯具是一种采用LED作为光源的新型灯具,其灯光仿真系统是一种基于计算机图形学的计算机辅助仿真软件系统。

    LED lamp is one kind of new lamps , which uses the LED as light source . The simulating system of LED lighting is a computer aided simulating software system based on computer graphics .

  13. 可以在图形处理单元(GPU)平台上进行计算机图形学的相关外围运算,乃至有效实现某些非传统性渲染方案。

    Certain peripheral computations of graphics can be carried out on the GPU platform , as well as some non-traditional rendering plot .

  14. 包围盒技术在计算机图形学(CG)、计算机辅助几何设计(CAGD)和计算机动画等应用领域中都有着非常重要的作用。

    The technology of bounding box plays an important role in the applied area of CG , CAGD and computer animation .

  15. 第二,基于计算机图形学的理论基础,详细介绍了与三维游戏引擎相关的虚拟现实技术、OpenGL技术及其系统设计过程。

    Secondly , based on the theory of computer graphics , the article introduces the virtual-reality , OpenGL related to 3D game engineering and the process of system design .

  16. 区域填充问题在CAD、科学可视化、图形图象处理等领域均有着广泛和深入的应用,研究高效的区域填充算法,是计算机图形学的重要问题之一。

    Area filling algorithm has a wide application in the field of CAD , visualization of science and graphical processing . It is one of the important problems to study the efficient area filling algorithm in computer graphics .

  17. 九十年代以后,基于物理的方法开始引入到计算机图形学中,它主要是基于流体动力学中的Navier-Stokes方程,按照描述方式的不同可以分为拉格朗日方法和欧拉方法。

    In the 1990s , physical based method has been introduced into the computer graphics , which is mainly based on Navier-Stokes equation of fluid dynamics .

  18. 随着可视化技术的发展和应用,计算机图形学的算法可视化也越来越受到研究者的重视,而且也提出了很多不同的可视化方法,如flash动画演示方法等。

    With the development and application of visualization technology , researchers have emphasized on the arithmetic visualization of computer graphics and also proposed a lot of different visualization methods , for example flash animation method .

  19. 论述了利用计算机图形学方法,使用NURBS曲面和B啨zier曲面进行飞行器RCS预估计算前置处理的方法。

    A technique for prepositive disposal in predicting RCS of aircraft by using computer graphic method and NURBS ( non-uniform rational B-spline ) surface and B é zier surface is presented .

  20. 近二十年来,对曲线和曲面的细分方法(Subdivision)的研究和应用在计算机图形学和造型领域中相当流行,然而对于实体的细分方法却研究得较少。

    Subdivision for curves and surfaces has gained popularity in computer graphics and shape modeling during the past two decades , yet solid / volumetric subdivision has received much less attention .

  21. 本文首先介绍了用于支持三维建模与动画的计算机图形学基本知识,以及专门的三维编程软件包OpenGL。

    This article introduces basic knowledge of computer graphics that is related to 3D model and movies , and then introduces the technology of OpenGL that is a program software package .

  22. 利用编译原理、计算机图形学等知识以及VC工具,设计了一个函数计算和绘图软件,该软件具有计算并绘制函数图形、矩阵运算以及智能计算等功能。

    Using the VC tool , knowledge of translate and edit principle and computer graphics , a plot software is programmed , which has the function of plotting graphics , matrix operation and aptitude computing .

  23. 本文简要论述了计算机图形学领域的HERMITE曲线理论,并在这一理论基础上提出了足球机器人运动路径规划方法。

    Based on the theory of Hermite Curves in the field of Computer Graphics , a new robot path planning algorithms has been presented in this paper .

  24. MCAD系统运用计算机图形学相关知识,以VC++6.0作为开发工具,以Windows为平台进行开发。

    Used the knowledge relate to Computer Graphics , the mutual drawing system of mechanical graphics is developed on the Microsoft 's production-Visual C + + 6.0 under Windows .

  25. 全景图生成是近年来兴起的基于图像的绘制技术(Imaged-BasedRendering,IBR)中的重要研究内容,涉及到计算机图形学、图像处理及计算几何等诸多学科。

    Constructing panoramic images is an important research content of imaged-based rendering ( IBR ), concerned with many subjects such as Computer Graphics , Image Processing and Calculating Geometry .

  26. 计算机图形学中有关VUP矢量的探讨

    Discussion on the vector VUP in computer graphics

  27. Voronoi图作为一种重要的计算机图形学技术,在数控加工、机器人的运动规划和曲面生成等许多领域都有广阔的应用前景。

    As one of the important computer graphics techniques , the Voronoi diagram has potential prospect of application in many fields , such as the NC machining , robot motion planning , mesh generation and so on .

  28. 因此,实时光线跟踪一直是计算机图形学研究领域追求的目标。

    Real-time ray tracing is a long-term aim in computer graphics .

  29. 计算机图形学在矿产资源评价中的应用前景

    Prospects of application of computer graphics in assessment of mineral resources

  30. 基于点的图形学是计算机图形学的一个新兴研究领域。

    Point-based graphics is a new research field of computer graphics .