
jì liànɡ dān wèi
  • unit of measurement
  1. 法定计量单位在化学中应用的若干问题

    Some questions of legal unit of measurement in the use of Chemistry

  2. 蓬松度的计量单位是立方英寸。

    The unit of measurement of the filling power is expressed in cube inches .

  3. 每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。

    Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day

  4. ERP系统中计量单位的设计和使用

    Design and usage of unit of measure in ERP systems

  5. N1是表份的单位名词(unitnoun),作为计量单位和数词、介词of一起构成数量语块对N2进行量的描述。

    N_2 refers to the thing being measured , and N_1 is the noun used as measure unit .

  6. 主要对ERP系统中计量单位的使用需求及重要影响进行分析,设计计量单位的数据结构及系统实现方式。

    The requirement and important influence of unit of measure was analyzed to design the data structure and system realization in ERP systems .

  7. 我们的表是一个叫做convert的简单的表,其中包含公制与美制计量单位的换算因子。

    For our table , we 'll have a simple table called convert which contains conversion factors for converting between metric and American units .

  8. 空调器在进行制冷(热)运转单位时间内从密闭空间除去的热量,法定计量单位W(瓦)。

    Air conditioner in refrigeration ( hot ) operation unit within the time from an airtight room removed from the heat , the statutory measurement unit W ( watts ) .

  9. 目前为止,该能量捕捉器的功效还十分之效,小到计量单位运用的是毫瓦,而不是兆瓦,不过当其收集到足够的能量时,它能够为小型的传感器和RFID装置补给电量。

    So far , the energy captured is minute-measured in microwatts and milliwatts , not megawatts-but is able to gather enough juice to power small sensors and RFID tags .

  10. 阳光明媚的一天就相当于10万勒克斯单位的光线亮度(lux是亮度计量单位),而室内照明只有大约300勒克斯单位。

    A sunny day is equivalent to 100,000 lux the measure of brightness - while indoor lighting only provides around 300 lux .

  11. 确保计量单位(uom)默认是正确的。

    Make sure the Unit of Measure ( UOM ) that defaults is correct .

  12. 本文按日为计量单位,利用HABAS程序表示出从1995年至2004年发生在韩国沿岸的有害性赤潮的空间分布、密度和生物种。

    In this study , HABAS ( Harmful Algal Bloom Analysis System ) program showed the dispersion area , species and density of daily algal bloom from 1995 to 2004 in Korean waters .

  13. 在用DXS-302流量积算器测量饱和水蒸汽的质量流量时,由于饱和水蒸汽的密度与压力不成线性关系,因此采用了法定计量单位条件下的经验公式进行计算。

    In measuring mass flow of saturated steam by using DXS-302 flow integrating meters , because the relationship between the density of saturated steam with its pressure isn 't linear , experiential formulas calculation of legal measurement unit has been adopted .

  14. 法定计量单位在林业科技研究论文中的应用

    Application of statutory measure unit in article of forestry technological research

  15. 在教学、科研中贯彻我国法制计量单位使用规范的探讨

    The Discussion of the Scientific Unit System in Education and Research

  16. 农业院校学报非法定计量单位现象及原因分析

    A case analysis of illegal measurement units in Agricultural College Journals

  17. 化工计算中的计量单位及换算软件的设计与开发

    Measurement units and development of unit conversion software in chemical engineering

  18. 中国的长度计量单位,一尺等于三分之一米。

    Chinese unit of length equaling one third of a meter .

  19. 非弹性位移量及坝体砼的平均弹模值分析弹性模数[模量];弹性组件;弹性计量单位

    Analysis of nonelastic deformation and average elastic modulus of dam concrete

  20. 力矩扳手的计量单位为镑-寸或者公斤-厘米。

    The measuring unit of torque wrench is pound-inch or kilogram-centimeter .

  21. 亚洲债券基金的价值转换器是一个应用计量单位的转换。

    ABF Value Converter is an application for measurement units conversion .

  22. 国家实行法定计量单位制度。

    A system of legal measures is implemented in the country .

  23. 前提:两物料的库存计量单位必须一致。

    Prerequisite : both materials have the same stock keeping unit .

  24. 接下来的两个xbrli:context元素定义计量单位。

    The next two xbrli : context elements define units of measure .

  25. 计量单位应便于信息使用者理解。

    The measurement unit should be understandable to the users .

  26. 种植业生产效能计量单位的一种表示方法

    An expression method of measurement unit in plant production efficiency

  27. 科技论文中法定计量单位运用之刍议

    A Brief Discussion about Using the Statutory Measuring Unit in Scientific Thesis

  28. 科技文献中实施法定计量单位所存在的问题

    Problems existing in the enforcement of legal quantity and units

  29. 天文科技论文计量单位存在的一些问题

    Some Problem for the Units Used in the Astronomical Articles

  30. 用以多种价值为计量单位的假设代替货币计量假设的观点。

    Monetary measurement postulate with based on the criteria of value postulate .