
jì suàn jǐ hé
  • computation geometry
计算几何[jì suàn jǐ hé]
  1. 基于计算几何方法的WSN节点部署研究

    Deployment of WSN Nodes Based on Computation Geometry Method

  2. 作为计算几何中的一个重要分支,Voronoi具有很多优良的特性,特别是它的最近邻特性,因此它在诸多领域都有应用。

    As a important branch of computation geometry , Voronoi has very many fine characteristics , especially its characteristic of most close neighbor , therefore it all has extensive application in many domains .

  3. 计算几何算法在GIS图形分析中的应用

    The Application of Computational Geometry Algorithms in GIS Spatial Analysis

  4. 计算几何的不规则三角网算法研究及在GIS中应用

    Study Arithmetic of Triangulated Irregular Network with Application

  5. 本文把《计算几何》中的B样条函数和圆弧样条函数结合起来,给出了一种几乎完全利用计算机来设计公路纵断面线形的方法。

    Based on B-spline and arc spline , this paper presents a method for designing vertical alignment of highway almost fully by computer .

  6. Euclidean最短路径(ESP)问题是计算几何领域的经典问题。

    ESP ( Euclidean shortest path ) problem is a typical problem in Computational Geometry .

  7. 它在计算几何中是一种经典的结构,在CAD、GIS、数字地球等方面都有广泛的应用。

    It is a classic structure in computational geometry , and is used in many aspects such as CAD , GIS and digital earth and so on .

  8. 简单多边形的三角剖分(TSP)问题是计算几何的基础问题之一。

    The Iriangulation of a simple polygon ( TSP ) is one of the basic problems in computational geometry .

  9. 论文共分七章,内容涉及CAD/CAM、飞行器设计、计算几何、计算机图形学等。既有理论研究、方法探讨、又有实际应用。

    The dissertation consists of seven chapters which are dealt with many fields , such as CAD / CAM , Aircraft Design , Computational Geometry , Computer Graphics etc.

  10. 空间数据库已广泛地应用于GIS,CAD、机器人、计算几何、计算机视觉、医学图像和多媒体系统等领域。

    Spatial databases are being applied widely in many applications such as GIS , CAD , Robot , Computation , Geometry , Computer Vision , Physic Image and Multimedia System etc.

  11. Voronoi图是计算几何的一种仅次于凸包的重要几何结构,也是计算几何的重要研究内容之一。

    The Voronoi diagram is a very important geometric structure and a very important research topic in computational geometry .

  12. 从数据库技术、海量存储技术、数据挖掘、计算几何、DNA计算、网格计算、机器学习、人工心智、WEBService等方面,就生物信息学对计算机科学发展的促进作用进行了论述。

    In this paper , we discuss the promotion of bioinformatics to computer science from many aspects including database technology , massive storage technology , data mining , computer geometry , grid computing , machine learning , artificial intelligence , web service .

  13. 本文利用计算几何的曲面理论,选择均匀双三次B-Spline曲面,对船体曲面进行了数学表达。

    In this paper the uniform bicubic B & Spline surface is selected for expressing the ship hull surface by using the surface theory of computational geometry .

  14. 图形应用中Rectangle类的变化可能导致计算几何应用变化,编译和测试,反之亦然;

    A change to the Rectangle class for the graphical application may lead to a change , build , and test for the computational geometry application , and vice-versa .

  15. 在计算机技术蓬勃发展的时期,空间数据库在计算机视觉、图像识别、环境保护、计算几何、地理信息系统(GIS)以及数字地球等领域被广泛地应用。

    With the rapid development of computer technology , spatial database is widely used in areas of computer vision , image recognition , environmental protection , computational geometry , geographic information systems ( GIS ) and digital earth .

  16. 顾及地形特征线的散点域(约束数据域)三角剖分是建立高精度数字地面模型的基础,在GIS、地学分析、计算几何、多分辨率DTM等领域中有着广泛的应用。

    The triangulation of constrained data set is widely used in Geographic Information System ( GIS ), geo-science , computational geometry , multi-resolution and high precision DTM , et al .

  17. Voronoi图是计算几何当中相当重要的一部分,并且在很多领域当中有重要的应用。

    Voronoi diagram is a very important and practical part of them computational geometry , and in many areas , which has important applications .

  18. Crust算法是一种基于计算几何中的Voronoi周期图的曲面重建算法,算法简单,重建结果精细,但由于计算量太大,其应用受到了限制。

    The Curst algorithm is a surface reconstruction algorithm on the basis of Voronoi map in calculation geometry . It is simple and the reconstructed result is very fine .

  19. Voronoi网格作为空间离散划分的基本数据结构单元,是计算几何领域重要的研究方向之一。

    As a basic data structure element of discrete space division , Voronoi mesh is an important research direction in the field of computational geometry .

  20. 交叉数是图的非平面性的一个重要度量,已广泛应用于离散和计算几何、VLSI电路设计以及数学和理论计算机科学的其它领域。

    The crossing number is an important measure of non-planarity of a graph , with applications in discrete and computational geometry , VLSI circuit design , and in several other areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science .

  21. 全景图生成是近年来兴起的基于图像的绘制技术(Imaged-BasedRendering,IBR)中的重要研究内容,涉及到计算机图形学、图像处理及计算几何等诸多学科。

    Constructing panoramic images is an important research content of imaged-based rendering ( IBR ), concerned with many subjects such as Computer Graphics , Image Processing and Calculating Geometry .

  22. 安全计算几何问题也是安全多方计算的一个研究领域,Du等人在该领域做了一些工作,提到了几何计算的很多问题,并且给出了该领域的一个研究框架。

    Privacy-preservation computational geometry is one of research field of secure multi-party computation . Attalla and Due had do some work in privacy-preserving geometric computations . They mentioned many specific problems of geometric computations , and proposed a research framework in this field .

  23. 给出了伺服输入曲柄滑块机构的控制模型,将计算几何中的Bezier曲线作为输入曲柄的运动轨线,建立了优化数学模型,采用一种改进的遗传算法进行求解。

    A control model of the slider-crank mechanism with the variable input speed is developed . The input motion characteristics are planned with Bezier curves of the computational geometry . An optimization model is established and a modified genetic algorithm is utilized to obtain the global optimal solution .

  24. 第二章:计算几何中相关三角剖分的算法基础。

    Chapter Two : The algorithm basis of triangulation in Computer Geometry ;

  25. 基于计算几何方法的飞行冲突检测

    Conflict detection in free flight based on computational geometry method

  26. 提出了一种用计算几何方法评定直线度误差的算法,并以实例加以验证,同时和以往算法进行了比较。

    A computational geometry algorithm for assessing straightness is presented .

  27. 多边形三角剖分是计算几何的一个几何基元。

    Triangulate partitioning polygon is geometric primitives of computational geometric .

  28. 基于计算几何的一种航带设计算法

    An Algorithm of Flight Path Design Based on Computational Geometry

  29. 变电站定位及供电区域划分的计算几何方法

    A Counting Geometric Method for Locating and Power Supply Area Plotting of Substations

  30. 叶片空间造型的计算几何方法

    A computational geometry method for blade space geometric design