
  • 网络Case;computer aided software engineering;Computer-Aided Software Engineering;CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
  1. 计算机辅助软件工程在参数表维护中的应用

    Applications of CASE in Maintenance of Parameter Tables

  2. 系统分析和系统设计是管理信息系统(MIS)建设的关键步骤,采用优秀的计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)工具来支持系统分析和系统设计能提高工作效率。

    System analysis and system design is a key step of MIS development . Using excellent computer aided software engineering tools can make system analysis and system design more efficient .

  3. 80年代软件工程领域曾经出现过计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)的热潮,人们希望依靠CASE来实现工业化大生产。

    In the early 80 's , there has been a CASE upsurge , which was expected to realize the industrialized production of software .

  4. 在过去的十年中,许多供应商已经发展了基于UML的工具,值得注意的是这些工具所支持的自动化标准比传统的CASE(计算机辅助软件工程)工具标准更高。

    In the past decade , a number of vendors had developed UML-based tools that supported significantly greater levels of automation than traditional CASE ( computer-aided software engineering ) tools .

  5. 还可以向建模人员提供用于特定任务的其他工具,如计算机辅助软件工程(Computer-AidedSoftwareEngineering,CASE),以用于对网站联合的内容进行组织。

    You may be able to provide other tools to the modeler for specific tasks , such as computer-aided software engineering ( CASE ) for organizing content for a federation of Web sites .

  6. 各部分软件的协作运行,实现系统的自动发药操作。在系统设计过程中,较多地应用了CASE(计算机辅助软件工程)技术。

    All parts of the system cooperate with each other to complete the distribution of drugs automatically . A large number of Computer Aided Software Engineering ( CASE ) technologies are applied during designing stage of system .

  7. 计算机辅助软件工程(computeraidedsoftwareengineering,CASE)环境作为一类复杂的系统软件,一般由一套工具集和工具集成框架组成。

    The CASE ( Computer-aided Software Engineering ) environment , As a kind of complicated system software , Is generally composed of a tool suite and tool integration framework . At present , its software architecture is evolving from a layered structure to bus structure .

  8. 软件复用是计算机辅助软件工程(CASE)的核心技术.阐述软构件集成化思想和软件库管理系统设计方式,并探讨管理信息系统(MTS)开发中软件复用技术的应用。

    Software reusability is the kernel technology for computer aided software engineering . This paper gives a detailed introduction to software component iC and software base management system design , and also deals with the application of software reuse technology to the development of management information system .

  9. 要提高车用电控软件的开发效率,只有通过有效地使用计算机辅助软件工程的有关工具(CASE-Tools),如建模、仿真和软件测试工具等才可能实现。

    An efficient development of softwares for automobile electronic control systems can only be achieved by efficient using of CASE-Tools - such as tools for modeling , simulation and software tests .

  10. 计算机辅助软件工程与构件库的集成研究

    Integration of computer aided software engineering and components library

  11. 提出了研究计算机辅助软件工程环境的新思路,可供软件工程、人工智能、信息管理和办公室自动化领域的科技工作者参考。

    It will be refer-eced by working personnel who study field of software engineering , artificial intellingence , information management and official automation .

  12. 从可视程序设计语言角度设计出了一个计算机辅助软件工程工具&数据结构图,并给出了该图的语法。

    A method to design a computer aided software engineering tool data structure diagram is presented , and so is the syntax of the data structure diagram .

  13. 重庆电子科技职业学院教务管理信息系统在总体规划、分析及模块的设计上采用结构化生命周期开发方法,同时在具体设计和开发过程中结合了计算机辅助软件工程方法。

    Structured Analysis & Developing Method was adopted in total layout design and module development of the Management Information System of Chongqing Electronic Job Technology Institute 's educational administration .

  14. 介绍了如何针对工程图学中二维动画的特点,运用计算机辅助软件工程及自动程序设计思想来编制二维动画程序自动生成工具。

    2D animation CASE tool is developed to build the animation base of engineering graphics through referring to automatic programming and computer aided software engineering , in view of the features of 2D animation engineering graphics .

  15. 使用VISUALSTUDIO集成开发环境编写地源热泵抽灌井计算机辅助设计软件,方便工程设计人员使用。

    Using Visual Studio integrated development environment to compile the ground source heat pump computer-aided design software for engineering designers .

  16. CASE是计算机辅助技术应用于软件工程的结果,是目前信息系统设计开发集成环境与工具研究的热点和发展方向。

    CASE which emerges from an application of computer aided technology to software engineering is a research and application hot field and development direction for the integrated design and development environment and tools of software .

  17. CASE是将计算机辅助技术应用于软件工程而产生的一种高科技领域,是当前软件设计开发集成环境与工具的重要研究方向,对于提高软件产品的生产率和质量具有重要的现实意义。

    CASE which is a hi-tech area emerged from an application of computer aided technology to software engineering is an important research direction for the integrated design and development environment and tools of software . It is significant and realistic for productivity and quality of software .